Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The leader of a pro-government militia in Abyan escaped an assassination attempt. Security forces detained seven al Qaeda operatives, including a Somali, in Jaar, and seized more than 20 suicide vests in a shop in Sana’a.


The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Kabul, three civilians in a suicide attack in Logar, and two ISAF soldiers in attacks in the south and east. Two Afghan troops gunned down an ISAF soldier in the east. Defense Minister Wardak has resigned.


The US killed an al Qaeda bomb maker and nine fighters in a pair of drone strikes in Baydah and Hadramout provinces. The government is sending four Egyptian AQAP fighters back to Egypt. Security forces detained six AQAP fighters in Jaar.


Shabaab claimed it killed 60 Ethiopian troops, took control of the town of Hudur, and torched the Ethiopian bases before withdrawing; Shabaab said seven of its fighters were killed. The Somali government is sending 220 police officers to Beledweyne.


The Taliban killed six Afghan soldiers in Musa Qala in Helmand; 11 policemen defected to the Taliban in Musa Qala. The Taliban killed a district police chief in Ghor and an ISAF soldier in the south. Police killed six Taliban fighters in Logar, Ghazni, and Herat.


Eleven members of al Qaeda in Iraq were caught while attempting to escape from the Abu Ghraib prison. Iraq’s oil pipeline through Turkey was shut down after a blast in Turkey.


Yemeni officials said that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula still has a strong presence in much of Abyan province, and security forces are spread too thin. The Aden petroleum refinery has reopened after a nine-month shutdown due to terror attacks in the south.


The Somali government claimed its forces killed 20 Shabaab fighters during a clash in Afgoye. Two people were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. The manager of Mogadishu’s airport was gunned down.

‘Global jihadists’ overrun Egyptian Army outpost on Israeli border

More than 10 Egyptian soldiers were killed as an al Qaeda-linked terror group overran an outpost, seized two armored personnel carriers, and crossed into Israel. Israeli troops destroyed one of the APCs, and killed six terrorists. In a separate operation, the Israeli Air Force targeted a Mujahideen Shura Council “terrorist squad” that was plotting future attacks.


ISAF killed al Qaeda’s emir and deputy emir for Kunar, and a facilitator in an airstrike on Aug. 3. Three Taliban commanders were killed during infighting in Balkh. President Karzai accepted parliament’s dismissal of the defense and interior ministers over cross-border attacks from pakistan.


Insurgents killed three policemen in Mosul and another in Baghdad, and a police commander in Rutbah. Three gunmen and two security personnel were killed in a clash Bayji.


The death toll of yesterday’s suicide attack at a funeral in Jaar has been revised upward to 45. The suicide bomber targeted Abdul Latif Al Sayed, the leader of an anti-al Qaeda tribal militia. Two of Sayed’s brothers were among those killed in the attack.


A suicide bomber killed five soldiers in an attack in Damaturu. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau labeled US President Obama a “global terrorist” and called on Nigerian President Goodluck to “repent.”


Security forces detained five Taliban fighters who were planning sectarian attacks in Multan and three “terrorists” in Lakki Marwat. Pakistan has reopened the Khyber crossing to NATO supplies.


Eight Taliban fighters and six civilians were killed in clashes throughout the country. The Taliban killed two New Zealand soldiers and two Afghan security personnel in Bamyan. Two officers at the Mazar-i-Sharif training center were detained for links to “armed opposition groups.”


US drones killed five Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Hadramout. A suicide homer killed 20 people and wounded 20 more in an attack at a funeral in Jaar in Abyan province.


Eighteen people were killed as Somali troops and Shabaab forces clashed in the Qansah-dhere district in Bay. Somalis in Mogadishu protested against robberies by government forces.


Security forces arrested a Boko Haram fighter during a raid on an IED factory in Kaduna. Explosions were heard in Maiduguri as the Joint Task Force conducted raids against Boko Haram.


Algerian Government Investigates Movement of Jihadists Into Syria

IMU announces death of emir, names new leader

usman_adil.jpgThe al Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan has announced the death of its emir, Abu Usman Adil, in a drone strike in Pakistan in April, and named Usman Ghazi to replace him. Adil was responsible for ramping up the IMU’s activities in Afghanistan.