Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Taliban killed two soldiers in Mohmand and a Frontier Corps trooper in Khyber, and wounded four soldiers in an IED attack in North Waziristan. Thirty-eight people have been killed in sectarian violence in Karachi in the past week.


A suicide bomber killed seven Iraqis in Taji. Fifteen more were killed in car bombings and shootings in Baghdad, Bayji, and Mahmudiyah. Iraqi soldiers killed nine al Qaeda fighters in the desert west of Samarra.


The US killed four AQAP fighters in a drone strike in Al Jawf in northern Yemen. Said al Shihri, AQAP’s deputy emir, is rumored to have died from wounds suffered in a December 2012 drone strike. AQAP confirmed the deaths of two fighters killed in a strike on Dec. 24, 2012.


“Suspected Islamist gunmen” killed 18 people, including hunters, in Damboa. An Islamist group called Ansura claimed credit for an IED attack that killed two soldiers who were deploying to Mali.


US drones killed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander and two fighters in a strike in Marib province. The three AQAP members were released from prison in April 2012 after being detained for fighting in Abyan province.


Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed responsibility for the assassination of Sunni MP and Awakening leader Aifan Sadoun. Security forces captured AQI’s “religious guide” and three aides in Miqdadiyah.


US drones killed eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Marib province. Two Saudi AQAP fighters were among those killed; one was identified as Ismail bin Jamil.


Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the emir of the Those who sign with Blood Brigade, claimed credit for the suicide assault on the In Amenas gas facility under al Qaeda’s banner. At least 48 hostages have been killed, and the death toll is expected to rise. Six jihadists have been captured. The overall death toll from the siege […]


Two suicide bombers in Herat killed only themselves in a premature detonation. Special operations forces killed or captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, and Nangarhar. Afghan troops suffered a 124% increase in casualties due to IEDs, while the number of Coalition casualties has dropped by half.


Insurgents killed three policemen and a civilian in separate attacks in Mosul, Kirkuk, and Baghdad. Four more policemen were wounded in the attacks.


“Gunmen” bombed an oil pipeline in the village of Rudum in Shabwa province; the pipeline moved more than 8,000 barrels of oil per day. Nine al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were transferred from Aden to Sana’a to face trial.


Unconfirmed reports indicate that Boko Haram emir Abubakar Shekau was wounded in a gunbattle with the Joint Task Force and escaped to Mali. Two soldiers who were preparing to deploy to Mali were killed in an IED attack in Kogi.


Algerian forces stormed the In Amenas gas facility after jihadists from the ‘Those who Sign with Blood Brigade’ executed seven hostages. The facility is said to be under Algerian control. An estimated 30 hostages are said to be unaccounted for.


Jihadists are reported to have fled Diabaly, a town in central Mali near the Mauritanian border that was seized last Monday. French aircraft struck the jihadists in the town. The Malian military claims to have taken Diabaly, but the report is unconfirmed. Togolese and Nigerian troops have arrived in Bamako.


The Taliban denied that they participated in peace talks with the Afghan government in Dubai. Pakistan said it would free all Afghan Taliban prisoners, including Mullah Baradar, who attempted to negotiate with the government in 2010.


Insurgents killed two policemen in separate attacks in Abu Ghraib. Police and Awakening fighters killed a suicide bomber as he approached their checkpoint on a motorcycle; one policeman was wounded.


A member of parliament accused AMISOM forces of massacring civilians in Leego. Gunmen murdered a reporter in Mogadishu. AMISOM said it would train Somali police in Djibouti.


A Taliban suicide assault team attacked the NDS headquarters in Kabul; six Taliban fighters and a security guard died during the attack. The Taliban killed three NDS officers in an IED attack in Uruzgan, and killed an ISAF soldier in the west. A British soldier died of wounds sustained during combat on Jan. 14.