Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces detained 50 Shabaab fighters and supporters in Afgoye. Shabaab targeted Somali troops in an IED attack in Beledweyne; casualties have not been disclosed.

Al Qaeda

Obama Finally Talks Drone War, But It’s Almost Impossible to Believe Him


50% chances of Government collapse after International forces leave Afghanistan: Former British Ambassador to Afghanistan


Insurgents killed eight people in bombings at mosques in Kirkuk and a soldier in a shooting in Baqubah. Security forces detained nine “terrorists” in Kirkuk.


African Union forces secured the port of Elma’an. Kenyan troops killed a Shabaab commander and seven fighters in Jiliib. Shabaab killed one person in a grenade attack in Baidoa.

US adds Haqqani Network to list of terror groups

After pressure from Congress, the State Department finally added the group, which has links to the Taliban, al Qaeda, and the Pakistani military and intelligence services, to the US list of foreign terror organizations.


ISAF killed an an al Qaeda leader and three operatives in an airstrike in Kunar; the leader and two fighters were Pakistanis, another was a Saudi. Two former Taliban leaders and three Pakistanis were detained in Nuristan. The Afghan military took control of security in five districts in Baghlan.


Three foreign al Qaeda fighters were reportedly killed in yesterday’s drone strike in Hadramout province. The identities and home countries of those thought to have been killed was not disclosed.


Shabaab claimed it killed seven Ugandan troops in two IED attacks in the Daynille district in Mogadishu. Gunmen killed two people in an attack on a bus in Burhakaba. Security forces detained 323 people while searching for Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu.

Al Qaeda operative killed in Kunar airstrike

Abu Saif, a Pakistani national, served as a cross-border facilitator and a conduit between senior al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and was involved in media operations. Two other Pakistanis and a Saudi were also killed.


A suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack outside of a police station in Dir. The FBI will lead the investigation into a suicide attack that killed two Pakistanis and wounded two US Consulate personnel in Peshawar.


The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in attacks in Farah and Baghdis. Security forces killed a Taliban commander and 11 fighters in Wardak. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in Logar. The Afghan military dismissed hundreds of soldiers for involvement in green-on-blue attacks.


US drones killed six “Islamist militants” in an airstrike in the eastern province of Hadramout. The Seyaj Organization for Childhood Protection, a Yemeni human rights group, condemned the US drone strikes.


Shabaab forces clashed with Somali and AMISOM troops near Afmadow and in Garbaharey. Shabaab forces withdrew from Mahas. Somali troops are preparing to launch an offensive to retake Johwar.


Interim President Dioncounda Traore formally requested that the Economic Community of West African States “provide a military contribution to stabilise the country and especially re-conquer the north,” a French diplomat said. ECOWAS is considering a deployment of 3,300 troops but wants UN approval.


A suicide bomber killed 30 people in an attack at a funeral in Nangarhar. President Karzai pardoned more than 3,000 prisoners. An “illegal militia group” killed three civilians in Parwan.


Insurgents killed six Iraqi soldiers in an IED attack in Tuz Khurmatu and a police avdiser in Kirkuk. Security forces detained 18 wanted “terrorists” in Babil.


“Gunmen” bombed a gas pipeline in Marib that fed the Belhaf terminal. International donors pledged $6.4 billion in aid for “development and stability.”


Somali and African Union forces took control of the port town of El-ma’an near Mogadishu. The government imposed a curfew in Afgoye. A Kenyan military spokesman said the military is massing forces for the offensive to take Kismayo.


Boko Haram is suspected of killing a government official and a law professor in Maiduguri. Both men were shot in the head. Boko Haram has not commented on the attack.


Security forces killed three Abu Sayyaf fighters during clashes in the village of Guiong in the southern province of Basilan. Security forces engaged more than 100 Abu Sayaf fighters during the skirmish.


Four policemen and four Taliban fighters were killed after the Taliban ambushed a column transporting the governor of Kapisa. Seventeen people were killed during clashes between the Taliban and “illegal armed forces” that broke out in Kunduz. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


US drones accidentally killed 13 Yemeni civilians in the Sept. 2 airstrike in Rada’a. The drones targeted a car transporting al Qaeda fighters but missed the intended target.

Al Qaeda

Kenya: Security tightened in churches after Mombasa attacks


Kenyan warships continue to shell Shabaab positions in and around Kismayo. Security forces are pursuing Shabaab remnants in Marka. Islamist cleric and Shabaab supporter Abubaker Shariff Ahmed was arrested and charged with inciting violence.