Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Ugandan military confirmed Shabaab’s claim that four of its soldiers were killed in an attack in Baidoa. Eight civilians were killed in a mortar attack in Leego.


After opposing foreign intervention against al Qaeda-linked groups in Mali, Algeria reportedly has approved such an operation. Algeria will back the mission but will not allow foreign troops to use its territory.


“Hundreds of young mujahideen from different areas across the Islamic world” are arriving in Mali in anticipation of a battle with Saharan nations, Ansar Dine’s spokesman said. “The same thing happened in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chechnya, Somalia, and Iraq,” he said.


The US killed four “militants” and a civilian in a drone strike in North Waziristan yesterday. The police identified the main suspect in the Taliban’s attempted assassination of a Swat schoolgirl. The Taliban bombed two schools in Mohmand.


An Afghan policeman killed two US soldiers in Uruzgan; two British soldiers killed yesterday in Helmand may also have been killed in an insider attack. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the west. Three policemen were killed during infighting in Baghlan. Security forces killed nine Taliban fighters in Wardak.


US intelligence officials believe that operatives associated with al Qaeda in Iraq may have played a role in the assault on the US consulate in Banghazi, Libya. Prime Minister Maliki is seeking to reinstate Sunni military officers who served during Saddam Hussein’s regime.


“Gunmen” assassinated a counterintelligence official in Dhamar. The mayor of Sana’a escaped an assassination attempt. Security forces detained two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives.


One Somali soldier was killed during a firefight in Marka. Ugandan and Somali troops raided a Shabaab weapons depot in Albao. A Puntland court sentenced a Yemeni to death for smuggling weapons.


A court in Tizi Ouzou sentenced eight men to death and six others to terms of more than 20 years in prison for kidnapping, ransom, murder, and other crimes; six of those sentenced are linked to al Qaeda. Tizi Ouzou has been a hub of al Qaeda activity.


Abu Hafs al Mauritani, a senior al Qaeda leader who was close to Osama bin Laden, criticized the tactics used by Islamists to take control of northern Mali. Al Mauritani offered to conduct negotiations with Ansar Dine, MUJAO, and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


Security forces killed a Taliban district governor and 20 fighters in Faryab. The Taliban killed a district governor and a bodyguard in Farah, and two ISAF soldiers in the south.


Insurgents killed 12 Iraqis in a series of bombings and shootings in Kirkuk, Baghdad, Tuz Khormato, and Mishada. A child, three policemen, and two soldiers were among those killed.


Security officials said they uncovered an al Qaeda plot to retake Jaar and other areas of Abyan province. Intelligence officials detained six men who were transferred from Iraqi prosons.


Another Somali journalist was gunned down; 16 Somali reporters have been killed so far this year. Kenyan troops captured a female Shabaab commander and 72 fighters in Kismayo. Police displayed four Shabaab assassins in Mogadishu.


The Joint Military Task Force said that Boko Haram is planning to conduct “massive attacks” during the Eid al Kabir holiday. The JTF said Boko Haram has “invited foreign mercenaries to assist them” in attacking military and civilian targets.


A police chief, four police officers, five soldiers, and a Taliban district chief and three fighters were killed during a clash in Herat. ISAF said it may have accidentally killed three civilians during a raid in Logar. The Taliban killed a US soldier in the east.


Insurgents killed nine Iraqis in a series of bombings in Baghdad. Security forces detained 28 suspected “terrorists” during raids in Basrah, Babil, Salahadin, and Kirkuk.


Shabaab killed four Ugandan soldiers in an ambush near Baidoa. Shabaab threatened to attack Britain over the extradition of Abu Hamza al Masri to the the US.


The Taliban killed three policemen in Khost, three civilians in Paktika, and a tribal leader in Helmand. Security forces killed a Taliban district leader and military commander in Wardak.


Said al Shihri, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s deputy emir, denied reports that he was killed in a drone strike last month. Three Yemeni soldiers were killed in an explosion at a base in Aden.


Kenyan warplanes bombed Shabaab forces as they gathered outside of Dhobley. Two bombings were reported in Kismayo. Shabaab claimed it killed “29 kuffar invaders” in attacks over the past five days.


The military claimed seven Taliban fighters were killed during airstrikes in Arakzai. Pakistan’s foreign minister asked Afghanistan to turn over Swat Taliban leader Mullah Fazlullah.


Seventeen Taliban fighters, a policeman, and a soldier were killed in clashes in Zabul and Farah. The Taliban killed an Australian soldier in Uruzgan.


US drones killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike on a car traveling in Marib province. An AQAP operative known as Sanad Oraidan al Okailim was among those killed.