Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Nine Taliban fighters and three Afghan soldiers have been killed during fighting throughout the country. Provincial officials in Herat said five districts are on the verge of falling to the Taliban. ISAF captured an IMU weapons trafficker in Kunduz. The government said it would not negotiate with the Haqqani Network.


The United Nations added the Haqqani Network to its list of designated terrorist groups. The UN said the Haqqani Network works with the Taliban to destabilize Afghanistan and has links to al Qaeda.


A suicide bomber killed 31 Iraqis in an attack outside a military training center in Taji. Security forces detained 11 al Qaeda members during a raid in Taji.


Security forces detained dozens of suspected Shabaab fighters during an operation in Mogadishu. US officials believe that Uganda will not withdraw its forces from Somalia.


The Joint Task Force killed four suspected Boko Haram fighters during a raid in Gashua. The Chief of Army Staff claimed that Boko Haram has killed more than 3,000 people in Nigeria.


An anti-Taliban commander was killed in Buner and an ANP leader was gunned down in Charsadda. Security forces killed five “terrorists” in Khyber. A suicide bomber killed only himself in Mohmand.

The Haqqani Network

The US added Qari Zakir to the list of global terrorists. He serves as head of the Haqqani Network’s suicide operations in Afghanistan and the operational commander in Kabul, Takhar, Kunduz, and Baghlan provinces, and runs the network’s training program. The United Nations added the Haqqani Network to its sanctions list and added Qari Zakir […]


The Taliban killed three US soldiers in an IED attack in Paktia on Nov. 3. Two Afghan and two Pakistani Taliban fighters were reportedly killed during infighting in Ghazni.


Security forces detained a senior al Qaeda leader and two of his aides in Ramadi, and 35 more al Qaeda members in Anbar province. A brigadier in charge of a prison in Tikrit was arrested after al Qaeda staged a jailbreak.

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Ministry said that two border guards were killed in a clash with 11 al Qaeda fighters as they attempted to enter Saudi Arabia from the border with Yemen. Ten of the fighters are Saudis who were previously imprisoned and then released after being ‘rehabilitated.’


Unidentified gunmen killed 10 Shia Houthis worshippers in two separate attacks in Al Jawf province. A liquid natural gas pipeline to the Balhaf terminal that was bombed last week will take another week to be repaired.


Prime Minister Shirdon has appointed the country’s first female foreign minister. The European Union has pledged to donate more than $200 million in security and education aid.


The Taliban killed the chief of police for the Dand district in Kandahar province. A Taliban commander and 12 fighters reconciled with the government in Herat. President Obama said the Afghan war is ending.


“Gunmen” killed three soldiers during an attack on a base in Taji; three insurgents were detained. Security forces detained nine al Qaeda fighters in Bayji.


The Houthis in northern Yemen threatened to retaliate against the US if it conducts more drone strikes in the north. Yemen Liquid Natural Gas is setting up watchtowers in an effort to curb bombings of the gas lines to the Balhaf terminal.


Five policemen in Helmand killed four of their colleagues and wounded six more before defecting to the Taliban. Security forces detained several Taliban commanders and fighters.


A Uganda People’s Defence Force spokesman said more than 500 soldiers from Uganda and Burundi have been killed and wounded in Somalia; exact figures have not been provided. Security forces detained 300 suspected Shabaab fighters in Kismayo.


Residents in Maiduguri claimed that members of the Joint Task Force killed 48 young men during raids in the Kalari neighborhood. Amnesty International accused Nigerian security forces of illegally detaining and torturing suspected Boko Haram fighters.


Security forces arrested nine “terrorists” in the Rif mountains who were establishing a training camp and explosives factory. Al Qaeda’s black banner was seized during the raid.


Security forces killed 10 “militants” and wounded six more during airstrikes in the Tirah Valley in Khyber. Four “bases” and the home of a militant commander were also destroyed during the attack.


The Taliban beheaded two men in Ghazni and killed a US soldier in an IED attack in the south. ISAF captured a Taliban facilitator responsible for a green-on-blue attack that killed a US soldier. Energy and Water Minister Mohammad Ismail Khan said that militias are forming as NATO forces draw down.


Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader in Mosul and detained five Ansar al Sunnah fighters in Kirkuk. An Iraqi court issued a second death sentence for Iraqi Vice President Tariq al Hashemi.