Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces captured two IMU leaders in Kunduz and killed 28 Taliban fighters. The Taliban killed three policemen in Nimroz and denied President Karzai’s claim that the group joined a commission to discuss peace talks.


Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters who escaped from a prison in Hudiayah were recaptured in Dhale. Soldiers freed a brigade commander who failed to pay his troops.


Seventeen members of a Taliban suicide assault team were killed in attacks in Kandahar; three policemen and three children were also killed. A suicide bomber wounded 25 people in Jawzjan. The Taliban assassinated Ghazni’s attorney general. President Karzai wants the release of all of the Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo.


Three people were killed during fighting in Beledweyne. A pro-governemnt militia took control of El Bur as Shabaab forces retreated. Shabaab arrested a group of farmers in Jowhar after they refused to pay a tax.


The Taliban killed eight Pakistani soldiers in North Waziristan. Jamaat-ud-Dawa flags were prevalent at the Difa-e-Pakistan march against the reopening of NATO’s supply routes to Afghanistan.


Twenty-two Taliban fighters and five Afghan policemen were killed during a clash in Helmand and seven ISAF soldiers were killed in IED attacks in the south and east. The Taliban killed 14 civilians in two IED attacks in Kandahar. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Kabul, Kunar, and Kunduz.


Security forces detained 42 suspected terrorists during the Shia pilgrimage to Karbala. The trial of Vice President Hashemi has been postponed as a federal court reviews an appeal.


Kenya: Death of Muslim preacher exposes the real face of terror


The Taliban killed 11 Afghans and an ISAF soldier in attacks. The Taliban publicly executed a woman for adultery in Parwan. The US granted Afghanistan the status of a special ally.


A suicide bomber killed seven members of his own family, including his target, an Awakening leader, in Ramadi. Security forces detained two Iraqis, a Sudanese, and an Egyptian who were plotting to kill Shiites.


Security forces killed four protesters at a secessionist rally in Aden. The military said more than 40 al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula fighters are en route to Aden to free fellow fighters from a jail.


Security forces rounded up more than 150 men between the ages of 15 and 25 who are suspected of being members of Shabaab. More than 1,000 families have been displaced due to fighting in Balad.


One person was killed during a military raid on a Boko Haram hideout in Damaturu. Boko Haram is suspected of brutally killing two people in Maiduguri.


The US killed 17 “militants” in a drone strike in Datta Khel in North Waziristan. The US released $1.1 billion in Coalition Support Fund to Pakistan after NATO’s supply lines were reopened.


A Shabaab fighter was killed in a premature detonation in Yaqshid. Security forces detained 10 suspected Shabaab fighters in Balad.


The Kenyan Defense Forces have officially joined the African Union Mission in Somalia. Prime Minister Raila Odinga said Kenyan forces would battle Shabaab in Somalia until it is defeated.


Security forces killed 27 Taliban fighters and detained eight more, including three Pakistanis. The government released 79 Taliban members as part of a reconciliation push. The French have turned over Kapisa province to Afghan forces.


A suicide bomber killed five people in Mosul; 20 more Iraqis were wounded in the attack. Iraq’s foreign minister said al Qaeda in Iraq fighters are supporting the insurgency in Syria.


Security officials said they seized documents from al Qaeda operatives on plans to establish Islamic emirates in Lahj and Sayoon. Sheikh Abdul Majeed al Zindani denied US claims that he is tied to al Qaeda.


Police detained more than 30 people suspected of being involved in bombings at two churches in Garissa; 20 are still in custody. The deputy speaker of parliament denied claims that Kenya is setting up an autonomous state in southern Somalia.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has imposed sharia, of Islamic law, in Gao. Fighters have occupied the town’s hospital and are storing weapons there.