Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Twelve Iraqis were killed in a suicide attack and shooting in Mosul, and three more were killed in an IED attack in Anbar. Counterterrorism forces captured two insurgent commanders and three fighters in Diyala.


A suicide bomber killed four people in an attack that targeted a senior police official in Galkayo. Shabaab claimed credit for the attack and said that six “apostate troops” were killed.


General Dunford has assumed command of ISAF. ISAF has begun to withdraw equipment from Afghanistan via Pakistan. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Helmand.


The Taliban killed six civilians in an IED attack in Helmand and a policeman in a bombing in Herat. Police killed five Taliban fighters in operations throughout the country. ISAF captured an IMU leader in Burkah.


Six people were killed in a mortar and rocket attack at a camp that houses members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq. Gunmen assassinated a security guard at his home in Baghdad. Police arrested seven al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Fallujah.


“Gunmen” bombed a pipeline in the Wadi Abida area in Marib; the military responded by firing artillery. The leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Rada’a is said to be in Sana’a to conduct talks with the government.


Shabaab claimed that 204 “apostate militia” members defected from the government in Qansaxdhere, Gedo, and Bay and Bakool over the past three months. Britain will deploy military advisers to Mogadishu.


US drones killed two Arab al Qaeda operatives, including an explosives expert, four Uzbeks, and a Taliban fighter in a strike in South Waziristan. Pakistan’s foreign secretary claimed al Qaeda has been eliminated in his country.


Special operations forces killed a Taliban leader in Kunduz, and captured an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commander and nine insurgents in Takhar, Logar, and Kandahar. ISAF disputed a UN report that said hundreds of Afghan children were killed during raids last year.


Insurgents killed 31 Iraqis in a series of car bombings in Baghdad. Security forces captured six al Qaeda fighters in Kirkuk, and launched an operation against the terror group in the Al Jazeera desert in Anbar and Ninewa provinces.


The government called on Iran to halt weapons shipments to Houthi rebels and Southern separatists. The Iranian press accused the US and Israel of blaming Iran for shipping weapons. Ten people were killed in an explosion at an arms depot in Hajja.


The Taliban killed a police chief and three bodyguards in Balkh and claimed that eight soldiers defected in Ghazni. An ISAF helicopter crashed in Kapisa; the Taliban claimed they shot it down.


Shabaab fighters ambushed an Ethiopian military convoy in Gedo; several Shabaab fighters and Ethiopian soldiers are reported to have been killed in the fighting. Shabaab killed two Ethiopian soldiers in an IED attack in Baidoa.


Suspected Boko Haram fighters killed six park rangers and captured several more in an attack at the Sambisa game reserve. The attack was apparently in reprisal for a military assault on a Boko Haram camp last week.

Prominent al Qaeda leader killed in drone strike in 2012

Abd el Kader Mahmoud Mohamed el Sayed was a close advisor to al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri and served as a military commander in Afghanistan before he was killed. El Sayed was involved in the Luxor massacre and, while living in Milan, was recorded by Italian intelligence discussing terror plots against the West.


A suicide bomber killed seven people in an attack outside of a prison in Taji. The suicide attack is the third in three days, and the second in Taji in two days.


Houthis and Salafists fought in Saada province in northern Yemen; casualties on both sides were reported. Saudi Arabia requested that Yemen extradite the widow of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s former deputy emir, Said al Shihri.


A Ugandan soldier was killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. President Mohamud said he is prepared to negotiate with Shabaab if the al Qaeda group renounces its goal to overthrow the government.


A suicide bomber killed 19 Awakening fighters and three soldiers in an attack in Taji. A senior counterterrorism official was killed in a car bombing in Abu Ghraib. The head of the Awakening warned that al Qaeda is returning to Anbar province.


Four Somalis and two Saudi al Qaeda fighters are reported to have been killed during clashes in Maneseeh in Baydah province. The government will prosecute more than 200 AQAP fighters. Iran denied that it chartered a ship that was carrying weapons for rebels. A Hezbollah delegation reportedly met with Yemeni officials and tribal leaders.


Shabaab claimed that it killed 24 Ethiopian soldiers during attacks on outposts in and around Baidoa. The commander of the African Union forces said that Shabaab has been weakened militarily. The UN’s secretary-general said that the 21-year-old arms embargo should be reviewed.