Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


One person was killed in a rocket attack in Kabul. An ISAF soldier was killed in an explosion at a base in the south. ISAF killed a Taliban commander in Helmand.


Ten people were killed after Shabaab forces ambushed an Ethiopian military convoy near Baidoa yesterday. The Jubaland state government in the south accused Kenya of backing warlords.


Hicham Bilal, emir of the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) in Gao, surrendered to the Niger government. Bilal called MUJAO members “madmen” and accused them of racism and drug smuggling. ECOWAS approved a plan to deploy 3,300 soldiers to retake northern Mali from Islamist groups.


Twenty-three Taliban fighters and an Afghan soldier were killed in fighting in Kapisa and Wardak, and a suicide bomber was gunned down in Kunar. US drones reportedly killed three children in Logar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east.


The Taliban killed six civilians, including a baby, in an IED attack in Khost, and killed two more in an IED attack in Helmand. Afghan soldiers killed a British soldier and wounded another in Helmand, and wounded a Spanish soldier in Badghis. ISAF captured an IMU weapons facilitator in Kunduz.


The military transferred Tareq al Fadhli, the al Qaeda-linked tribal leader in Abyan, to Aden and placed him under house arrest. The Houthis reportedly are attempting to take control of the port city of Midi.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed the head of the Awakening forces in Abu Ghraib, as well as his wife and son. Security forces recaptured nine al Qaeda fighters who had escaped from prison and captured two fighters near a weapons depot in Abu Ghraib.


Two aides to Tareq al Fadhli, a tribal leader in Abyan, were killed after pro-government militiamen attacked his home. Al Fadhli has been linked to al Qaeda and fought in Afghanistan.


Two people were killed as Shabaab and government forces clashed in Garbaharey. Uganda again threatened to withdraw from AMISOM and pull out its forces from Somalia.


The Taliban killed a soldier and wounded another during an attack on an outpost in South Waziristan. The “Mujahideen-e-Waziristan” warned tribals in Wana not to join the Levies. Five people were killed in violence in Karachi.


The Taliban killed an ISAF solider in the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters and commanders. Sweden will reduce the number of troops in country from 500 to 200 by the end of 2013.


“Gunmen” killed two people in Mogadishu. The United Nations Security Council rejected the African Union’s request to fund Kenyan naval operations off the coast of Somalia.


Security forces arrested Bilel Chaouachi, a Salafist imam for Ansar al Sharia who has openly praised Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri. Chaouachi is suspected of being involved in the Sept. 14 assault on the US Embassy in Tunisia.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed three people in an attack on the Rangers headquarters in Karachi. Nine more people were killed in violence in Karachi.


The Taliban killed 12 civilians and eight security personnel in four bombings; three policemen were killed in a suicide attack in Kandahar; five soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Laghman; and 12 civilians were killed in IED attacks in Helmand and Zabul.


Insurgents killed two people, including a female journalist, in bombings in Mosul. A court sentenced al Qaeda’s former shadow governor of Anbar to death. Security forces detained two insurgents in Kirkuk.


US drones killed a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander and two fighters in an airstrike near the capital of Sana’a. Adnan al Qadhi, the al Qaeda commander who was killed, was involved in the attack on the US Embassy in Sana’a in 2008.


Thirty-six Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during fighting throughout the country. Twelve missiles fired from Iran have landed in Nimroz. Energy and Water Minister Ismail Khan is distributing weapons to militias.


One al Qaeda fighter was killed and two more were wounded in a premature detonation in Ninewa. Security forces detained four gunmen near a school in Anbar and four al Qaeda fighters in Diyala.


An intelligence official was assassinated in Sana’a; at least 55 intelligence operatives have been killed in Yemen so far this year. Tarek al Fadli, an al Qaeda-linked tribal leader in Abyan province, has been ordered to surrender to the government.


A car bomb was detonated near the parliament building in Mogadishu; one soldier was killed in the blast. Puntland security forces killed a Shabaab commander in Dhahar.

Al Qaeda

Yemen chief suspected of links to al Qaeda ordered to surrender