Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


A soldier was killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed it killed three Kenyan policemen in an ambush in Mandera, just across the Somali border. A tribal elder and his son were gunned down in Galkayo.


“Gunmen” opened fire on Vice President Namadi Sambo’s home in Zaria in Kaduna state. A civilian was killed as police and the attackers fought outside the home.


The Taliban killed a judge in a bombing inside a mosque in Uruzgan, and killed three policemen in Nangarhar. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said that the Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund, a vital counterinsurgency project, is likely to fall well short of its goals.


Eight Shabaab fighters were reportedly killed during fighting with Somali forces in Gedo. Shabaab claimed it assassinated the head of a government militia in Gofgudud.


Police released a photo of Muhamed Libani Hajji, a known Shabaab terrorist from Somalia. Hajji is thought to have entered Uganda to conduct attacks.


A suicide bomber killed a policeman in an attack at a government office in Sokoto. Eight people, including four Boko Haram fighters and two soldiers, were killed in attacks in Kano.


Ansar Dine buried an “adulterous” couple up to their necks, then stoned them to death. Spain has urged all of its citizens remaining in Mali to leave the country.


Seven “militants,” including six Uzbek fighters, were killed in a drone strike in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed one person in a bombing outside a movie theater in Manshera, and bombed a girls’ school in Swabi.


The Taliban killed a district governor in Wardak and two ISAF soldiers in the west. Security forces killed 17 Taliban fighters and detained 18 more during operations throughout the country.


Conflict In Syria Forcing Iraqi Refugees Out


Insurgents killed seven Iraqi policemen in separate attacks in Fallujah and Karma. Security forces detained an al Qaeda in Iraq explosives expert in an area just north of Karbala.


AL Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is suspected of killing the son of a Yemeni tribal chief with a parcel bomb in Baydah. Yemeni warplanes bombed two AQAP camps in the Al Mahfad area in Abyan. A guard at the Italian embassy was kidnapped in Sana’a. Tribesmen loyal to former President Saleh took control of […]


Shabaab claimed it killed 11 Ethiopian soldiers in separate attacks in Yurkud and Hudur, six Kenyan troops in Gedo, two Burundian soldiers in Daynille, eight “apostates” in Sinka Dheer, and scores of “apostates” in Mogadishu. Somali officials claimed 26 Shabaab fighters were killed in Gedo.


Spain evacuated foreign aid workers from refugee camps in Tindouf in western Algeria due to “growing insecurity” caused by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in northern Mali. Twelve Spaniards, two Frenchmen, and an Italian are being flown to Madrid.


West African nations, with the exception of Niger, responded coolly to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius’s request that they move swiftly to intervene militarily in northern Mali to counter the spread of Ansar Dine and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


Militiamen reportedly killed a senior Shabaab commander in Ufurow in Bay. Shabaab announced that it is interrogating three “spies.” Shabaab forces attacked an army base in Hudur.


Two Boko Haram fighters were killed after attacking a Joint Task Force vehicle in Maiduguri. Security forces detained 25 suspected Boko Haram members after the attack.


Special operations forces killed two insurgents while targeting an al Qaeda-linked leader in Ghazni. Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in Paktika. The Taliban condemned the destruction of ISAF bases.


Fifteen government officials in Baqubah quit after receiving death threats from al Qaeda in Iraq. Security forces detained 19 wanted men in Kirkuk.


Shabaab claimed it killed seven Kenyan troops in an ambush in Kulbiyow, and killed four soldiers in an IED attack in Baidoa. A bomb was detonated at a police checkpoint outside of Mogadishu’s Police Academy, where Somali delegates are writing a new constitution.


Boko Haram fighters killed four people, including two policemen, during an attack on a police station in Gubio. the police station and a local government office were burned down during the attack.