Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces arrested several Shabaab fighters thought to be involved with the assassination of a general in Marka. The UN is opposed to lifting the arms embargo.


Boko Haram named six mediators, including a presidential candidate, to negotiate with the government. A senator is suing senior government ministers and officials for issuing a press release that claimed a Boko Haram operative was arrested in his home.


The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Helmand. Two Taliban fighters in Baghlan died in a premature detonation while planting an IED. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Faryab. The head of the Independent Election Commission said the Taliban can run for president.


“Gunmen” killed two government workers in Baghdad and two construction workers in Mosul. Security forces arrested four members of a weapons smuggling cell in Thi Qhar.


A pipeline transporting liquefied natural gas to the Balhaf terminal was bombed. Yemen’s former ambassador to Syria said that country was used as a conduit for Iran to foment unrest in Yemen.


Shabaab killed four people in a hand grenade attack in Kismayo, and claimed it killed 38 Ethiopian soldiers in an IED attack in Owdinle. Three people were killed as Shabaab and government forces clashed near Baidoa.


One person was killed and three more were wounded after police clashed with Salafists in Tunis. The Salafists were rioting over the arrest of one of their own who is accused of attacking the head of a suburb’s public security brigade.


An Afghan policeman killed two British soldiers in an insider attack in Helmand; the policeman escaped. The head of the provincial council for Uruzgan dodged an assassination attempt.


AL Qaeda in Iraq assassinated a tribal leader who opposed the group in Haditha. Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader in Mosul. The Ministry of Defense said it is creating a counterterrorism studies center in Anbar.


Abdul Malik al Houthi, the leader of the separatist Houthis in northern Yemen, denounced the Oct. 28 airstrike by US drones in Saada that killed four al Qaeda fighters. He also accused the Yemeni government of providing cover for the US strikes.


Security forces killed five Taliban fighters and two civilians during operations in Ghazni. The Taliban killed two Afghan soldiers in an IED attack in Helmand. “Gunmen” kidnapped 13 people in Ghor.


Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for a series of attacks in Baghdad that targeted and killed dozens of Shia worshipers during Eid al Adha. An Awakening leader in Fallujah dodged an assassination attempt.


Shabaab fighters attacked the home of the district commissioner for Bardale; one bodyguard was killed. Shabaab claimed it killed the intelligence chief for Daynile. A journalist who was wounded in an attack in Mogadishu last week died at a hospital.


Two Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation while they were planting bombs at a picnic area in Uruzgan. The NDS denied Pakistani claims that Swat Taliban leader Mullah Fazlullah is sheltering in Kunar.


Insurgents killed 13 Iraqis in a car bombing in Baghdad and two more in IED attacks in Madaan. Security forces searched an Iranian airline thought to be transporting weapons to Syria.


US drones killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives in an airstrike in Saada in the north. Two Saudi financiers are said to have been killed in the strike.


Shabaab killed a Somali general in an ambush in El Waregow near the port city of Marka. Five Somali policemen were killed in a bombing at a police station in Kismayo. Five people were killed during clashes in lower Jubba between Kenyan and Somali forces.


The Taliban took five people off of a bus traveling on the Kabul-Kandahar highway and executed them. Security forces detained a suicide bomber who was planning to target senior security officials in Baghlan.


Insurgents killed 13 people, including three children, in separate attacks in Baghdad. One attack targeted a busload of Iranian pilgrims. Security forces detained 12 wanted terrorists in Baghdad.


Security forces detained two Malaysians at Beirut International Airport under suspicion of belonging to al Qaeda. The two Malaysians were recruited by one of their countrymen to conduct suicide attacks in Syria.


Uganda threatened to withdraw from Somalia after the United Nations criticized the country for supporting the March 23 Movement, a rebel group fighting the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Uganda People’s Defence Force has 5,700 troops in Somalia, the largest AMISOM contingent.

Foreign jihadists continue to pour into Mali

“The arrival of hundreds of young mujahideen from different areas across the Islamic world to support us in our war against the infidels and crusaders is not strange or surprising,” Ansar Dine’s spokesman said.


The Taliban killed two members of a pro-government peace committee in separate attacks in Swat, and killed a girl in a bombing in Hangu. Security forces killed nine “militants” in Khyber and detained two Taliban members in Karachi.


A suicide bomber killed 40 people, including 19 security and intelligence personnel, in an attack outside a mosque in Faryab. A former Taliban leader who defected to the government along with 11 fighters last year was gunned down in Faryab.


Insurgents killed two policemen in a shooting in Buhriz and two civilians in a bombing outside a mosque in Mahaweel. Security forces detained five terrorists in Wasit.