Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Kenyan Defense Forces claimed to have killed 73 Shabaab fighters in Fafadun; two Kenyan troops were also killed. African Union and Somali forces reportedly have launched the offensive to retake Kismayo from Shabaab. Uganda said it would send more helicopters to Somalia despite the loss of three the other day.


Security forces said they broke up a plot to attack the Cherchell Joint Military Academy. Police arrested a 16-year-old suspect who said he was tasked by Houmat Al Daawa, a Salafist group, to scout for a suicide attack.


Police arrested a governor’s aide and four other people suspected of being involved in a church massacre in Kogi state. One person was wounded in an IED attack in Jos.


Six Taliban fighters were killed in a suicide assault on the Kamra Air Force Base in Punjab; one Pakistani soldier was also killed. “Gunmen” dragged 20 Shiites off a bus in Giglit and executed them.


Thirty-one Taliban fighters, seven Afghan soldiers, and an NDS agent were killed in clashes throughout the country. Seven Western soldiers, three Afghan troops, and an interpreter were killed in a helicopter crash in Kandahar. ISAF killed an IMU leader and “multiple insurgents” in an airstrike in Takhar.


Insurgents killed 21 Iraqis, including six policemen, in a series of bombings and armed attacks in Baghdad, Baqubah, Fallujah, and Kirkuk. Security forces arrested seven al Qaeda leaders in Anbar province.


Shabaab claimed it killed more than 60 Kenyan soldiers after overrunning their bases during an assault in Fahfahdhun in Gedo. Shabaab also claimed to have killed 20 Ethiopian soldiers in Hudur. Neither report has been confirmed.


The Taliban killed three policemen and a civilian in a bombing in Uruzgan, four children in an IED attack in Paktika, and an ISAF soldier in the east, and wounded 20 Afghans in a bombing in Herat. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Kunduz, and killed a Taliban leader and detained three “assassins” in […]


Security forces killed an Iraqi “gunman” and detained a Saudi man during a clash along the Syrian border in Rabia. Security forces also detained 15 wanted “terrorists” during a raid south of Kirkuk.


A southern separatist leader who was in exile in Britain was arrested as he landed at the airport in Aden. Britain has increased aid to Yemen to $300 million.


Security forces arrested three Tanzanian citizens who are suspected of belonging to Shabaab as they were crossing the border to Somalia. Government officials are blaming former Somali soldiers for recent attacks in Garissa.


A suicide bomber killed three civilians in a failed attempt to target a vehicle belonging to the Joint Task Force in Maiduguri. An Islamic scholar called on the national assembly to legalize sharia law.


Five Pakistani soldiers and 20 Taliban fighters were killed during clashes in Arakzai. NATO helicopters reportedly killed two Pakistanis along the Afghan border. Pakistani and Afghan forces traded artillery and rocket fire in Kunar province in Afghanistan.


The Taliban killed 36 Afghans in a suicide assault in Zaranj, the capital of Nimroz province. The Taliban also killed 15 Afghans in a bombing at a market in Kunduz. The Pakistani military killed one border policeman in an attack on Afghan border posts in Kunar.


Republican Guard forces surrounded the Defense Ministry and clashed with guards. The Republican Guard is led by one of former President Saleh’s sons, who opposes changes that have reduced his power.


Kenyan aircraft and warships killed five civilians during bombardments in Kismayo and Afmadow. Two Ugandan soldiers died after three Mi-24 helicopters en route to Somalia crashed in Kenya. Shabaab claimed it killed five Kenyan soldiers in an IED attack in El Adde.


The Taliban killed a district governor, a member of the High Peace Council, and three civilians in Talkhar. An Afghan policeman wounded two ISAF soldiers in an attack in Nangarhar. Special operations forces captured a senior IMU leader in Kunduz.


Shabaab claimed it killed three Burundian soldiers in Carbiska and “several spies” in Suuq Bacaad, Madina, and Bakaro. A Somali soldier killed a journalist in Mogadishu. Three Ugandan helicopters destined for Somalia crashed in Kenya.


Twenty Boko Haram fighters and a soldier were killed yesterday during a raid in Maiduguri. Police killed two Boko Haram fighters in a raid in Damaturu. A security guard was killed in a shooting outside of a church in Gombe.

ISAF captures ‘senior IMU leader’ in Kunduz

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader “directed improvised explosive device attacks in Kunduz province” and “acquired IEDs, weapons and rockets and distributed them to insurgents throughout the region.”