Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The military claimed that 35 Taliban fighters were killed during an operation in Herat. Ten Taliban fighters reconciled with the government.


Wathiq al Batat, the leader of the newly formed Mukhtar Army, a Shia militant group, threatened to attack the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, an Iranian terrorist group. Camp Liberty, where MEK is sheltering, has come under rocket attacks over the past few weeks.

United States

Texas students dress in burqas, taught to call Muslim terrorists ‘freedom fighters’


Security forces killed four Taliban fighters and three Lashar-e-Islam members in operations in Khyber. One security official was killed in a blast at a paramilitary camp in Khyber.


The Taliban killed two policemen and four civilians in IED attacks in Helmand and Uruzgan province. ISAF said there is no evidence that US Special Forces are involved in war crimes in Wardak province.


Security forces killed two al Qaeda fighters near Haditha in Anbar province. Insurgents killed two Iraqi soldiers and a child in an IED attack in Rubaia.


President Karzai ordered US Special Forces to leave Wardak after accusing them of war crimes. The Taliban launched four suicide attacks against NDS and ANCOP installations in Kabul, Logar, and Nangarhar; four suicide bombers, two NDS officers, and two policemen were killed.


The Southern Secessionist Movement announced that it has begun armed opposition to the government in Sana’a. A senior security official and his bodyguard were gunned down in Baydah province.


Eleven people were killed during tribal clashes in the former Shabaab-held city of Kismayo. African Union and Somali troops took control of two towns in Bay. Tens of thousands of Somalis protested against Shabaab in Garowe.


Police killed 17 Taliban fighters in operations throughout the country. The Taliban killed a policeman in Laghman. An Afghan intelligence officer claimed that former Pakistani Taliban commander Faqir Mohammed planned to kill senior officials.


Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and several Pakistani jihadists in Laghman. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in an IED attack in the south.


Insurgents killed seven Awakening fighters in an attack on a checkpoint in Tuz Khumato. A civilian was killed in a car bombing in Baghdad.


Police arrested a Taliban fundraiser and four “militants” in Karachi. Pakistan requested that Afghanistan extradite former Taliban commander Faqir Mohammed. Police have initiated a blasphemy probe against Sherry Rehman, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US.


“Gunmen” killed four Iraqi soldiers at a checkpoint in Duluiayah. Police captured 12 al Qaeda fighters near Mosul. The Army shut down three tunnels to Syria in Al Qaim.


Six people were wounded in a grenade attack in the Bakara Market in Mogadishu. Shabaab commander Hassan Dahir Aweys denied any involvement in the killing of a prominent cleric in Puntland.


“Gunmen” killed seven people in the village of Malele near the Somalia border. A Kenya official claimed they were shot inside a mosque, but a witness said they were killed inside their homes.


African Union and Somali forces battled Shabaab fighters in Janaale. Shabaab claimed it killed 25 “kuffar invaders” and lost three of its own fighters.


Insurgents killed an Iraqi Army officer and three family members in Mosul and an Awakening leader in Madin. Security forces five al Qaeda fighters in Anbar and seven more in Ninewa.


African Union troops secured the Johwar airport after Shabaab forces fled. Shabaab claimed it killed five members of a militia in Bardale and sentenced to death another militia fighter captured in Jilib.


The NDS reportedly arrested Faqir Mohammed, the former deputy emir of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, and four others in Nangarhar. ISAF killed two Taliban commanders in Kunar who were involved in planning and executing green-on-blue, or insider, attacks against ISAF personnel.


Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for yesterday’s attacks in Baghdad that killed at least 37 Iraqis and wounded more than 130. Al Qaeda also warned Sunnis not to work with the Shia-dominated government.