Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


A suicide bomber killed seven Iraqis in an attack outside the Green Zone in Baghdad; a member of parliament was among 24 people wounded. Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda financier in Diyala.


Security officials said that Abul Qaqa and another senior Boko Haram leader may have been killed during a raid in Kano. Abdul Qaqa has been reported killed and captured in the past.


Fourteen civilians were killed in an IED attack in Lower Dir. The Taliban freed the driver of a university professor who was kidnapped in Peshawar on Sept. 7.


Six Harrier strike aircraft were destroyed and two more were damaged, and three refueling stations were destroyed during the Sept. 14 suicide assault on Camp Bastion. An Afghan policeman killed four ISAF soldiers in Zabul. ISAF captured a Taliban commander who downed a Kiowa attack helicopter in Logar on Sept. 5. ISAF reportedly killed eight […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb confirmed that Nabil Abu Alqama, the deputy emir of its branch in the Sahara, was killed in a “tragic accident.” Abu Alqama was reported to have been in a car crash in Mali last week.


Security forces killed an al Qaeda weapons expert in an airstrike in Paktika. The Taliban killed nine women and three children in an IED attack in Helmand. An Afghan policemen killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


A Yemeni official said DNA tests show that Said al Shihri, the deputy emir of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was not killed in a recent drone strike. AQAP urged Yemenis to kill Americans for the release of the video of the Prophet Mohammed.


The Kenyan Defense Forces took control of Bibi, a town about 60 miles from Kismayo. A Somali military commander claimed Shabaab has been defeated in southern Somalia.


Jihadists killed two ISAF soldiers in a complex assault on Camp Bastion in Helmand; the Taliban breached the wire and damaged military aircraft and buildings. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in an IED attack the south. Britain may begin withdrawing troops earlier than expected.


Abdul Mehdi al Karbalai, the representative to Iraq’s senior Shia cleric, called for the UN to criminalize insults against the Prophet Mohammed. The leader of the Asaib al Haq, who was freed by the US in 2010, threatened to attack US interests in Iraq.


Kenyan and Somali troops are battling Shabaab in the village of Birta-dheer near Kismayo; heavy fighting has been reported. Shabaab detonated two IEDs against Somali forces in Afgoya.


Police arrested two suspected terrorists and seized weapons, grenades, and bullet proof vests during a raid in Eastleigh, a Shabaab haven in the capital of Nairobi. Police said that the terrorists were planning to conduct attacks on churches.


The Taliban beheaded two Afghan policemen in Baghlan and killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Anti-Taliban uprisings have been reported in Ghor and Badghs provinces.


Protesters stormed the US embassy in Sana’a, tore down the US flag, and chanted “death to America” and “death to Israel.” Yemen security forces did not prevent protesters from entering the embassy.


Four Somalis were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. An outbreak of unknown origin killed 12 people in Hosingow near Kismayo.


Security forces detained 11 suspected Boko Haram fighters and found a cache of explosives during a raid in Maiduguri. Security has been increased at the US Embassy.


Obama Says Egypt Neither Ally Nor Enemy


The Taliban killed a tribal leader in Faryab. The UN said the Taliban raised more than $400 million from taxes and extortion in 2011. UNAMA halted operations in Kunar.