Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


US drones killed Mukbel Abbad, a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander, and two fighters in a strike in Rada’a in Al Baydah province. Two soldiers were wounded in a grenade attack in Shabwa province.


The National Security and Intelligence Agency claimed it arrested 15 al Qaeda operatives who were trained by Shabaab to carry out attacks in Ethiopia. Security forces also found weapons, jihadist propaganda, and training manuals during the raid.


Algerian security forces killed seven more al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters during a raid in the Oued Bahara area of Boumerdes. The AQIM fighters were members of the El-Feth brigade.


US drones killed five “militants” in South Waziristan. “Gunmen” kidnapped seven soldiers in Jand as they were returning from leave in Rawalpindi. Security forces killed two “terrorists” during an operation in Miramshah in North Waziristan.


Taliban and al Qaeda ally Gulbuddin Hekmatyar said that Britain’s Prince Harry is in Afghanistan “to kill innocent Afghans while he is drunk,” and said he hid when the Taliban assaulted Camp Bastion last summer. ISAF captured several Taliban commanders and fighters.


President Goodluck Jonathan claimed that most of the Boko Haram members involved in major attacks throughout the country in 2011 “have been arrested.” The attacks he mentioned included the suicide attack in the UN building and police headquarters in Abuja.


The Taliban claimed credit for a bombing in Karachi that killed four people at an MQM rally in Karachi. Seven aid workers were gunned down in Swabi; no group has claimed the attack.


The military claimed that 22 Taliban fighters, including 10 Pakistanis, were killed in a 10-day-long operation in Ghazni. Four Afghans were killed after missiles fired from Pakistan struck in Kunar. Two Afghan soldiers attacked Spanish soldiers in Herat; no one was hurt.


Security forces detained 11 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters during operations in Dhala. Two escapees from a prison in Hodeidah were also detained.


A court convicted 10 people, including a Kenyan, for being members of al Qaeda. The men were sentenced to life in prison.


Security forces killed six al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters during a raid in Bouzegza. The military is preparing for guerrilla warfare to combat Islamist fighters along the border with Mali.


The Taliban executed 21 policemen after capturing them in an operation several days ago in Peshawar. Nineteen people were killed in a bombing in Mastung; the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is suspected of carrying out the IED attack.


The body of a Georgian soldier who has been missing since Dec. 18 has been found; he appears to have been tortured. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in an IED attack in the south, and killed one person and destroyed 11 NATO oil tankers in Nangarhar.


Security forces arrested 19 wanted terrorists south of Baghdad, and five al Qaeda fighters in Diwaniyah and Baghdad. The Awakening offered reward money for information leading to those who attack members of the group.


US drones killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Rada’a. AQAP offered a reward for the assassination of the US ambassador and US soldiers.


Four Boko Haram fighters and a policeman were killed in clashes in Damaturu, the provincial capital of Yobe. Security forces detained 59 people during the operation.

Daily Times op-ed hits the mark on Pakistani Taliban

“Now having been offered this incontrovertible proof of the Taliban on both sides of the western border and al Qaeda being one and the same thing, one hopes the foolishness about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ Taliban can be relegated where it belongs: in the dustbin,” Daily Times writes.


Pakistan: Troubled north-west comes to town (Karachi)


Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Nangarhar. The Taliban released a video of the execution of an Afghan soldier, and killed a policeman in an IED attack in Uruzgan.


Insurgents killed four Iraqi soldiers in an attack on a checkpoint in Madain, and the wife of an Awakening member in Al Shatt. Security forces arrested six al Qaeda fighters in Samarra.


US drones killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a drone strike in Hadramout. “Gunmen” blew up an LNG pipeline in Marib just hours after it was repaired from a previous attack.