Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed six militiamen in an attack on a checkpoint in Mudya in Abyan province. A senior intelligence official was gunned down in Sana’a; an estimated 60 intelligence officials have been assassinated so far this year.


The Taliban killed a Superintendent of Police and six policemen and Frontier Constabulary personnel in Peshawar. Interior Minister Malik said an operation in North Waziristan is not being planned.


A militia killed six Taliban fighters in Ghazni. Afghan officials said three civilians were killed in an airstrike in Helmand. Three health workers and their driver were kidnapped in Herat.


A court convicted seven men of forming an al Qaeda cell that attacked government forces and installations, as well and tourists and embassies, from 2009 to 2011. The men were given sentences of one to six years in prison.


Insurgents killed two policemen, two soldiers, and a civilian in bombings and a shooting in Kirkuk and Tuz Khormato. Insurgents also killed two Awakening members in Samarra and a military officer in Baghdad.

Turkish jihadists eulogize slain German al Qaeda leader

Islamic World, a Turkish jihadist magazine, said that Bekkay Harrach fought against Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, traveled to Iraq, where he was wounded, and was detained by Syrian security forces. Harrach also lived with Atiyah Abd al Rahman in Pakistan.


Shabaab attack government bases in Mogadishu and Kismayo; scores of people were reported to have been wounded in the attacks. Shabaab claimed it assassinated two intelligence officials in Mogadishu.


Security forces captured two al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Suwaira and another in Mosul. A Baghdad court issued death sentences for two men convicted on terrorism-related charges.


The US reportedly delivered 106 armored vehicles to the Yemeni Defense Ministry. Tribesmen freed eight truck drivers who were kidnapped last week in Lahj.


Four people were killed after Shabaab fighters ambushed Somali troops near Baidoa. A civilian was gunned down in Baidoa. Shabaab reportedly killed and wounded several soldiers in an IED attack in Shalanbod.


“Gunmen” killed more than 20 Muslims after opening fire outside of a mosque in Kaduna. Officials claimed that the gunmen were dressed in police uniforms and were “armed robbers.”


A Taliban suicide bomber killed four Afghan intelligence officers and two ISAF personnel in Kandahar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in an IED attack in the south. Police in Kandahar are arresting mullahs who are preaching anti-government messages.


Four people were killed after Shabaab fighters ambushed Somali troops at an airbase near Afgoye. Police arrested dozens of fighters during raids in Baidoa.


Senior Egyptian Islamist: Don’t Disarm Sinai Groups

Al Qaeda

Obama administration’s wishful thinking on terrorism


The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in Kunar and a policeman and five civilians in Faryab. ISAF killed 10 Taliban fighters and four civilians in an airstrike in Ghazni.


Security forces detained eight al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Kirkuk. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the Sept. 27 assault and jailbreak at the Tasfirat prison in Tikrit. The military agreed to purchase 28 Czech-made military aircraft worth $1 billion.


Shabaab claimed that its “Counter-Intelligence Units” assassinated a senior militia commander. The district commissioner of Huriwa survived an assassination attempt.


US drones killed 16 Taliban fighters loyal to Hafiz Gul Bahadar in a strike in the Arakzai tribal agency. Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry lodged a formal protest of the drone strikes with the US embassy.


The Taliban killed a district police chief in Balkh and an ISAF soldier in the south. ISAF killed a Haqqani Network leader in Paktia and captured an IMU leader in Kunduz.


A senior Yemeni security official who guarded the US embassy in Sana’a was gunned down in the capital. Security forces seized Iranian weapons thought to be destined for Yemeni “rebels.”