Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Last week, Ansar Dine sent reinforcements to fight Tuareg rebels in Gao; the move was in violation of an agreement with ECOWAS. The African Union urged the UN to move immediately and approve military intervention against Islamist fighters in northern Mali.

Boko Haram emir praises al Qaeda

Abubakar-Shekau.jpgAbubakar Shekau said he and his fighters support jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Algeria, Libya, and Mali.


US drones killed three “militants” in a strike in South Waziristan; the strike is the first in Pakistan in 36 days. Mullah Nazir was wounded in a suicide attack in Wana in South Waziristan; six people were killed in the blast.


The Taliban killed 10 civilians in a bus bombing in Uruzgan, four civilians in an IED attack in Ghazni, and one child in a bombing in Khost. Three Taliban fighters in Zabul reconciled with the government.


The military captured Suleiman Hassan Muhammad Morshid Awadh, who was described as a “dangerous” al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander, during a raid in Zinjibar. Security forces offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to the capture of the murderer of a Saudi officer.


Somali and Kenyan troops battled Shabaab forces as they advanced on Burdhubo. A Somali solider killed one person after opening fire on a bus in Mogadishu.


The Taliban killed six civilians in Helmand and five more in Kunar, and also killed three Afghan soldiers in Badghis. Twelve Taliban fighters and two Afghan soldiers were killed during a clash in Laghman. A suicide bomber wounded seven people in Kandahar.


Insurgents killed seven members of a family, including five sleeping children, in Tarmiyah, and two soldiers in Fallujah. A court in Dhi Qhar sentenced al Qaeda in Iraq’s emir for Basrah to death.


“Gunmen” killed a Saudi Army officer and a Yemeni security guard after opening fire on their car in Sana’a. The gunmen were wearing uniforms belonging to the Central Security Forces.


Four Somaliland soldiers and two members of a local militia were killed in Huddun after a clash over an election. Three people in Shalanbod were killed after Shabaab and government forces clashed. The government is dismantling illegal checkpoints in Mogadishu.


The Taliban killed an ISAF solider yesterday in an IED attack in the south. Two people were killed after Afghan police forces clashed among themselves in Baghlan. ISAF killed a Taliban commander in Kunar.


Insurgents killed 29 Iraqis in a series of eight bombings in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Ramadi, and Fallujah. Security forces detained three al Qaeda fighters in Wasit.


“Gunmen” executed a tribal elder in Beledweyne; he was appointed the head of the elders in Hiran last week. Shabaab detonated a large bomb against African Union forces.


The Somali military killed a senior Shabaab commander and captured 16 fighters in Mogadishu, and detained 20 more fighters in Baidoa. “Gunmen” executed the chairman of the Bakara market traders group. The market has been a source of income for Shabaab.


The “Private Deterrent Force” has kidnapped a dozen men it accuses of being homosexual and has threatened to torture and execute them. The group is thought to be linked to the “extremist Nawasi militia group” that has also desecrated Sufi shrines in Tripoli.


Mystery shrouds ‘rusted missiles of Afghan era’ recovered from Jalozai Camp


For the first time in eight years, there were no significant sectarian attacks during the Shia holiday of Ashura. Security forces detained 82 wanted men in Karbala and three al Qaeda fighters in Wasit.


A pair of Boko Haram suicide bombers killed 11 people in a complex suicide attack at a church on a military base in Kaduna. “Gunmen” killed three Christians in Kano.


Algerian jihadists are arriving in Timbuktu to bolster al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb forces. The town is “becoming the headquarters of AQIM in northern Mali,” a security offical said.


The military arrested Walid Amping, an Abu Sayyaf member, during a raid near Zamboanga. Amping was wanted for the kidnapping of six people in 2002; two of them were beheaded.


The Taliban killed a US soldier in the south. A suicide bomber killed only himself in a premature detonation in Nangarhar. Security forces captured two suicide bombers in Kabul.


A suspected suicide bomber killed four Shia Houthis in an attack near Sana’a. The government claimed that more than 22,000 families have returned to Abyan after being displaced during fighting with al Qaeda.