Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

Suicide bombers kill 15 in Mogadishu

Fifteen people, including several journalists, are reported to have been killed in an attack at a restaurant across from the national theatre, where a similar attack took place months ago.


The military deployed troops in the diplomatic quarter of Islamabad. The US urged its citizens not to travel to Pakistan. The US State Department bought commercials on Pakistani TV that denounce a video deemed insulting to Islam.


A suicide bomber killed a policeman and a child in Kandahar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces captured two Taliban fighters behind the beheadings of two policemen in Baghlan, and killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Khost, and Balkh.


The government denied US claims that it is allowing Iranian weapons and personnel to pass through Iraqi territory to support the Syrian regime. Prime Minister Maliki accused unnamed governments of inciting sectarian strife.


The chief of security for Al Mahfad district in Abyan said that more than 400 Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including Saudis and Pakistanis, have regrouped there. AQAP uses their bases in Al Mahfad to launch attacks in Sana’a, Abyan, Hadramout, Shabwah, and Marib.


A Kenyan military officer said that more than 50 Shabaab fighters were killed during clashes in Jana Cabdalla, a town just 25 miles from Kismayo. The town is now under the control of Somali and Kenyan forces.


Two suicide bombers detained in Nairobi on Sept. 14 were ordered to conduct their attack by Jafra Hussein, a Shabaab leader from Kismayo. Abdimajid Yassin and Ali Hussein, the Somali suicide bombers, met up with Musa Shukri, a Shabaab logistics officer in Kenya, and Ahmed Abdurahman.


Security forces killed seven “militants,” including two women, during a raid in Nalchick in Kabardino-Balkaria. Police killed four more militants during a sweep in Vedensky in Chechnya.

‘Foreign militants’ still present in Ghazni

Afghan officials and civilians said that “Pakistanis, Chechens, and Arabs” continue to operate in the southeastern Afghan province, just days after al Qaeda released a video of operations in the province.


The Taliban killed nine people in a bombing in Peshawar. The military claimed it killed 29 Taliban fighters during fighting in Bajaur.


A suicide bomber killed two policemen in Herat. More than 1,000 Taliban fighters attacked police in Nuristan; a Taliban commander and eight fighters, as well as a policeman, were reportedly killed. Security forces captured the IMU’s leader for Kunduz and four fighters. Twenty-four Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Nangarhar.


Security forces killed five “militants” after a gunfight ensued at a checkpoint in Ingushetia. Three of the men were wanted on terrorism charges. Explosive belts were found in their car.


Insurgents killed two soldiers and a civilian in separate attacks in Mosul. Senator John Kerry threatened to dial back US aid to Iraq if the government does not restrict Iran’s use of Iraqi airspace to support the Syrian regime.


Shabaab has sent hundreds of fighters to reinforce positions in Kismayo in anticipation of the combined African Union and Somali assault. AMISOM urged Shabaab fighters in Kismayo to lay down their weapons. A police force from Nigeria has deployed in Mogadishu.


Eight Pakistanis were killed in a pair of bombings at a market in Karachi. Three Shia pilgrims were killed in an IED attack in Mastung. Two policemen were wounded in an IED attack in Lower Dir.


A female suicide bomber from Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin killed 12 people in Kabul. A suicide bomber wounded three US soldiers in Kunar. The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in an IED attack in Herat. ISAF captured a Taliban leader involved in the assault on Camp Bastion.


Security forces detained 62 people, including several on terrorism charges, in Diwaniyah, three “terrorists” in Karbala, and two more in Nassiriyah. Iraq has reopened the border with Syria, but is not allowing young men to cross.


Boko Haram fighters assassinated the attorney general of the state of Borno. In Bauchi, Boko Haram fighters killed the former chief of the prison service.


Yemeni security forces attack on French journalist caught on video


“Gunmen” killed a journalist and a civilian in separate attacks in Mogadishu. Shabaab denied that its forces have fled Kismayo, and said “the Islamic administration in Kismayo is going about its business as usual.”


A representative of the Economic Community of West African States told the UN Security Council that African nations needs fighter planes, funding, and other aid to tackle al Qaeda-linked groups in northern Mali. The presidents of Senegal and Mauritania warned that northern Mali can lead to terrorism and the fracturing of the Sahara states.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb called on North Africans to “follow in the footsteps of the lions of Benghazi by bringing down the flags of America in their embassies in all of our capitals.” AQIM urged Muslims to killed or expel US “ambassadors and representatives” from the region.


The US has suspended combat operations with Afghan forces. ISAF killed an al Qaeda facilitator, an Afghan soldier who killed a US soldier and defected to the Taliban, and more than a dozen insurgents in airstrikes in Kunar. ISAF apologized for an airstrike that killed eight women in Laghman.