Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Two “gunmen” were killed and six policemen were wounded in two clashes in Samarra and Balad. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Fallujah.


Security forces detained three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Abyan. President Hadi fired the military intelligence and national security ministers after a suicide bomber nearly killed the defense minister.


Shabaab sent three suicide bombers to assassinate the new president and Kenya’s foreign minister at a press conference at a hotel in Mogadishu. Seven people were killed in the failed attack. African Union and Somali troops claimed to have killed more than 100 Shabaab fighters in Miido.


The Taliban killed three Afghan intelligence officers and a policeman, and destroyed a helicopter in a rocket attack at Bagram Air Base. A suicide bomber killed a police commander and five Afghans in an attack in Herat. ISAF killed two Taliban leaders who were responsible for a 2008 ambush that killed several French soldiers.


Seven security guards and five civilians were killed in a car bombing in Sana’a that targeted Defense Minister Major General Muhammad Nasir Ahmad. The defense minister was not hurt in the attack.


Somalia’s parliament elected Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, a member of the Hawiye clan, as the new president. Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mahmud Rage said the election was illegitimate and called on Somalis “to continue supporting Jihad and the Mujahideen.”


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa chopped off a hand and a foot from each of four suspected robbers in Gao; the amputations were conducted in public. The Malian military has rejected proposals for outside help in stemming the Islamists’ advance in Mali.

Zawahiri eulogizes Abu Yahya al Libi

Zawahiri’s eulogy provides the final confirmation that Abu Yahya is indeed dead. Zawahiri also says that killing off al Qaeda’s leaders won’t destroy the movement.


A suicide bomber killed 10 policemen and six civilians in an attack in Kunduz. A police commander and six policemen in Baghlan defected to the Taliban. The Taliban warned clerics in Nangarhar not to give funeral prayers for slain Afghan security personnel.


Insurgents killed three Awakening fighters during an attack at a checkpoint in Dujail. The governor of Dhi Qar province said that 18 men detained for bombings in Nassiriyah are connected to Vice President Tareq al Hashemi.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula deputy emir Said al Shihri is reported to have been killed in the Sept. 5 drone strike in Hadramout. A senior Sunni cleric denounced US drone strikes in Yemen. Security forces disrupted three car bomb plots in Sana’a, Aden, and Hadramout.

AQAP deputy emir reported killed in recent drone strike

Shihri-Inspire-1-thumb.JPGThe Yemeni military claimed that Said al Shihri, a former Guantanamo detainee and the current deputy emir of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has been killed. The report has not been confirmed; Yemeni officials have claimed in the past that he has been killed and captured.


The Taliban killed six civilians in Wardak, an ISAF soldier in the south, and a civilian in Farah. Five Afghan security personnel and three Taliban fighters were killed during clashes in Helmand. A Haqqani Network commander said captured US soldier Bowe Bergdahl is in the custody of the Quetta Shura.


Insurgents killed 58 Iraqis, including soldiers and policemen, in attacks in Amara, Basrah, Nassiriyah, Dujail, Baquba, Samarra, Kirkuk, and Tuz Khurmato. One attack, a complex suicide assault against a military base in Dujail, killed 11 Iraqi soldiers. A court sentenced fugitive Vice President Hashemi to death.


Security forces captured 28 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters during operations in Zinjibar and Jaar in Abyan province. Abdelrauf al Dhahab, a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader whose brothers took control of Rada’a earlier this year, was the target of the Sept. 2 strike that killed 13 civilians.


AMISOM claimed that more than 200 Shabaab fighters in Kismayo, Bibi, Soya, and Jana Cabdalla surrendered. Some reportedly wanted to fight alongside AMISOM forces but officials said they “cannot be trusted.”


Six people, including three terrorists and three civilians, were wounded in an explosion at a bomb factory in Depok in the Jakarta suburbs. Two of the terrorists escaped.


A suicide bomber killed six Afghans in an attack outside Camp Eggers in Kabul. Two tribal leaders were killed in a bombing in Uruzgan.


Security forces killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters after their convoy was ambushed in Shaqra. AQAP attempted to assassinate a commander of a pro-government tribal militia in Abyan; a bodyguard was killed in the attack.