Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed 34 Taliban fighters in Nuristan, Kunar, Ghor, and Ghazni. Police in Takhar arrested seven members of “armed opposition groups” involved in poisoning schoolgirls. Sixty schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar.


The military said 26 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Zinjibar and Jaar. The military defeated an AQAP attempt to take the city of Attaq, the capital of Shabwa province.


“Gunmen” killed four people in an attack on a bus in Mudug. A Shabaab spokesman denied reports that Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys surrendered to the government.


Police arrested a suspected Shabaab operative as he attempted to cross the border in Busia from Somalia. The operative is thought to lead a cell that is plotting attacks in Nairobi and Kampala.


“Gunmen” killed a retired Deputy Inspector General of Police and two associates in Kano. Explosions and gunfire rocked a neighborhood in Maiduguri as security forces cordoned the neighborhood.


US drones killed fifteen “militants” in a strike in Mir Ali. Abu Yahya al Libi, al Qaeda’s second in command, is rumored to have been killed in the strike, but the report is unconfirmed.


Mullah Abdul Salam Zakir, the brother of the Taliban’s military emir, and 25 of his fighters were killed during an ISAF and Afghan operation in Kajaki. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Paktika and three more in Logar. The Taliban killed two students in an IED attack in Kabul. NATO came to an agreement […]


A suicide bomber killed 26 Iraqis in an attack on the Shi’ite Endowment in Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq had previously threatened to target Iraqi Shia in Baghdad and elsewhere.


An Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed four people in an attack against a pro-government militia in Abyan. Houthi rebels stormed a headquarters of the Islah party in Saada.


Boko Haram claimed credit for yesterday’s suicide attack on a church in Bauchi that killed 15 people. “Today God gave us victory by launching a suicide attack on a church in Yelwa neighborhood in Bauchi city,” that statement said.


Shabaab is estimated to have 7,733 fighters, including 1,082 foreigners, in its ranks. The number is down from 14,426 in February 2011. Shabaab has been conscripting children in Galgadud. Police arrested two men involved in a recent IED attack in Galkayo.


Anti-Terrorism Police detained seven men who were taking pictures of airplanes taking off and landing at Wilson Airport in Nairobi. The seven men, including two Somalis, claimed to be tourists.

Brother of Taliban’s military commission reported killed

Mullah Abdul Salam Zakir, the brother of the former Guantanamo Bay detainee who quickly assumed command of the Afghan Taliban’s military branch, is said to have been killed during a raid in northern Helmand province. ISAF has not confirmed Salam’s death.


The Taliban killed three civilians in Uruzgan, a policeman in Nangarhar, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Thirty schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar. The top ISAF general in the north said the Taliban have been defeated there.


Eleven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and two soldiers were killed during fighting in Zinjibar and Jaar. Yemeni troops are being transferred from Lawdar to Sharqa, which is under al Qaeda’s control.


A suicide bomber killed 15 people in an attack on a Christian church in Bauchi. The attack is the seventh suicide bombing in Nigeria this year.


The Taliban killed two policemen in Uruzgan and a British soldier in Helmand. Coalition and Afghan forces rescued two foreign and two Afghan aid workers in Badakhshan and killed four Taliban commanders in Badghis. Ninety-seven school girls were poisoned in Takhar.


Several people were killed during fighting between Houthis and Salafists in the Kitaf district in Saada. Yemen and Iraq signed an agreement to share intelligence on terrorists operating in the region.


Syrian Tribal Networks and their Implications for the Syrian Uprising


US and Afghan troops killed 14 Taliban fighters who assaulted FOB Salerno in Khost. A suicide bomber killed five policemen in Kandahar. The Taliban killed two policemen in Nangarhar.