Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and three militia men were killed in fighting in Jaar in Abyan province; 11 AQAP fighters were also captured. AQAP captured a military intelligence brigadier general at his home in Mudiyah in Abyan.


The military claimed that more than 60 Taliban fighters were killed in Badakhshah; the Taliban denied the report. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Ismail Khan called on Afghans to reject a security pact with the US. The US and Afghanistan reached an agreement to transfer Bagram.


Security forces captured al Qaeda’s mufti, or religious emir, for Babil province and 19 “wanted gunmen” in Baghdad. Al Qaeda killed two people in attacks that targeted the Awakening in Abu Ghraib.


Somali troops fought amongst themselves in the town of Marka; five people are thought to have been killed. A human rights worker was gunned down in Mogadishu.


US drones killed four “militants” in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan. Eight people were killed in a bombing in Jaffarabad. The Taliban attacked US supply containers in Peshawar and Khyber.


A politician was gunned down outside of his home in Fallujah. Police arrested nine “wanted men” in Maysan. Soldiers captured two men as they were rigging car bombs in Baghdad.


The US has posted $5 million rewards for American jihadists Jehad Mostafa and Omar Hammami. Mostafa is thought to have served as Ayman al Zawahiri’s emissary. AMISOM said it is “closely monitoring developments” in Hudur after Shabaab took the town following the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces.


A suicide bomber killed five people at a madrassa in Helmand. The Taliban beheaded three men in Kandahar and killed a district governor and two bodyguards in Takhar. A policeman killed five of his colleagues in Badghis.


Two pro-government militiamen and three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in clashes in Jaar in Abyan. Three tribesmen were killed while fighting with government troops in Marib. A senior police official in Hadramout escaped an assassination attempt.


Shabaab retook control of Awdinle near Baidoa after seizing Hudur three days ago. The prime minister said the military would retake Hudur, but Ethiopia has indicated it would withdraw its forces.


The death toll in Monday’s suicide attacks in Kano has risen to more than 70. Britain has pledged to help Nigeria with terrorism issues in the north.


President Karzai’s spokesman said NATO’s involvement in Afghanistan is “unwise” and “aimless.” Denmark will withdraw its combat troops five months earlier than planned. A policeman killed three of his colleagues in Zabul. The Taliban killed two policemen in an IED attack in Herat.


At least 59 Iraqis were killed in a series of more than 20 attacks in Baghdad, Anbar, Babil, and Ninewa provinces. Attacks included suicide bombers, car bombs, IEDs, and armed assaults. The attacks were likely carried out by al Qaeda.


President Hassan claimed Shabaab has been defeated and the group has morphed into a terrorist movement that attacks civilians. Shabaab claimed it retook control of Hudur after defeating Ethiopian forces.


A pair of suicide bombers killed 22 people in an attack at a bus station in Kano. Six members of the Joint Task Force were killed in an IED attack in Maiduguri.


Two suicide bombers attacked a court in Peshawar, killing two people and wounding 30 more. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan suspended peace talks with the government.


A suicide bomber killed 10 people in a bombing near the Presidential Palace in Mogadishu. The suicide bomber detonated a car packed with explosives as senior security officials passed by.