Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces detained six al Qaeda fighters in Babil and four members of an “armed gang” in Baghdad. The UN said that 229 civilians and 227 security personnel were killed in acts of terrorism in March.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a statement by deputy emir Said al Shihri that indicates he may be alive. A Saudi female convicted of having ties to al Qaeda and then freed to live with her family has escaped to Yemen.


Shabaab claimed it killed five Ugandan and seven Somali troops in separate attacks in Lower Shabelle. Shabaab also publicly executed a woman in Hiran for “spying.” The government admitted its soldiers are involved in rapes of Somali women.


The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Helmand and two policemen in Nuristan. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in Nangarhar. Two French citizens who were kidnapped months ago have been freed.

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the emir of al Qaeda in Iraq, announced the formation of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Baghdadi merged al Qaeda in Iraq’s Islamic State of Iraq, and the Al Nusrah Front. Baghdadi admitted that AQI formed Al Nusrah.


Pro-government militias captured a Saudi member of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula during in Qarnah in Abyan province. “Militants” commanded by tribal leader Hassan Mabkhoot attacked oil facilities and power lines in Marib province.


The Director of the Somali Islamic Scholars dodged an assassination attempt by a car bomb in Mogadishu. The state administration in Hiran said it would retake areas under Shabaab control.


A court sentenced seven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters to jail terms of between two to five years. One of the AQAP fighers was a Dagestanian, another was a Tunisian. Separatists killed a Yemeni soldier during fighting in Lahj.


The commander of AMISOM forces claimed that Shabaab has been “wiped out” along the highway that connects the capital of Mogadishu and Baidoa. Three people were wounded in a bombing in Afgoye.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed three US soldiers, a State Department official, and a Department of Defense representative in an attack on the governor’s convoy in Zabul. The Afghan military claimed it killed 100 Taliban fighters in Badakhshan and 18 more in Jawzjan.


An Al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bomber killed 24 people and wounded more than 50 in an attack at a political rally for a Sunni politician in Baqubah. Insurgent killed two soldiers in Haditha. Security forces captured 13 al Qaeda fighters south of Baghdad.


Insurgents killed three soldiers in an IED attack in Abu Ghraib and three civilians in a bombing in Hillah. Security forces arrested five al Qaeda suspects during three raids in Ninewa province.


The Taliban killed 10 policemen and 34 civilians in an attack on a courthouse in Farah; nin members of the Taliban suicide assault team were also killed. Four Afghan soldiers were killed while defusing an IED in Kunar. An Afghan Local Police commander and three policemen were killed in an IED attack in Paktika.


Insurgents killed an Awakening leader and two family members in Kirkuk. Security forces detained two al Qaeda operatives in Basrah and 10 wanted men in Maysan.


The Taliban killed three policemen and five electrical workers in an attack on a power substation in Peshawar; four workers are missing. The military killed five Taliban fighters in airstrikes in North Waziristan.


President Karzai said Taliban emir Mullah Omar can run for president. The Taliban killed three policemen in Paktia and another in Herat.


The government executed four al Qaeda operatives, including Manaf al Rawi, the former emir for Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq executed three oil workers and captured two more at a Korea Gas Company camp in Al Qaim in Anbar province.


The African Union killed a senior Shabaab commander who led forces in the Bay and Bakool region. African Union forces are replacing Ethiopian troops who have withdrawn from the Bay area.


The US killed nine insurgents, including “Iranian and Arab” fighters, in an airstrike in Farah. An Afghan teenager stabbed and killed a US soldier in Nangarhar. A policeman gunned down a police chief in in Faryab.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber rammed a truck packed with explosives into a police station in Tikrit, killing nine Iraqis. Two policemen and a civilian were gunned down in Baghdad.


Protesters have gathered outside of the US Embassy in Sana’a to call for the release of more than 90 Yemenis being held at Guantanamo for links to al Qaeda. Switzerland has withdrawn all of its personnel after a Swiss hostage was freed.