Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


A pipeline that feeds the Balhaf export terminal was bombed. Fighting broke out at an intelligence headquarters in Aden between government troops and suspected “militants”; no casualties were reported.


The Transitional Federal Government has been disbanded and replaced by the New Federal Parliament of Somalia, whose members were appointed by tribal leaders. The appointment of a new president has been delayed.


Prime Minister Meles Zenawi died of an undisclosed illness. Zenawi had ordered the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia in 2006 and supported operations in the country beginning in 2011. Shabaab celebrated his death and accused him of “annexing Somali Muslim territories into Ethiopia.”


An al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander was killed in an airstrike in Kunar province. The Taliban killed three family members of an adviser to President Karzai in an IED attack in Paktia. Police killed two suicide bombers in Faryab. New Zealand may withdraw its troops from Afghanistan earlier than planned.


Many of the 219 “criminals” pardoned by President Sharif are said to be Shabaab fighters. Sharif was the leader of the Islamic Courts Union, Shabaab’s predecessor, prior to being appointed president. Senior Shabaab leader Hassan Dahir Aweys was pictured leading Eid prayers in Barawe.


Security forces arrested an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader and two fighters in Berriane. Necib Tayeb, the AQIM leader, is said to be a longtime official and currently serves on the judicial shura.


The Economic Community of West African States has blocked arms shipments to Mali. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation said it would appoint an envoy to Mali to address the crisis there. A new unity government was formed in Mali.


US drones killed eight more “militants” in a pair of strikes in the Shawal Valley in North Waziristan. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Khyber.


The Taliban killed three New Zealand soldiers in an IED attack in Bamyan and two civilians in a bombing at a cemetery in Helmand. An Afghan policeman killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Four Pakistanis, two Arabs, and a Taliban commander were killed in an airstrike in Kunar. Police killed two Taliban after they […]


A senior Sunni cleric who sided with the government, denounced al Qaeda in Iraq, and sought to repair relations with the Shia community was badly wounded in an IED attack in Baghdad. Four of the cleric’s bodyguards were killed in the blast.


A “crazed gunman” killed nine people in a crowd that gathered outside of a mosque in Al Dhale. A southern secessionist movement leader who was detained after returning to Yemen from exile has been released.


US drones killed six “militants” in a strike in the Shawal Valley in North Waziristan. The Foreign Office issued a strong protest condemning the attack.


Fifty-two insurgents, including 12 commanders, were killed during an ISAF airstrike in Kunar province. The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Herat.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed 14 soldiers in a coordinated attack on an intelligence headquarters in Aden. Sixty-two Yemeni soldiers will be prosecuted for participating in an attack on the Defense Ministry.


Ten Salafist prisoners renounced al Qaeda and its ideology in a bid to be paroled. One of the men, Didi Ould Bezeid, had been sentenced to 12 years in prison for murdering American aid worker Christopher Leggett.


Security forces arrested two suspected al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb operatives at the Libyan border. The fighters, a Libyan and an Algerian, were carrying weapons and an “explosive belt” and had Afghan identity papers.


Six security personnel were killed in an IED attack in Quetta. One person was killed in a bombing in Karachi. Security forces detained 10 Taliban fighters thought to be involved in the attack on Kamra Air Force Base.


An Afghan policeman killed two US soldiers in Farah; an Afghan soldier wounded two US soldiers in Kandahar. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand.


More than 90 Iraqis were killed yesterday in a spate of bombings and shootings across the country. Security forces killed three suicide bombers in Anbar. More than one million Iraqis signed a petition calling for the death penalty.


An Afghan police official claimed that an ISAF airstrike killed more than 50 Taliban fighters, including 13 local commanders. Four people were killed in a bombing at a mosque in Herat. A former member of parliament was assassinated in Faryab.

DoD details general’s lavish travel, spending