Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Five Boko Haram fighters and two policemen were killed in Gashua in Yobe State as the Islamist fighters were robbing a bank. Boko Haram fighters killed four policemen and wounded the Divisional Police Officer in Bama in Borno State.


ISAF commander General Dunford said there is “improved security across the country.” Security forces captured eight Pakistani Taliban fighters in Panjwai district in Kandahar.


Thirty-one “militants” and 10 policemen were killed during clashes in Mosul; it is unclear if the militants are members of insurgent groups or Sunni protesters. Two policemen were killed in an attack at a checkpoint in Fallujah.


US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said that the military has evidence that the Syrian government has used sarin twice “on a small scale.” Young men from Kyrgyzstan are beginning to join rebel groups in Syria.


Five Boko Haram fighters and two policemen were killed after the Islamist group attacked a police station in Yobe. Security forces imposed a curfew in Yobe after the attack.


Civilian casualties have risen by 30 percent over the past three months when compared with last year. Sixteen Taliban fighters and five policemen were killed in Faryab. The Taliban killed five children in a bombing in Kandahar. Turkey will keep some troops in Afghanistan after NATO pulls out at the end of 2014.


Eight soldiers, a policeman, and seven civilians were killed as Iraqi security forces clashed with Sunni protesters in Tuz Khurmatu and Baiji for the second day straight. Al Qaeda in Iraq is attempting to recruit children in Diyala to become suicide bombers.

Pakistani Taliban active in Logar

The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan unit featured in a recently released video is named after al Qaeda’s emir for Kunar province, who was killed in 2011.


An Afghan policeman killed three of colleagues in Faryab, then killed a Taliban commander and himself. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the east, four civilians in Kandahar, and a prosecutor, his wife, and three civilians in Faryab.


Iraqi troops clashed with protesters in Hawijah; 20 protesters and six soldiers are said to have been killed. Seven soldiers and one “insurgent” were killed in clashes in Ramadi and Tuz Khurmato. Al Qaeda killed five family members of an Awakening leader. Security forces captured an al Qaeda governor in Babil.


Three Yemeni soldiers and eight AQAP fighters were killed after AQAP attacked a base in Rada’a. A court sentenced 11 AQAP fighters to up to 10 years in prison.


Shabaab and Kenyan troops clashed in Dhobley; Shabaab claimed that it killed 12 Kenyan soldiers in the ambush. Another journalist was gunned down in Mogadishu. Ethiopia said it is preparing to withdraw all of its troops from Somalia.


A court sentenced Mokhtar Belmokhtar and four other jihadists to death in absentia. Four other defendants were sentenced to 13 years in prison. The government denied that Ansar Dine is seeking refuge on Algerian soil as military operations are underway in Mali.

Canadian terror plot linked to al Qaeda in Iran

Chiheb-Esseghaier-Linkedin.jpgA senior police official said two suspects involved in a plot to blow up a train received “support from al Qaeda elements located in Iran.” A Linkedin page of one of the suspects displayed al Qaeda’s black banner.


The Taliban captured 11 people, including eight Turks and a Russian pilot, after their helicopter landed in Logar due to bad weather. ISAF killed a senior IMU commander in Balkh and a senior Taliban leader in Kandahar.


Insurgents killed six Iraqis in an IED attack at a restaurant in Fallujah and two construction workers at a jobsite in Nakhib near the border with Saudi Arabia. Security forces detained 12 wanted men in Mosul.


Six people were killed as Shabaab and government forces clashed in Hudur. The government arrested six Shabaab fighters in Hiran and accused the terror group of killing a journalist in Mogadishu.


“Militants” killed four Pakistani soldiers in an IED attack in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. Three Taliban fighters were killed and four security personnel were wounded in a clash in Arakzai. Three more Taliban fighters were captured in Darra Adam Khel.


The Taliban killed six policemen in Ghazni, and a suicide bomber killed three civilians in Paktika. Security forces killed two “insurgents” while hunting for an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader in Balkh. Fifty-nine schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar. The Taliban also mutilated two security guards in Herat.


An estimated 51 percent of Iraqis are thought to have turned out for provincial elections yesterday. Iraqi security forces are reportedly hunting for wanted former Saddam Hussein deputy Izzat Ibrahim al Douri in Tikrit.


US drones killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Marib; two soldiers and another AQAP fighter were killed in a clash after the US attack. AQAP confirmed the death of commander Adnan al Qadhi, and charged a father and son with planting a chip that allowed the US to […]


The Afghanistan NGO Safety Office reported that Taliban attacks are up 47% the first quarter of this year as compared to last. Officials claimed 20 Taliban fighters were killed in Ghazni.


Iraq held its first election, for provincial councils, since the US withdrew at the end of 2011. Two Iraqi soldiers were killed in a rocket attack on their base near Haditha. Iraqi soldiers killed an al Qaeda leader during a raid in Rabia.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula assassinated a Yemeni intelligence officer as he traveled to his home in Mukallah. A court has begun to prosecute eight members of the crew of an Iranian vessel that was transporting arms to Yemen.