Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Shabaab forces briefly took control of the town of Belad-Hawo; the military claimed 13 Shabaab fighters were killed in the counterattack. “Gunmen” attacked Kenyan troops in Kismayo.


The Nigerian military offered rewards for information leading to the arrest of Boko Haram’s top leaders. The military offered $312,500 for the group’s emir, Abubakar Shekau; $156,000 each for four senior leaders; and $62,500 for 14 commanders.


Two Somali troops were killed as the soldiers clashed amongst themselves in Mogadishu. “Gunmen” killed a local businessman in Beledweyne; Shabaab is suspected of carrying out the attack.


Security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters, including several Pakistanis, in Zabul, and four more in Faryab. The deputy NDS chief in Herat was gunned down in the streets.


One person was killed after Shabaab fighters attacked the home of a senior official in Kismayo. Security forces detained 20 armed Shabaab fighters during sweeps in Mogadishu.


The military killed four al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters during a raid in the town of Bordj Menaiel in Boumerdes. The region is a known AQIM hotspot.


A suicide bomber killed two security guards in an attack outside of Camp Eggers in Kabul. The government executed 14 prisoners in the past two days; the Taliban described them as “prisoners of war.”


“Gunmen” killed the chief of the Abu Ghraib local council and two of his sons. Security forces detained a Naqshabandia commander in Mosul. The government allotted $7.7 million to fund the Awakening.


A colonel who commanded a tank battalion and several soldiers were killed during fighting with “tribesmen” in Marib after an oil pipeline was bombed. The US Embassy urged Americans in Yemen to leave the country.


Jules Berto Rodriguez Leal, a French citizen, was kidnapped in Diema in western Mali. Six other Frenchmen have been kidnapped by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and other Islamist groups operating in Mali.


Colonel Faraj Mohammed Idris Drissi , the director of security for Benghazi, was gunned down in front of his home by masked men. Drissi had issued a directive for security forces to tackle the militias in the city in the wake of Ansar al Sharia’s storming of the US Consulate.

Al Qaeda

‘Intelligence Community’ Deleted Al Qaeda Reference From CIA Benghazi Document


Freed Taliban prisoners now living with their families: Afghan High Peace Council


France has ended its combat mission in Afghanistan. The Taliban attempted to assassinate the governor and security chief for Helmand. Two policemen and two Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Helmand. The Taliban killed a policeman in an IED attack in Farah.


Security forces killed a senior al Qaeda in Iraq commander in Wasit and detained 13 al Qaeda fighters near Ramadi. The chief of Kurdish military forces warned that a clash with central government forces could happen after fighting took place near Kirkuk.


Somali and African Union forces are advancing on Burhakabo; Shabaab fighters are said to be abandoning the town. The US deported Nuradin Abdi to Somalia. Abdi served a jail sentence for plotting to blow up a mall in Ohio.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Senior religious leaders from Algeria, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Nigeria formed the League of the Ulemas of the Sahel to denounce al Qaeda-linked groups and terrorism. The council denounced al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the Movement for Tawhid and Jihad in West Africa, and Boko Haram.


President Karzai asked the US to free all Afghan prisoners currently being held at the Bagram detention facility. Security forces arrested a Taliban suicide attack facilitator in Kandahar.


Insurgents gunned down an Iraqi journalist in Baghdad. Security forces detained 67 “terror suspects” during the past week. Three al Qaeda in Iraq fighters were captured north of Tikrit.


Security forces arrested two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters at a hotel in Aden. The son of a senior military commander loyal to former President Salih was arrested in Hodeida for killing several policemen.


Shabaab claimed it killed nine Ethiopian soldiers in Ghaneema in and six Ugandan troops near K50. Djiboutian soldiers arrested a government official in Beledweyne.


The Army claimed that it killed senior al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader Rabah Makhfi, who is also known as Sheikh Nacer, and two others in Bejaia. Makhfi is thought to be AQIM’s top military commander.


The Movement for Tawhid and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) claimed it defeated a Tuareg rebel assault near Gao. The Tuaregs from the Movement for the Liberation of Azawad were beaten by MUJAO Osama bin Laden Battalion and more than 300 fighters from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s El Moulethemine Battalion.