Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Nasser Torshani, an Ansar al Sharia official in Benghazi, denied that the al Qaeda-linked group was involved in assassinations of police officials in the city. He claimed that former Qaddafi loyalists have been executing police officers.


Britain will withdraw 3,800 troops by the end of 2013. An Afghan policeman killed four of his fellow officers in an insider attack in Kandahar. A US Defense Department report says since the adoption of measures to prevent insider attacks, 90 percent of operations in Afghanistan have returned to normal.


Security forces detained 20 “terrorists” in Ninewa and 10 al Qaeda fighters in Basrah. Insurgents killed a soldier in Baghdad. The government has offered rewards for al Qaeda in Iraq and Al Nusrah Front leaders.


Two people were wounded in a pair of blasts at the Al Amin mosque in the Eastleigh neighborhood in Nairobi, a Shabaab stronghold. No group has claimed credit for the blasts.


Shabaab gunned down a Somali judge in Baidoa and killed an aid worker in Mogadishu. Piracy off the coast of Somalia has dropped significantly; no ships have been hijacked in the past six months.


Six senior Islamists, including former Guantanamo inmate Sufyan Ben Qumu, have denied involvement in the assassinations of security officials in Benghazi. The inquiry into the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi has stalled due to the influence of militant groups. Without explanation, a court in Benghazi dropped the case of Abdul Fatah Younis, who […]


“Gunmen” killed four medical personnel who were dispensing polio vaccinces in Karachi, and another in Peshawar. Ten people were wounded in a grenade attack outside an army recruiting center in Risalpur.


Security forces killed a Taliban commander in Herat. Nuristan’s chief of police accused the Pakistani military of attacking police centers in conjunction with the Taliban.


Kurdish troops fired on an Iraqi Army helicopter as it traveled north of Kirkuk; no casualties were reported. President Talibani has been hospitalized for a stroke.


Shabaab dismissed Omar Hammami, the American jihadist who claimed his life was in danger earlier this year, as a narcissist. Somali and African Union troops seized control of Kudha and Madhawa from Shabaab forces. “Gunmen” killed a military officer in Mogadishu.


Salah Gasm, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s purported second in command, is rumored to have been captured outside of a restaurant of Cheurfa. The report is unconfirmed.


Seventeen Pakistanis were killed in a bombing at a bus station in Khyber. The Taliban killed three soldiers in an attack on an outpost in Lakki Marwat.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed one person in an attack on a US contractors base in Kabul. Ten Afghan girls were killed in a landmine blast in Nangarhar.


Thirty-two Iraqis were killed and more than 100 were wounded in a series of bombings and attacks across the country. The attacks targeted the Army, police, and Shiites.


The military denied that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula had seized control of the Al Mahfad district in Abyan. “Gunmen” killed a Political Security officer in Hadramout.


Security forces in Puntland intercepted a shipment of supplies thought to be headed to Shabaab in the Galgala mountains. The defense minister cautioned troops against being undiscipiined and warned that courts would be established to prosecute offenders.


Security forces captured a Taliban facilitator involved in the Dec. 2 attack on the US airbase in Jalalabad. The Afghan military claimed that 23 Taliban fighters were killed during operations over the past two days.


Insurgents killed six people in bombings in Kirkuk at two mosques and a TV station associated with Shia Muslims. Two more people were killed in a bombing at Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party office in Jalula.


Militants in Shabwa bombed a liquid natural gas pipeline that feeds the Balhaf terminal. A military court sentenced 93 soldiers from three to seven years in prison for participating in the Aug. 24 attack on the Defense Ministry building.


Police arrested a suspect in the assassination of Benghazi’s police chief. The unnamed suspect implicated seven Islamists, including former Guantanamo Bay inmate Sufyan Ben Qumu. Islamists killed three policemen while attempting to free the suspect. The Congress voted to close Libya’s borders with Sudan, Niger, and Chad and declare the south a restricted military area.


Police killed a suspected Jemaah Islamiyah bomber as he attempted to detonate explosives in a park in Davao. The bomber was from Malaysia; his wife, a Filipina, was arrested.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed four civilians in an attack on the military side of the airport in Peshawar. Five Taliban fighters were killed in the attack; three died in a premature detonation.


President Karzai said US and NATO troops should withdraw from Afghan villages as soon as possible. Security forces detained three Taliban commanders and 50 fighters in Nangarhar, and a senior Taliban commander and several fighters in Sar-i-Pul.


Insurgents killed four Iraqi soldiers in an IED attack in Al Zawiyah. Police killed an al Qaeda fighter and wounded two more in Mosul, and prevented an attack on a train station south of Tikrit.


A suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack in Mogadishu. Three bystanders were wounded in the attack, which targeted a Somali and African Union convoy.


Security forces broke up an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb recruiting network. Seven members of the cell have been arrested, and security forces are looking for more members in the Jendouba area.


Al Qaeda fighters killed an Army regimental commander west of Mosul and three policemen in Mosul. Security forces detained two insurgents in Fallujah.