Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Shabaab killed a member of parliament in a car bombing in Mogadishu and shot and killed two more people in a bombing in Afgoye. Kenyan aircraft struck a Shabaab training camp in Howsingo, killing 18 people.


A female politician was murdered in Maiduguri. A car bomb was detonated near a church in Kogi; one person was detained in connection with the attack.


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters during operations nationwide. The Taliban killed two security guards in Herat. The minister of higher education and two members of parliament survived an IED attack in Baghlan.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative killed himself in a premature detonation at his workshop in Sana’a. A French aid worker who was kidnapped three months ago was freed.


One person was killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. Security forces detained 89 suspected Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu.


The Taliban killed two soldiers in an ambush in South Waziristan. The leader of a lashkar was killed in an IED attack in Khyber.


A suicide bomber killed a prominent Afghan member of parliament, the western zone police commander, a provincial intelligence chief, and several senior Afghan officials, in an attack at a wedding in Samangan. The Taliban killed a district governor in Herat and an ISAF soldier in the east.


Insurgents killed five security personnel in an attack on a checkpoint in Rashidiyah. Insurgents also killed two policemen and two civilians in an attack on a checkpoint in Hammam al Alil.


A suicide bomber killed five people in an attack at a mosque in Maiduguri on Friday. The attack appears to have targeted a senior Muslim leader and the deputy governor of Borno state.


The Taliban killed the head of women’s affairs in a bombing in Laghman and an ISAF soldier in an IED attack in the south. President Karzai said Mullah Omar can be president of Afghanistan. The defense ministry said that attacks against Afghan forces are up by 40 percent.


Kenyan strike aircraft killed 20 Shabaab fighters in an attack on a training camp in the village of Birta-dheer near Garbaharey. African Union troops found looted food aid at a Shabaab training camp in Lanta-Buro.


Ansar Dine, the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb are reported to have consolidated control of northern Mali. The National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad is said to have abandoned the north.


The Taliban killed eight policemen in an attack on a police training center in Lahore. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Bajaur.


Security forces killed 13 Taliban fighters. The Taliban killed a reporter and another man in Helmand. Sixteen Taliban fighters in Herat defected and joined the government.


Security forces are searching for three bomb makers from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Dagestan who are believed to be attempting to travel to Idb or Dhale. Officials increased security in Sana’a one day after 10 people were killed in a suicide attack.


Three aid workers, two Kenyans and a Somali, were kidnapped in the Ba’adweyne district in Puntland. Police blamed Shabaab fighters for the kidnappings.


Shabaab fighters wounded two policemen during an ambush in the Arabia area along the Somali border near Garissa. The Shabaab fighters escaped.


France’s foreign minister said that the use of force against Islamist groups in control of northern Mali is likely. “In the north, at one moment or another there will probably be the use of force,” Laurent Fabius said.


An Army brigadier was killed in an IED attack in Mosul. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for a series of bombings in June that targeted and killed scores of Shia worshippers.


A suicide bomber killed more than 20 people in an attack that targeted police cadets outside of a training center in Sana’a. The Yemeni military killed a senior Southern Movement leader in Aden.


Sheikh Aboud Rogo, Abubakar Sharif, and Omar Awadh, three Kenyans designated by the US as Shabaab supporters, have hired a lawyer to refute the claims. The lawyer said the three men fear being the target of US drones.


African Union and Somali troops took control of Lanta‐Buro, a village west of Mogadishu that hosted a Shabaab training camp. Shabaab claimed it killed eight Kenyan troops in an ambush in Jower Jubba and three Burundi soldiers in a sniper attack in Lafoole. Somali troops looted food aid in Afgoye.