Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Badruddin Haqqani, a senior Haqqani Network leader, and Emeti Yakuf, the emir of the Turkistan Islamic Party, are thought to have been killed in drone strikes. Security forces killed 28 Taliban fighters in Bajaur and detained a commander in Nowshera. Nine civilians were killed in a mortar attack in Khyber.


The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan’s emir for Bajaur, Mullah Dadullah, and his deputy, Shakir, were among 12 fighters killed in an airstrike in Kunar. Police killed 17 Taliban fighters during raids in Kabul, Logar, Ghazni, and Paktika. The Taliban killed seven Afghan soldiers in Kandahar.


Insurgents killed a policeman, a politician, and a civilian in shootings in Mosul, and wounded a colonel and and three soldiers as they were patrolling in Dhuluiyah.


Gunmen opened fire on Transportion Minister Waed Abdullah Bathib’s car in Sana’a; he was not wounded. Bathib is a member of the Yemen Socialist Party in Aden.


Security forces killed four Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu. A Shabaab military officer surrendered to the government in Puntland. Somali and AMISOM forces are reported to be advancing on Kismayo.


The Taliban killed four security personnel in Paktia, three policemen in Kapisa, and three security guards in Farah. Security forces detained a Pakistani suicide bomber and targeted an al Qaeda-linked Taliban leader in Ghazni.


Three people were killed in a pair of bombings at a Shia mosque in Sadr City in Baghdad. The government closed the border crossing point in Al Qaim.


Police detained six suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives during a raid in the southern port city of Aden. One of those detained was a mosque imam.


Somali officials said that 18 Shabaab fighters were killed in Kenyan airstrikes in Bardhere. Police detained six suspected Shabaab fighters in Buurdhuube.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa said that “Algeria will be subject to all the consequences” after the government rejected a plan for a hostage swap. The group threatened to kill an Algerian diplomat if Abd Arrahmane Abu Ishak and several other “brothers” are not freed in five days.


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters. Villagers in Ghazni killed two Taliban fighters. More than 30 missiles launched from Pakistan struck in Kunar province.


Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for an attack in Haditha that killed 27 policemen and scores of other attacks in Anbar province this summer. A Syrian fighter plane penetrated Iraqi airspace near Al Qaim.


Kenyan aircraft killed two civilians in Bardhere. Puntland forces detained dozens of fighters in Galkayo thought to be linked to Shabaab. Shabaab reportedly beheaded a woman in Awdiinle. Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a clashed with government forces in Mataban.


Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said that “military intervention” would be required in Mali if negotiations with the Islamist groups in the north fail. He also said the UN would have to approve any intervention by the Economic Community of West African States.


Necib Tayeb, the top judge in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, was detained while traveling to patch up differences between feuding factions within the terror group. Weapons, ammunition, and documents were also seized along with Tayeb and two other fighters.


Mullah Omar’s Eid message was read in many mosques in Nangarhar. The Taliban killed a police commander and three civilians in Kunduz and bombed the Ring Road in three locations in Kandahar. The government blamed foreign countries for instigating green-on-blue attacks.


‘No one really cares’: US deaths in Afghanistan hit 2,000 in ‘forgotten’ war


Anti-Shabaab militia Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a has rejected the new Somali parliament. AMISOM took control of the Mogadishu-Afgoye corridor from Somali forces due to increasing insecurity. A Somali solider opened fire on a bus in Mogadishu, killing three people.

Boko Haram

Nigeria: How Boko Haram Activities Destroy Economy of the North


Al Jazeera has obtained video of three western hostages from Britian, Sweden, and the Netherlands. The hostages claimed their governments are negotiating with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb for their release. More than 250,000 Malians have fled the country after Islamist groups took control of the north.


The US killed an al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander in Kunar and captured another in Ghazni. Fifteen inmates, include several Taliban fighters, escaped from a prison near Kabul. A Taliban rocket team hit General Dempsey’s C-17 on the tarmac at Bagram Air Base.