Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed “several insurgents” in an airstrike in Paktia. Eight Taliban fighters and two civilians were killed in clashes in Nuristan. Nineteen people were wounded in a bombing inside a mosque in Nangarhar.


Thirty-four Iraqis were killed in a series of insurgent attacks throughout the country over the past two days. The targets included security forces, Awakening militiamen, government workers, and civilians.


Heavy fighting broke out in Afmadow after Shabaab forces attacked Kenyan troops at their bases in the town. Shabaab claimed it killed six Ugandan troops in an IED attack on an armored personnel carrier in Mogadishu.


One person was killed in an apparent grenade attack outside a military airbase in the Eastleigh neighborhood in Nairobi. Eastleigh is a known haven for Shabaab.


A Boko Haram suicide bomber wounded several people in a failed attack outside of a mosque in Potiskum. The target of the attack was the senior traditional leader of Muslims in Yobe state.


Security forces killed five Haqqani Network fighters in Kabul and 24 other Taliban fighters in raids nationwide. A police commander killed 11 civilians in Uruzgan. The Taliban killed five civilians in Logar. Twenty-eight Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Ghor.


A court has blocked the extradition of Ali Mussa Daqduq, a senior Hezbollah operative who was transferred from US custody to Iraqi custody at the end of 2011. Daqduq helped Iran establish Shia terror groups in Iraq and was involved in the murder of five US soldiers in 2007.


A Somali comic who was critical of Shabaab was gunned down in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed credit for yesterday’s suicide attacks in Mogadishu and also climbed it killed nine militiamen in Baidoa and 12 militiamen and six Kenyan troops in Fahfahdhun.


The European Union deployed a Capacity Building Mission team to Niger to help combat the spread of Islamist terror groups in the Sahel region. The 50-man-strong EUCAP team is described as a civilian mission, but includes military advisers.


Three members of an al Qaeda cell, including a Turkish man, were detained during raids in San Roque and Almuradiel. Explosives were seized during the raid in San Roque. The men had recently been seen paragliding in Gibraltar, and may have been planning an attack there.


Specialists have made in an image of the face of the suicide bomber who killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgaria bus driver in Burgas. The suicide bomber’s head was decapitated and mutilated in the blast.


The Taliban killed a district police chief in Helmand, a senior police officer in Ghazni, four ISAF soldiers in the south and east, four civilians in Wardak, and a policemen in Uruzgan. Four Taliban fighters were killed in an airstrike in Wardak.


Afghanistan: Local Police Chief Arrested in Badakhshan over Tajikistan Unrest


Panetta: US force option against Iran nukes


‘There Are No Buyers’– Kabul’s Housing Boom Goes Bust Amid Uncertainty


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed four soldiers and a civilian in an attack on a police station in Jaar. Seventeen people, including 11 soldiers, were killed during fighting outside the Interior Ministry in Sana’a.


The Somali parliament approved a new constitution that is based on sharia, or Islamic Law; two suicide bombers were killed outside the building in Mogadishu where the vote took place.


Boko Haram claimed credit for suicide attacks on police stations in Sokoto and an assault on the vice president’s home in Kaduna. The Joint Task Force killed two Boko Haram fighters in Borno.


Nine Taliban fighters were killed in a tribal uprising against the group in the Muqur district in Ghazni. Security forces killed several Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Muqur in Ghazni, and a Haqqani network commander involved in suicide attacks in Paktia.


Twelve Iraqis, including seven policemen, were killed in a suicide attack and a car bombing in Baghdad; two more Iraqis were killed in a car bombing north of Fallujah. Security forces detained 20 “terrorists” in Diwaniyah.


Eight people were killed as tribesmen loyal to former President Saleh clashed with security forces at the Interior Ministry in Sana’a. Security forces captured a wanted al Qaeda leader who was behind attacks in Sana’a. AQAP fighters in Lahj surrendered to the government.