Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Two protesters were killed by Tuareg rebels from the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad in Gao. Ansar Dine, an al Qaeda-linked group, released a video claiming its fighters defended the protesters from the MNLA attack.


Senegalese intelligence said that “specific threats of attacks” in the country from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have emerged as Senegal plans to deploy troops to Mali. “It now regards Senegal as a hostile country.”


US drones killed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander and two fighters in a strike in Aden. Five AQAP fighters escaped from a prison in Hodeidah.


Somali and African Union forces took control of Balad as Shabaab fighters abandoned the district without a fight. Shabaab forces controlled Balad for three years before retreating. Combined forces are setting their sights on Jowhar next.


The Malakand Taliban crossed the border from Afghanistan and killed 17 Pakistani troops; seven were reportedly beheaded. ISAF commander General Allen will visit Pakistan tomorrow to review border security.


Six policemen and five Taliban fighters were killed during clashes in Uruzgan. ISAF killed five Taliban commanders in an airstrike in Nuristan. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the west. The Taliban again poisoned more than 100 schoolgirls in Sar-i-Pul.


The Yemen Executive Mine Action Center said that 25 people, including three engineers, have been killed in land mines that have been planted in Abyan province by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Engineering teams have blown up more than 2,400 bombs and shells left by AQAP.


The Minister of Defense said the government would expand operations against Shabaab in Somalia. A judge was gunned down in Las’anod.


Boko Haram fighters freed more than 40 prisoners after storming a jail in Yobe. An IED blast near a pub in Bauchi wounded nine people. President Goodluck Jonathan said the government is seeking “new tactics” to combat Boko Haram.


The Interior Ministry said 20 Taliban fighters have been killed during operations. The Taliban killed two policemen in Nangarhar and an ISAF soldier in the south. Two ISAF soldiers and two Afghan civilians were killed in a road accident in Kandahar.


Two Yemeni soldiers and three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Marib province. The AQAP fighters were attempting to destroy a power line.


Ethiopia said it will extend its troop deployment in Somalia until the country ratifies its constitution and is capable of defending itself. Somalia will reportedly disband the transitional government in 60 days.


Police detained 15 Somalis who are suspected of being involved in a bombing in Mandera that wounded two policemen. Nine of the Somalis have since been released and six are still being held. Kenya denounced a recent US terror advisory as “economic sabotage” of Mombasa’s tourism industry.


The Joint Military Task Force killed four Boko Haram fighters during a raid in Kano; a car bomb was also seized in the raid. A bomb was detonated outside of a nightclub in Abuja; no casualties were reported.


The Taliban killed five members of a policeman’s family in Faryab, a district police chief and two policemen in Logar, two civilians in Nangarhar, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters and detained 51 more. Ten insurgents reconciled in Herat. UNAMA is scaling back its operations.


The Yemeni military said it has regained full control of the city of Azzan in Shabwa province from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The terror group seized control of Azzan one year ago.


Somali and African Union forces took control of El-ma’an, a port east of Mogadishu, and the Esaley Airstrip. Three Somali military commanders were wounded in a bombing in a cafe in Mogadishu.


A five-man Taliban suicide assault team took control of a lakeside hotel in Kabul for 12 hours; the five Taliban fighters and 18 Afghans were killed during the attack. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in separate attacks in the south.

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Fourteen Iraqis were killed and dozens more were wounded in a pair of bombings at a market in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad. Insurgents attempted to assassinate the head of the Sunni Endowment in Samarra.