Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Suspected Boko Haram fighters killed a policeman and two civilians, and burned down a police station and a church in New Marte. “Terrorists’ killed two civilians in Maiduguri.


Security forces killed nine Taliban fighters in Bajaur and seven more in South Waziristan. The Taliban killed three people in an attack on a US Consulate vehicle in Peshawar, attacked military convoys in North Waziristan, and bombed a CD shop in Mardan.


The US has suspended the training of the Afghan Local Police due to the spike in green-on-blue attacks. The Taliban killed five border policemen in an IED attack in Nuristan and a district council member in Helmand. Security forces captured a Taliban fighter who killed two US troops in Helmand, and detained a suicide bomber […]


Insurgents killed two Iraqi soldiers in an IED attack in Tuz Khurmatu. Two more Iraqi policemen were killed in a bombing in Kirkuk.


Khaled Batis, the mastermind of the 2002 attack on the Limburg oil tanker, was killed in a US drone strike on Aug. 31. The US killed five AQAP fighters in a drone strike in Rada’a.


Heavy fighting has been reported in Afmadow as Shabaab forces again attacked Somali and Kenyan bases in the town. A Kenyan military spokesman said that three soldiers who disappeared during fighting in Miido have been found; it is unclear if they are alive or dead. Somalis are fleeing Kismayo as an AMISOM and Somali offensive […]


Said Abubaker Shariff Ahmed, a Shabaab-linked cleric who is wanted by the Kenyan government, claimed the police have formed a “hit squad targeting Muslim clerics and other Muslims perceived to be extremists.” Ahmed is accused of fomenting riots in Mombasa after Sheikh Rogo was killed.


The governor of Yobe urged the residents of Damaturu, the state capital, not to flee in the face of the Boko Haram threat. The government said that Algeria and Mauritania are needed to resolve the Islamist takeover of northern Mali.


President Obama said the Taliban’s momentum has been broken. Taliban suicide bombers killed 10 civilians and two policemen in Wardak. The Taliban killed two US soldiers in Ghazni. An al Qaeda commander was killed on Aug. 3 in an airstrike in Kunar.


Insurgents killed two Shia clerics and two other Iraqis in attacks in Baghdad. The government claimed that casualties in insurgent attacks have halved from July to August.


Shabaab posted pictures of Kenyan soldiers who were captured and killed near Kismayo; one of the soldiers was dragged through the streets as a crowd looked on. Kenyan warships shelled Kismayo. AMISOM denied a helicopter was shot down near Afmadow. Three Ethiopian soldiers were killed in an IED attack.


The Defense Ministry said that security forces in Algeria killed 10 al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb operatives during two raids. A commander known as Boubeker Zemmouri, and eight other fighters were killed in Jebel Djerrah; another fighter was killed in a nearby village.


The Taliban beheaded a boy in Kandahar; another girl was found beheaded in Kapisa. The Taliban killed two policemen in an IED attack in Herat and executed five civilians in Ghazni. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained several others in Paktia, Logar, and Ghazni.


US drones killed eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in an airstrike on a vehicle in Hadramout province. Four out of the last five drone strikes have taken place in the eastern province.


Three people were killed in a bombing at a bus station in Mogadishu. “Gunmen” killed two people in Gelinsor. Shabaab claimed it overran a Kenyan base in Afmadow and shot down a helicopter.


Police again arrested Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leader Malik Ishaq. The military claimed that two Taliban commanders and 16 fighters were killed during clashes in Bajaur.


An Afghan soldier killed three Australian troops in Uruzgan; two more Australian soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash. Four civilians were killed in a mortar attack in Logar. The man thought to be the new chief of the NDS has been accused of torture.


Gunmen assassinated a Political Security officer in Sana’a. Security forces arrested six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Hodeida, Aden, and Jaar.


Somali forces claimed that 16 Shabaab fighters were killed during clashes in Afmadow. Shabaab claimed 57 Kenyan troops were killed and more than 40 were wounded during the fighting.