Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

Al Qaeda

Qaedat al-Jihad claims responsibility for Bulgaria suicide attack


The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Nangarhar, and four more in a rocket attack in Kunar that was launched from Pakistan. Six Taliban fighters and three policemen were killed in clashes in Nimroz. The US has transferred 2,353 prisoners from the Bagram detention center to Afghan control.


Insurgents killed an Iraqi soldier in Baghdad and a Peshmerga fighter in Kirkuk. One of Vice President Khudayr al Khuzaie’s bodyguards was gunned down in Baghdad.


Police in Puntland captured a Yemeni who was transporting weapons and explosives. Shabaab forces abandoned the town of Burhakaba. The deputy director of the finance ministry was gunned down in Mogadishu.


Video shows Free Syrian Army rebels raid a border crossing between Syria and Turkey


The Taliban killed a district police chief and five policemen in an IED attack in Uruzgan. Security forces killed a Haqqani Network leader in Khost, and detained several insurgents in Kunduz and Kandahar.


The US is providing $112 million in military aid and training to Yemen this year. Iran denied Yemeni government officials’ claims that it was interfering in Yemen’s internal affairs.


The Muslim Youth Council, a Shabaab affiliate in Kenya, continues to recruit fighters for jihad, according to the UN. A police official said Shabaab has threatened to conduct attacks in Nairobi during Ramadan.


Two Egyptian soldiers traveling in Sheikh Zweid in the Sinai Peninsula were gunned down by Islamists. A security official said the attack was carried out by “jihadists who want to declare an Islamic emirate in the Sinai.”


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen killed two people at a market in Maiduguri. The government lifted a state of emergency that was imposed in four northern provinces affected by the Boko Haram insurgency.


Israeli officials say Iran will face retaliation for killing of tourists in Bulgaria


Russia, China veto UN Syria sanctions; US calls vote regrettable


The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in attacks in the south and east. The Interior Ministry denied Taliban claims that policemen have been defecting.


Syrian rebels seize all border posts with Iraq


The grand mufti of Tatarstan who opposed Saudi-funded Wahabi clerics and Salafist textbooks was badly wounded in a car bombing. His deputy was assassinated in a shooting at his home.

Al Qaeda

Disillusioned German Islamists Returning Home to Germany


Will Syria Regime Look for a Yugoslavia-Style Breakup?


Iraq said it would sue Syria’s former ambassador after he said he helped jihadists enter Iraq starting in 2003. Oil exports are down for the third straight month after reaching a peak in April.


A senior counterterrorism police colonel who targeted al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives in Yemen was assassinated in a car bombing in Aden. AQAP is thought to have carried out the attack.


Five people were wounded in a grenade attack in Wajir, near the Somali border. Three suspected Shabaab fighters were detained for the recent murder of a policeman near Mandera.


Sergey Denisenko and Andrei Kosolapov, two associates of jailed arms trafficker Viktor Bout, have been running a weapons smuggling operation from Mauritius. The island nation was used to funnel arms to Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Seven people were killed in a blast on a bus carrying Israeli tourists at the airport in the city of Burgas. One witness said the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber; the report has not been confirmed.