Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Taliban killed eight Afghan soldiers and an ISAF soldier, and a civilian accused of spying. Security forces killed 20 Taliban fighters in Faryab. Security guards robbed the Central Bank branch in Nuristan.


Security forces killed al Qaeda’s emir for Baqubah and detained four Ansar al Islam fighters near Kirkuk. Insurgents killed a senior Awakening leader and three aides near Mosul.


A Political Security Organization officer was gunned down in Sana’a. Iraq released seven Yemeni prisoners; Yemen hopes others will be transferred home to serve their prison sentences.


Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Badakhshan and detained a Taliban commander in Kandahar. The Afghan High Peace Council wants immunity, and sanctions lifted for senior Taliban leaders.


Insurgents killed seven people, including three Iranian pilgrims, in an IED attack in Balad. Iraqi clerics issued a fatwa prohibiting Muslims from marrying or doing business with members of terror groups.


Security forces detained a suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighter during a raid in Ibb province. The suspected AQAP fighter is thoguht to have fought for the terror group in Zinjibar and Jaar.


Police arrested “dozens” of suspected Islamists during a series of raids in Garissa. The Islamists are thought to be involved in the killing of two policemen in Garissa on Nov. 16.


The Taliban killed 17 civilians in an IED attack in Farah, four policemen in an ambush in Badakhshan, and two ISAF soldiers in the east. The US added the Taliban shadow governor of Helmand to its narcotics kingpin list.


The government freed Hezbollah commander Musa Ali Daqduq. Insurgents killed three Iraqi policemen in Mosul. Security forces arrested al Qaeda’s commander for Karma.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed three pro-government tribesmen in Zinjibar. A spokesman for the Houthis accused the US of killing hundreds of Yemenis in drone strikes.


Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Uruzgan and a Taliban commander in Ghazni. The Taliban is thought to have assassinated the former Hajj and Islamic Affairs director for Nimroz. Germany will withdraw more than 1,000 of its 4,800 soldiers out of the country in 2013.


Security forces killed three al Qaeda in Iraq fighters and found four IEDs during a raid on a safehouse in Taji. Insurgents killed a reporter in a bombing in Baqubah.


Shabaab called on Muslims to support the Palestinians against Israel after airstrikes killed Hamas’s military commander. The FBI added American citizen Omar Hammami to its list of most wanted.


Tanzanian Muslim cleric pleads not guilty to incitement


Sudan’s Islamists need new blood: vice-president


The Joint Task Force claimed it killed Ibn Saleh Ibrahim and several of his lieutenants during a series of raids in Maiduguri. Ibrahim commanded Boko Haram forces in the city and is said to be responsible for killing a general.


Security force killed five Taliban fighters near Wana in South Waziristan. Police arrested five Taliban fighters in Punjab province. Teh government is considering the release of Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Baradar.


The Taliban killed two ISAF interpreters in Logar. Security forces captured several Taliban weapons facilitators. Pakistan is handing over several mid and low-level Taliban operatives to the Afghan peace council.


Insurgents killed at least 20 people in a series of bombings in Kirkuk, Mosul, Bayji, Baghdad, Hillah, and Al Kut. Security forces arrested five al Qaeda fighters in Hawijah.


The parliament approved the prime minister’s cabinet. Iran said it would open an embassy in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed to have killed dozens of Ugandan and Kenyan troops.


AFRICOM commander General Carter Ham said that al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is thought to have been linked to the Sept. 11 assault on the US consulate in Benghazi. “Extremists” have attempted to kill the head of a Sufi center and his sons for opposing Salafists and speaking out against the destruction of shrines.


Clashes broke out between Salafists and other students at Monastir University as the Salafists demanded male and female students dine in separate rooms. Security forces had to break up the fighting.


Two Frontier Corps troops were killed in an IED attack in Quetta. Security forces detained four Lashkar-e-Jhangvi operatives in Karachi.