Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Taliban killed nine people in a bombing at a market in Bajaur. Three people were killed in a bombing at a Lashkar-e-Islam headquarters in Khyber. Pakistan temporarily shut down NATO’s supply route to Afghanistan.


Seven Taliban fighters, a police commander and two policemen, four security guards, and a child were killed during clashes. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south. Security forces detained two Haqqani Network commanders, a Taliban weapons smuggler, and several insurgents.


Six Kurdish security personnel were killed in a motorcycle bomb blast in Kirkuk. Security forces captured two al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Wasit.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula attacked local militias in Jaar; two AQAP fighters were reported killed during the attack. President Hadi ordered the military to send reinforcements to Abyan province.


Three policemen and three civilians were wounded in an IED attack inside of the Dadaab refugee camp near the Somali border. The attackers targeted a police vehicle guarding aid workers.


Security forces killed an al Qaeda-linked insurgent leader in Nuristan. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the west. Twenty security guards in Uruzgan surrendered to the Taliban.


Al Qaeda in Iraq’s political front, the Islamic State of Iraq, claimed credit for the July 23 bombings and attacks that killed more than 100 people. The government has barred Chevron from operating in Iraq after it negotiated deals with the Kurdish Regional Government.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula bomb maker and two of his sons were killed in a premature detonation at their home. Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Yemen denied reports that a Saudi diplomat kidnapped by al Qaeda has been released.


Ethiopian troops arrested two senior Somali police and military officers in Baidoa. Somali forces fought amongst themselves in Mogadishu. The UN said US drone operations over Somalia pose a threat to civilian flights.


The Taliban killed seven children in an IED blast in Ghor, an American and two Afghan engineers in Bamiyan, and an ISAF soldier in the east. A police commander and 15 policemen in Farah defected to the Taliban. Security forces killed an IMU leader in Kunduz.


Yemeni warplanes killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in airstrikes in the Al Mahfad area in Abyan province. AQAP is said to have regrouped in Al Mahfad after losing control of several areas in Abyan and Shabwa.


The leader of the Middle Belt Youths Focus warned that it would retaliate if Boko Haram and allied Muslim herdsmen continue to attack Christians. The Joint Military Task Force ended operations in Jos that sought to root out those conducting attacks in the region.

ISAF kills IMU leader in Afghan north

Special operations forces killed Khadim, an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader and explosives expert who recruited and trained fighters for suicide attacks, during yesterday’s raid in Kunduz.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed more than 100 people in coordinated attacks in 13 cities throughout Iraq. The border police have opened Iraq’s borders to Syrian refugees.

Saudi Arabia

The government freed five women who are linked to al Qaeda leaders and operatives. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has demanded their release in exchange for a diplomat who was captured in Yemen; the Saudi government denied that the women’s release is related.


Security forces defused a bomb that was placed near the Political Security Organization headquarters in Aden. Gunmen attempted to assassinate President Hadi’s aide.


Shabaab executed three men for spying for the CIA and MI6. Two of the men were involved in the drone strike that killed al Qaeda leader Bilal al Berjawi. Shabaab forces and Kenyan troops clashed in Qogani and Kulbiyow.

Shabaab executes 3 alleged spies

Two of the men who were executed had allegedly “planted tracking devices” that led to the strike that killed al Qaeda leader Bilal al Berjawi and three other “Muhajireen.”


The Taliban killed five Afghan security guards in Wardak and two ISAF soldiers in the south. A member of the Afghan security forces killed three ISAF civilian trainers in Herat. Two members of the high peace council in Zabul defected to the Taliban.


More than 25 Iraqis were killed in bombings and attacks throughout the country. Islamic State of Iraq leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi said al Qaeda would target Iraqi officials in a wave of assassinations.


Several Iranian diplomats were reportedly deported for spying and providing support to al Qaeda. The commander of an air force brigade in Hadramout was wounded in an IED attack near his home.