Author Archives: Bill Ardolino


CENTCOM stated that the US conducted 27 airstrikes in Syria since Nov. 28; 26 targeted the islamic State and one targeted Al Nusrah. The SOHR claims the US-led coalition conducted 30 airstrikes in Raqqah on Nov. 29. US-backed rebels are awaiting Western assistance. The UN World Food Programme has halted assistance to Syrian refugees due […]


The Islamic State-linked group Ansar Beit al-Maqdis claimed that it killed US oil worker William Henderson in August. An investigation is underway into the hijacking of an Egyptian missile boat on Nov. 14; militants reportedly intended to hijack an Israeli ship. President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has declared zones along Egypt’s borders that are ‘forbidden’ or […]


Roughly 400 people have been killed in Benghazi during the past six weeks of fighting between pro-government forces and Islamist militias. The Libya Scholars League has reportedly called for Libyan resistance to the jihadist Ansar al Sharia.


Jihadists kidnapped and beheaded a policeman close to Kef near the Algerian border in the country’s northwest. Despite secularist victories in recent elections, Islamist politicians maintain great sway in Tunisia.


Boko Haram attacked Damaturu, the Yobe state capital, setting fire to a police station; in the Borno state capital of Maiduguri, the group detonated two bombs, killing at least five and wounding 43. “Scores of people were killed” when the terrorist group’s fighters attacked the town of Shani with grenades and gunfire on Nov. 29.


Kenya’s military claims it killed 49 members of Shabaab in airstrikes on camps in Somalia; the jihadist group denied the report. Somali National Army and African Union Mission troops arrested at least 10 Shabaab fighters during an operation in the Hiran region.


A gunman killed three Egyptian soldiers, including a colonel, in northern Sinai. An Alexandria court sentenced 78 minors between the ages of 13 and 17 to prison sentences ranging from two to five years for taking part in protests organized by the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian cabinet approved a draft of an antiterrorism law […]


Human Rights Watch reports that Islamic extremists are “terrorizing” citizens of Derna “through summary executions, public floggings, and other violent abuse.” The UN Security Council expressed “profound concern” for the violence in Libya. Turkey has condemned the Libyan Air Force strikes on Mitiga Airport in Tripoli; a court in the parallel government issued an arrest […]


Algeria’s justice minister announced that last month the army killed a man suspected to be involved in the September beheading of French hiker Herve Gourdel. Gourdel was killed by jihadists with Jund al-Khilafa, a group linked to the Islamic State.


The Financial Times reports “[o]ne UN peacekeeper has been killed or wounded in Mali every four days on average since the organisation’s ‘blue helmets’ operation was launched there 18 months ago.” Jihadists have begun to use IED tactics honed in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Boko Haram gunmen killed at least 20 people near Chibok, the site of the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls in April. The casualty list for the twin suicide bombings in Maiduguri on Nov. 25 has been updated to 78 people killed and 56 injured.


The UN is pushing for a humanitarian ceasefire in Syria for the delivery of aid. Regime airstrikes on the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqah killed at least 90 people and injured approximately 125 more. The Islamic State stoned to death two men accused of being gay in Deir Ezzor; the group also beheaded […]


Kenyan security forces pursued Shabaab forces to their camp in Somalia and killed “more than 100,” according to Kenya’s deputy president. The operation was in response to the terrorist group’s attack on a Kenyan commuter bus on Nov. 22.


Egypt will partially reopen the Rafah border crossing linking the Sinai to Gaza on Nov. 25 and Nov. 26. The government has revoked Egyptian citizenship for a Palestinian Salafist for “links to foreign entities that seek to undermine the social and economic order of the state.”


An airstrike hit the Mitiga airport in Tripoli for the second day in a row; the forces of general Khalifa Haftar claimed the attack on Nov. 24. Libyan Air Force planes also bombed a Libya Dawn camp in Sabratha. Haftar’s troops and other pro-government forces took the western town of Kekla from Islamist militias. The […]


Beji Caid Essebsi, a candidate from the secular Nidaa Tounes party, won the most votes in the country’s presidential election. The 39.4% is short of a majority, however, and Essebsi will face a run-off with incumbent President Moncef Marzouk in December.


“Four terrorists dressed in Afghan-style clothes” and armed with Kalashnikovs stole a vehicle in Bouira and then fled on Nov. 21. Two “terrorists” were killed in Tipza; “guns, ammunition, mobile phones and other equipment” were captured, according to the government.


Two female suicide bombers detonated explosives at a market in Maiduguri city in northern Nigeria, killing at least 30 people. Boko Haram gunmen killed “scores of residents in Damasak” in Borno state; hundreds of civilians and soldiers are fleeing the city disguised as traders. Nigeria’s top Muslim cleric has criticized the military for running away […]


Three unexploded bombs were discovered on railway tracks from Cairo to Aswan after a fourth bomb exploded near a southern train station, leaving behind a charred body presumed to be the bomber. The Egyptian Army killed seven and arrested 67 suspected militants during anti-terrorism operations in the Sinai. Hamas has denounced an Egyptian lawsuit to […]


Voting has begun in Tunisia’s historic presidential election. Tunisian security forces are mobilizing “90,000 personnel to secure polling stations and vital government buildings.” Voting was delayed two hours in “the volatile areas near the border with Algeria” due to terrorism concerns.


Suspected al Qaeda fighters kidnapped 10 children and killed two others who tried to escape near the towns of Aguelhoc and Kidal in northern Mali. The government has indicated that it is stepping up security after a suicide attack on Nov. 21.


Boko Haram is suspected in an attack that killed 50 fishermen and farmers in the northeastern village of Doron Baga in Borno state. The Akwa-Ibam state police commissioner has warned of violence during the upcoming general election “if politicians do not obey the rules governing electoral process.”


President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud predicted that “by the first quarter of next year there will not be a territory, space, controlled by al Shabaab.” Gunmen from the terrorist organization killed a Somali-American engineer who had returned to the country to assist Mogadishu with “urban planning and drainage systems.”


Egypt arrested a Muslim Brotherhood leader who had conducted negotiations with the government. Authorities also announced the arrest of an Al Nusrah Front operative on his return from Syria.


The UN has added Ansar al Sharia to its list of terrorist organizations and imposed sanctions on the Islamist group. US officials said they are “concerned” about the Islamic State’s ties to Derna. A Libya Dawn commander was injured in fighting with pro-government forces near Gwalish.


One “terrorist” was killed in a firefight with a National Guard unit in Sidi Bouzid. Tunisia has closed part of its border with Libya due to security concerns surrounding the upcoming presidential election.


The Nigerian military has reportedly retaken control of Gombi, Pelia, and Hong in northeastern Nigeria. The communities were taken by Boko Haram last week. The National Emergency Management Agency estimates that 700,000 people have been internally displaced by the terrorist group.


The US conducted another airstrike on the Al Nusrah Front, targeting a storage facility close to the town of Harem. A second French jihadist who took part in the Islamic State’s latest execution was identified; according to the French prime minister, about 1,000 French nationals are fighting in Syria and “close to 50” have been […]


Ten people were killed – including at least seven civilians – after mortar rounds struck a residence during clashes between Egyptian troops and jihadists near Rafah on the Sinai. A prosecutor has requested the death penalty for former president Morsi and other Muslim Brotherhood officials who face espionage charges. Egyptian state radio has banned a […]


Some reports claim that jihadists allied to the Islamic State are in control of the city of Derna; about “300 of the 800-strong force” of local IS are believed to have fought with the group in Iraq and Syria. “Sporadic clashes” between pro-government forces and Libya Dawn continue southwest of Tripoli. Libya Dawn is reported […]