Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Taliban killed three soldiers in an IED attack in North Waziristan. Two members of an anti-Taliban militia were killed in Khyber. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Mohmand.


The Taliban killed a district governor in Laghman, a tribal leader in Herat, and two policeman and four civilians in attacks in Kandahar and Uruzgan. Security forces detained several insurgents while targeting an al Qaeda associate in Ghazni and foiled a complex attack by the Haqqani Network in Kabul.


Insurgents killed three policemen and wounded three more officers and two civilians in a pair of bombings in Jurf al-Sakhar. Insurgents also shot and killed two employees of the Sunni endowment in Baghdad.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has freed a Swiss teacher who was kidnapped in Hodieda four months ago. AQAP doubled the ransom of a Saudi diplomat who was captured in March to $20 million.


Shabaab fighters attacked government bases in Elasha Biyaha; casualties have not been disclosed. Kenyan warships bombarded Kismayo, according to Shabaab. A Somali journalist was gunned down in Mogadishu.


Once mighty, Somalia’s army struggles to rebuild itself


An Afghan policeman killed three more US soldiers in Helmand; another policeman killed 11 of his comrades in Nimroz. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Paktia, Paktika, and Wardak.


“Gunmen” killed seven Shia as they were swimming in a lake in the village of Amerili near Tuz Khormato. Iraq has surpassed Iran to become the second largest OPEC oil producer.


Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al Qirbi said that the government would negotiate with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula if it agrees to renounce violence. President Hadi announced a major reorganization of the military and security forces.


Eight Somali soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu two days ago; Shabaab claimed credit for the attack. Security forces detained nine suspected Shabaab fighters in Baidoa.


The Joint Task Force detained several suspect Boko Haram fighters and seized weapons caches during raids in Maiduguri and Jere. Police arrested 20 suspects in the church massacre in Kogi.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released video of five of the six French hostages. AQIM said it was willing to negotiate for their release and dropped its demand that France withdraw from Afghanistan.


An Afghan police commander killed three US soldiers in Helmand province. The Taliban killed six civilians in an IED attack in Helmand, three ISAF soldiers in the south, and a British soldier in a separate attack in Helmand.


A History Of Iranian Weapons Shipments To Iraq


A suicide bomber killed five people in an attack on a Shia mosque in a village near Mosul. Insurgents killed four Awakening fighters in an attack near Tikrit. Security forces detained seven al Qaeda fighters in Daqouq.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed Brigadier General Omar Salem Barashid, the director of the Command and Staff College, in an IED attack in Mukalla in Hadramout province. President Hadi suspended 450 National Security officials accused of kidnapping protesters.


Shabaab claimed it killed “more than 20 apostate militia” in attacks in Mogadishu and a Kenyan soldier in a sniper attack in Badhaadhe. The African Union said Uganda over-deployed 600 troops and should pull them out of Somalia.


Hundreds of Philippine troops attacked two Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement camps in Maguindanao. Four soldiers and two BISF fighters have been killed during the fighting.


Two soldiers and nine Taliban fighters were killed during a clash in Dir. The Taliban killed a special forces soldier and bombed a girls’ school in Mohmand. Security forces detained a top aide to Swat Taliban Mullah Fazlullah during a raid in Nowshera, and three “terrorists” in Quetta.


NATO troops killed an Afghan soldier during a failed green-on-blue attack. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Ghazni, and Logar. A USAID worker was killed in yesterday’s suicide attack in Kunar.


Insurgents killed 13 Iraqis in a bombing in Tanmiyah, and a lawyer, his wife, and five sons in a shooting in Baghdad. Oil production has risen to three million barrels a day, the highest rate since 2002.


Security forces arrested four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters as they were traveling to Aden. The military identified the foreign AQAP fighters killed in a drone strike in Baydah two days ago. The US has increased aid to Yemen to $337 million.


Kenyan aircraft struck a Shabaab base in the village of Birta-Dheer north of Kismayo. Uganda has deployed elements of its Air Force to Somalia for an upcoming offensive to retake Kismayo. Somali troops killed two people after opening fire at a rally of the former prime minister.


The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers and a civilian in a suicide attack in Kunar, and five civilians in an IED attack in Farah. Ten Taliban fighters and a French soldier were killed in a clash in Kapisa. The UN said that targeted killings of government officials have risen by 53 percent.