Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Al Qaeda fighters killed an Army lieutenant colonel, his pregnant wife, son, and brother in an attack south of Mosul. Security forces killed an al Qaeda emir in Khalis, and captured 11 al Qaeda fighters in Karma, and a financier and seven fighters in Rubaia,


US drones killed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander for Marib province and a fighter in recent strikes in Marib. “Militants” again bombed a major pipeline in Marib.


Al Qaeda in Iraq gunned down an Awakening leader and gravely wounded his sister in an attack at their home south of Mosul. Insurgents killed four Iraqis in Baghdad and five more in attacks in Kirkuk.


Amnesty International urged the United Nations to maintain the arms embargo on Somalia, which has been in effect for 21 years. A military court in Puntland sentenced three Shabaab fighters to death by firing squad.


Senior NATO and Afghan officials condemned the statement by the head Pakistani cleric that suicide attacks in Afghanistan are justifiable. Five Taliban fighters were killed in an uprising in Faryab. The Taliban killed a US soldier in the south on March 3.


Forty-two Syrian soldiers and seven Iraqi troops were killed in an ambush in Anbar province. The Iraqi soldiers were escorting the Syrian troops, who left their country, to Baghdad.


A suicide bomber killed 12 people and wounded 17 more in an attack on a pro-government militia’s headquarters in Lawder. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said it rejected the government’s efforts to negotiate a peace agreement.


Shabaab emir Sheikh Abu Zubayr threatened to attack Kenya if it did not withdraw its forces from Somalia. “If you want peace, remove your military from the Muslim lands … you will not sleep safely in Nairobi and Mombasa as long as your military remains in the Islamic Administrations of Somalia,” he said.


The Afghan military and police claimed to have killed 18 Taliban fighters in raids throughout the country. A Kazakh member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan was captured in Kunduz. ISAF apologized for killing two Afghan boys in Uruzgan.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed an Awakening leader and three of his sons in Samarra. Insurgents killed seven Iraqis in a bombing in Diwaniyah and killed another in a blast in Hamdaniyah. Police arrested six al Qaeda fighters in Tharthar.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a new edition of Inspire magazine. The English-language magazine features an article by Adam Gadahn, the American traitor who works with al Qaeda’s core leadership cadre.


A suicide bomber struck at a beachside cafe in Mogadishu; casualties are unknown. Shabaab claimed it killed nine “kuffars” in an attack in Janaale.


The military killed eight “militants” in airstrikes in Arakzai. “Gunmen” killed a journalist in North Waziristan. The Taliban bombed four schools in Mohmand.


The Taliban killed eight policemen and two civilians in an IED attack in Kunar. Security forces killed a senior Haqqani Network attack facilitator in Logar.


Insurgents killed 22 Iraqis in a series of bombings in predominantly Shia neighborhoods in Baghdad. Prime Minister Maliki warned that the civil war in Syria may spill over into Iraq and Jordan.


A court in Puntland sentenced Shabaab emir Sheikh Abu Zubayr (Godane) to death for an assassination in Bosasso. African Union and Somali troops took control of Burhakaba after Shabaab forces fled the town.


The Taliban killed 10 members of the Afghan Local Police and seven civilians in Ghazni after poisoning them, and killed a civilian in a bombing at a market in Nangarhar. A suicide bomber wounded seven soldiers in an attack in Kabul.


Security forces killed two al Qaeda fighters in Abu Ghraib and detained an al Qaeda commander in Ninewa and two more fighters in Fallujah. US officials said Iraq is permitting Iranian aircraft to fly to Syria using Iraqi airspace.


The military claimed that 35 Taliban fighters were killed during an operation in Herat. Ten Taliban fighters reconciled with the government.


Wathiq al Batat, the leader of the newly formed Mukhtar Army, a Shia militant group, threatened to attack the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, an Iranian terrorist group. Camp Liberty, where MEK is sheltering, has come under rocket attacks over the past few weeks.