Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


President Karzai said the suicide attack that wounded the NDS chief was planned in Pakistan. US troops rescued an American civilian who was kidnapped in Kabul. Four Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Parwan. The Taliban killed two civilians in an IED attack in Khost.


Suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed a senior officer and seven soldiers in an ambush in the Wadi Abeeda area of Marib province. The commander of the Special Forces in Hodeida province dodged an assassination attempt.


The death toll in yesterday’s grenade attack in Eastleigh in Nairobi has risen to five. A member of parliament was among 37 people wounded. The attack took place after worshippers were leaving a mosque.


The Joint Task Force killed four Boko Haram “sub-commanders,” including two IED experts, during a series of raids in Maiduguri. Officials said the commanders were identified after Abduulkareem Ibrahim was killed last week.


Syrian rebels elect new military commander


Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear


Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters in Nangarhar. The suicide bomber who seriously wounded the head of the National Directorate of Security used a bomb hidden in his underwear.


The Islamic State of Iraq denied that its emir, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, was captured. A court sentenced two al Qaeda leaders to death. Security forces arrested 12 al Qaeda fighters in Fallujah and nine more in Wasit.


Prison guards foiled an escape by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula prisoners. Twenty-five AQAP leaders and fighters were discovered while tunneling under a prison in Aden.

US adds West African group, 2 leaders, to terrorism list

MUJAO-French-Hostage-SITE-Video.jpgThe US government has added the al Qaeda-linked Movement for Tawhid [Unity] and Jihad in West Africa and two of its leaders to the list of global terrorists and entities. The group has named one of its units fighting in Mali after Osama bin Laden.


Three people were killed in an explosion near a shopping center in the Eastleigh neighborhood of Nairobi. Eastleigh is a Somali neighborhood and has a strong Shabaab presence.

Movement for Tawhid and Jihad in West Africa

The US and UN have added the Movement for Tawhid and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) to the list of terrorist entities. Additionally, Hamad el Khairy, a senior leader, and Ahmed el Tilemsi, the military emir, were designated as global terrorists.


The Taliban killed five civilians in a bombing in Uruzgan and two ISAF soldiers in an IED attack in the south. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Zabul and Faryab. Ismail Khan will remain the Minister of Energy and Water despite rebuilding his militia in the west.


Shabaab claimed it killed seven Ugandan soldiers in an ambush that targeted Somalia’s interior minister in Marka. Ten Somali soldiers were killed but Minister Guled was not injured. Twenty Shabaab fighters escaped from a prison in Baidoa.


President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz said that his country would not send troops to battle al Qaeda-linked groups in northern Mali. Aziz send the military would defend its borders and protect its citizens.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed three Afghan guards and four civilians in an attack on FOB Fenty in Nangarhar; nine Taliban fighters were also killed. The Taliban killed killed three civilians in a suicide attack in Uruzgan yesterday and an ISAF soldier in the south. Police claimed to have killed 27 Taliban fighters.


Iraqi security officials have claimed that Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the head of al Qaeda in Iraq and its Islamic State of Iraq, has been captured. The reports of Baghdadi’s arrest have not been confirmed.


“Gunmen” kidnapped 20 Iraqi police recruits at a cafe in Bayji. The recruits are thought to have been taken to Anbar province near the border with Syria; al Qaeda is suspected of carrying out the operation.


Mali Islamists whip unmarried couples in public