Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Insurgents killed five people, including a soldier, in IED attacks in Taji and Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for a series of attacks last week, including a jailbreak in Tikrit.


Yemeni troops foiled a suicide attack on the Al Anad Airbase in Lahj, where the US bases drones and military advisors. President Hadi accused Iran of backing a secessionist movement in southern Yemen.


Somali and Kenyan forces killed five suspected Shabaab fighters in Kismayo. The African Union guaranteed the safety of Shabaab fighters who surrendered. The African Union said it captured several men suspected of being behind the murder of journalists in Mogadishu.


Prime Minister Raila Odinga lashed out at Western nations for failing to provide manpower in the fight against Shabaab in Somalia. Odinga said the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu, in which 18 US soldiers were killed, has made the US “reluctant to offer personnel to assist in Somalia.”


The staff at the Jalaa hospital in Benghazi want al Qaeda-linked Ansar al Sharia to return and provide security for the facility. The military and militias have gathered outside of Bani Walid and are prepared to launch an offensive.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Abou Dedjana, the emir of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s El Forkane Brigade, surrendered to Algerian authorities. Dedjana was a member of the Armed Islamic Group, the predecessor of GSPC and AQIM, and fought in the Tizi Ouzou region of Algeria.


Security forces killed five Taliban commanders and 25 fighters during operations in Wardak, and detained a suicide bomber and two others planning an attack on Bagram. The Taliban executed two kidnappers in Herat.


An Iraqi court sentenced Omar Rashad Khalil, an American citizen, to death for his role in financing and executing terrorist attacks in Baghdad. The government said it would separate terrorists from criminals and place the former in special prisons.


US drones killed four al Qaeda fighters in an airstrike on a vehicle in Shabwa province. The military claimed that five Yemeni officers captured by the Al Nusrah Front in Syria have been released.


Several Somali members of parliament denounced Kenya’s invasion of Kismayo. Security forces have launched an operation in Kismayo. The government said it foiled suicide attacks in Beledweyne.


The deputy registrar at Federal Polytechnic Mubi, who also serves as the security chief, said he saw no evidence that Sunday’s attack that killed 40 people was related to an election at the campus. Some officials believe Boko Haram carried out the attack.


Security forces killed three Taliban leaders and three more fighters in Laghman and Herat, and foiled a suicide attack on Kandahar’s chief of police. The Taliban killed two children in a bombing in Farah.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed two soldiers in an attack on a military outpost in Lahj. Tribesmen in Marib cut the power to Sana’a to protest the death sentence of an AQAP fighter.


Security forces detained 100 suspected Shabaab fighters during raids in Kismayo. Two people were killed after Shabaab detonated five bombs in Kismayo yesterday.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The US military claims to have “disrupted” al Qaeda’s network in North Africa. “We have bitten into their leadership,” the Pentagon’s spokesman said.


The Taliban killed a US soldier in the south. The governor of Paktia requested that ISAF end the “irresponsible” night raids. ISAF denied that the Taliban shot down a helicopter in Zabul.


Security forces killed three “key” al Qaeda leaders in Aden. Two Yemeni American doctors were killed in Aden. Defense Minister Ahmed dodged an IED attack in Sana’a.


Somali and African Union troops have reportedly withdrawn from Kismayo. Shabaab claimed credit for a series of bomb blasts in the southern port city.


“Gunmen” killed 26 people at a university in Mubi. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said the group would begin targeting government officials in the north. Police detained a bomber in Jos.


AFRICOM commander General Ham said the US military would not intervene against Islamist groups in northern Mali and that the crisis could be resolved with political and diplomatic efforts. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned against military intervention in Mali.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed 3 ISAF soldiers, four policemen, and seven civilians in an attack on a convoy in Khost. The Taliban killed two civilians in a bombing in Uruzgan.


Somali and Kenyan forces have begun to patrol in the former Shabaab stronghold of Kismayo. Somalia’s new president and the speaker of parliament visited Baidoa, which was under Shabaab control until February 2012.