Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The US has requested that Iraq extradite Hezbollah commander Ali Mussa Daqduq, who is still in Iraqi custody. Daqduq trained Shia militias on behalf of Iran’s Qods Force and was involved in the kidnapping and murder of US soldiers in Karbala in 2007.


The commander of UNIFIL warned that five al Qaeda operatives living in Palestinian refugee camps are plotting to kill Lebanese Prime Minister Nabih Berri. Other politicians and leaders are said to be marked for assassination.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released 27 Yemeni soldiers who have been captured during military operations in Shabwa. Yemen’s foreign minister accused Iran of “intervention in internal affairs.”


A Somali official said that seven Shabaab fighters were killed before the terror group lost control of Afmadow. An estimated $130 million in foreign aid funds to the Somali government has disappeared.


A suicide bomber killed five policemen in Nangarhar. Eight policemen and six Taliban fighters were killed in Badakhshan, eight Taliban fighters were killed in Kandahar and six more were killed in Faryab, two Afghan soldiers were killed in Herat, two policemen were killed in Nangarhar, and two ISAF soldiers were killed in the south. The […]


The Lashkar-e-Islam denied having links with the doctor who was imprisoned for aiding Osama bin Laden. The military denied reports that US trainers have re-entered Pakistan, and said it successfully tested Hatf-VIII, a “stealth” air-launched cruise missile.


Insurgents killed 18 Iraqis and wounded more than 50 in six bombings in Baghdad. The bombs were detonated near a restaurant, at policemen’s homes, and as a police patrol passed by. A police major was killed in a shooting in Mosul.


Four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and three Yemeni soldiers were killed in fighting in Rada’a in Baydah province. The Houthis said that they would conduct peace talks with the government. Dozens of Houthis and tribesmen were killed in clashes in Hajja.


The Kenyan military said it has taken control of the southern towns of Afmadow and Hayo. Kenya’s Army chief also said Shabaab would be ejected from Kismayo by the end of August. The Kenyan Navy killed 14 Shabaab fighters near Kismayo.


Police have confirmed that an IED was the cause of Monday’s blast at a mall. Police are looking for two suspects, and also released a photograph of Emra Erdogan, a Shabaab operative from Turkey or Germany.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb executed a German hostage as the military launched a raid to rescue him in the city of Kano. AQIM had demanded the release of a female jihadist imprisoned in Germany. An Italian engineer was kidnapped in Kwara.


A court sentenced 17 members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan to prison terms of between nine and 23 years. Five of the IMU operatives trained in camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan.


The Pakistani doctor who helped the US find Osama bin Laden was convicted of providing support to the Lashkar-e-Islam, according to court documents. A wanted Taliban fighter was among four people who were killed during a tribal meeting in Mansehra.


The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in separate attacks in the south. The Taliban also denied rumors that Jalaluddin Haqqani died of kidney failure.


Security forces killed 10 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in air and artillery strikes in Jaar and Sharqa. President Hadi said that AQAP’s bombings of a pipeline in Marib have cost Yemen more than $2 billion.


Four security personnel and two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Galkayo. Somali and Ethiopian forces captured 20 Shabaab fighters in Hudur.


Pakistani aircraft killed 21 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Arakzai and Khyber. Pakistan conducted a successful test fire of the Hatf IX, a short-range nuclear missile.


ISAF confirmed it killed Sakhr al Taifi, a Saudi who served as al Qaeda’s second in command in Afghanistan, in Sunday’s airstrike in Kunar. The Taliban killed four policemen and a former Taliban commander who had become a police chief in Baghlan, and five soldiers in separate attacks. Two Taliban fighters were killed when their […]


Eleven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and five soldiers were killed in fighting in Zinjibar and Jaar. Saudi Arabia is advising citizens not to travel to Yemen. The EU may freeze the assets of former president Saleh and his family.


Security forces killed 21 Taliban fighters in operations and targeted two al Qaeda leaders in Kunar. The Taliban killed four policemen in Baghlan and an ISAF soldier in the south. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in the east; another helicopter crashed in the east, but no casualties were reported.


A member of the Baghdad provincial council is a leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, according to the Baghdad Police Command. Insurgents killed four soldiers and a police officer in Wasit, and three soldiers west of Mosul.


US drones killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike that targeted the group’s leader for Baydah. The Yemeni military killed six AQAP fighters in Zinjibar and said it has taken key positions outside of Jaar.


Twenty-eight people were wounded in a blast at a mall in Nairobi. Witnesses saw a man leave a bag at the scene shortly before the blast. Prime Minister Odinga claimed the blast was caused by a terrorist attack.