Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Three security guards were killed when “terrorists” attacked a camp at a gas pipeline in Djebahia. Al Qaeda’s El Farouk Brigade is accused of carrying out the attack.


Insurgents killed two soldiers in a rocket attack on a base north of Fallujah. Twelve “terrorists” surrendered to the government in Rabia. Parliament voted to limit Prime Minister Maliki to two terms in office.


The Yemeni Army launched an offensive against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Baydah in an effort to free three Western hostages; three people are reported to have been killed. AQAP responded with a suicide attack in Rada’a that killed eight soldiers and an ambush that killed three more.


Boko Haram has reportedly agreed to a ceasefire with the governor of Borno state. Boko Haram commander Mohammed Sani escaped from prison in November 2012.


The Taliban killed eight policemen and three prisoners in an IED attack in Kandahar. Security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in Helmand. ISAF killed an al Qaeda facilitator in Kunar.


A suicide bomber killed 10 policemen, including the chief of counterterrorism for Kunduz City, in an attack in the northern city. A second suicide bomber killed a policeman and a civilian in an attack in Ghazni.


Al Qaeda killed four Iraqi soldiers in an IED attack in Haswa. Two soldiers were gunned down and three more were kidnapped near Fallujah. The suicide bomber who killed 42 people at a mosque in Tuz Khurmatu had escaped from an IRaqi jail.


Fifty-three people were killed after the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan and Ansarul Islam clashed in Khyber’s Tirah Valley. Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s information minister called for peace talks with the Taliban.


The Taliban killed five civilians in a suicide attack on an ISAF convoy in Kapisa and two policemen in Helmand. ISAF killed an al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander in Kunar. More than 1,100 Afghan soldiers have died in combat over the past six months.


Iraqi soldiers killed four civilians in Fallujah after opening fire on Sunni protesters as they advanced on military vehicles and hurled rocks and water bottles. Some of the protesters raised al Qaeda in Iraq’s black banner, while others raised the flag of Saddam Hussein’s regime.


Twitter has banned Shabaab’s account, @HSMPress, after the group released a video threatening to kill Kenyans. The military detained several suspected Shabaab fighters during a raid on the village of Bayahow near Jowhar.


Two policemen, including a Deputy Superintendent of Police, and two civilians were killed in a bombing in Karachi. Pakistan admitted to holding more than 700 terrorism suspects without charging them with crimes.


Security forces detained 19 “wanted terrorists” involved in attacks throughout Iraq in 2012. Police detained four al Qaeda fighters who were attempting to recruit a 16-year-old boy in Mosul.


The government said that Said al Shihri, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s deputy emir, was killed in a counterterrorism operation on Nov. 28. The Houthis killed a member of the Salafist Al Rashad group in Dhamar, and kidnapped a member of the Islamist Islah party in Saada.


The Taliban executed a “US spy” who they claimed is responsible for the drone strike that killed mullah Nazir in South Waziristan. The Taliban’s spokesman vowed that his group would attack a Hindu group in Kashmir.


The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east, a policeman in Herat, and a doctor in Helmand. Five policemen were arrested after beating shopkeepers in Parwan.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed 42 Iraqis in an attack at a funeral in a mosque in Tuz Khurmatu. “Gunmen” killed an Awakening leader at his home in Samarra.


Shabaab released a video of two captured Kenyans. The al Qaeda affiliate said it would execute the Kenyans in three weeks if Kenya doesn’t release all prisoners.


Boko Haram fighters murdered and then beheaded five people in Maiduguri. The military said it killed two Boko Haram fighters in the city and detained three more. President Goodluck Jonathan said the military is in Mali to protect Nigerian citizens.