Author Archives: Bill Ardolino


Kurdish fighters killed 41 Islamic State militants in a clash near Kobane, according to SOHR. Islamic State fighters reportedly beheaded a street magician in Raqqa for un-Islamic behavior. A senior Islamic State policeman responsible for many executions and beheadings was himself found beheaded in al-Mayadeen city in Deir-al-Zor province. The US-backed plan to train moderate […]


Twenty Shabaab fighters were killed and 29 others wounded by Puntland Defence Forces when the jihadists attacked military bases in Galgala in northern Somalia. Five Puntland soldiers were also killed, and senior Shabaab leader including Mukhtar Abdinur Ahmed was captured in the assault. One security guard was killed and seven Kenyan teachers were wounded when […]


A policeman was killed as he attempted to defuse a bomb placed near a gas station in Cairo. Terrorists killed two policemen guarding a Coptic church south of Cairo. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” and reformation of aggressive interpretations of Islam in a speech made to a gathering of Egypt’s leading […]


Turkish Airlines became the last international carrier to halt flights into Libya, ending its service to Misrata Airport. Thirteen Coptic Christians were freed after having been kidnapped on Jan. 3. Libya’s internationally recognized government banned Palestinians, Syrians, and Sudanese citizens from entering the country due to security fears; the government claimed responsibility and apologized for […]


The prime minister said he would support “a UN-supervised counter-terrorism operation by Mediterranean countries” to intervene in neighboring Libya. A blogger has been sentenced by a military tribunal to three years in prison on charges of criticizing the military.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for the assault on an army base in Nampala yesterday. Casualty figures from the attack have been updated to “at least eight dead.”


The US-led coalition conducted six airstrikes near Kobane on Jan. 4. At least 12 regime soldiers were killed during an attack on their camp in Aleppo. The Western-backed National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces has elected a new presidential committee. Lebanon has begun restricting the flow of refugees from Syria. A Turkish soldier […]


At least five people were killed and another three wounded in a car bomb attack on a Somali Special Forces unit in Mogadishu on Jan. 4. Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack. Djiboutian peacekeepers will be deployed to central Somalia to monitor an upcoming state election.


A bomb blast in north Sinai injured at least five people, including two policemen. Egypt has started expanding its buffer zone with Gaza, a plan that calls for the destruction of about 1,200 residences. One civilian was killed and three policemen were injured when gunmen attacked a police checkpoint in Cairo.


Unidentified aircraft bombed a Greek oil tanker docked in the port of Islamist-held Derna, killing two crew members. The UN has delayed peace talks aimed at reconciling the warring parallel governments. Pro-government forces launched new airstrikes on Misrata and separately attacked Islamists who have been attempting to seize the Es Sider oil port. Islamic State-affiliated […]


An off-duty policeman was stabbed to death by suspected jihadists in the capital of Tunis on Jan. 4. A former official with the country’s past dictatorship was named prime minister by the newly elected president and asked to form a government.


Jihadists attacked an army camp n the town of Nampala in central Mali, killing two soldiers and routing the rest of the military force; at least five people were killed. Six UN peacekeepers were wounded when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb in northern Mali on Jan. 4. The mayor of Anderaboucane in Gao and […]


The Egyptian military claims that Tawfiq Awwad “Abu Seiba,” a commander of Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, was killed in a firefight with security forces in Rafah. Egyptian forces killed one suspected militant and arrested 11 others during operations in Sinai; the first phase of the government’s expanded buffer zone with Gaza will cost $70 million. […]


At least 19 soldiers were killed in a Libya Dawn attack on pro-government forces near a power plant in Sirte. The Islamist group also attempted to seize some of Libya’s main oil terminals in al Sidra, firing rockets from speedboats, killing at least 22 soldiers, and setting an oil tank on fire before being driven […]


Outgoing president Moncef Marzouki has ceded the election and promised a smooth transfer of power. Tunisia’s interior minister decried the presence of training camps of Tunisians along the border with Libya affiliated with Ansar al Sharia, declaring them a threat to the country’s stability.


A 13-year-old would-be suicide bomber who was arrested before she could detonate explosives in the city of Kano claimed that her father gave her to Boko Haram terrorists. A court martial sentenced four soldiers to death for “mutiny and failure to obey lawful orders”; a Nigerian Army battalion commander was cleared on charges of authoring […]


A Jordanian pilot was captured by the Islamic State after his plane went down in northeastern Syria. The US-led coalition conducted seven airstrikes in Syria on Dec. 23. “At least 1,171 people have been killed” by the airstrikes since the start of the campaign, according to SOHR; this tally incudes 1,046 members of the Islamic […]


The interior ministry announced that security forces killed five Islamic State-affliated Ansar Bayt al Maqdis fighters in a raid in northern Egypt. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi replaced the chief of general intelligence after an embarrassing information leak, citing health reasons. Egypt reopened the border with Gaza for the first time in two months on Dec. […]


Pro-government forces conducted airstrikes on Islamist fighters on Dec. 21 as clashes for the Es Sider and Ras Lanuf oil ports continue. Libya Dawn was forced to retreat after a failed attempt to take the towns of Zultan and Al-Jmail. The Islamist rival government called on foreigners to return to Tripoli. Jihadists in Derna have […]


Anti-Islamist candidate Beji Caid Essebsi has claimed victory in Tunisia’s historic presidential election. His rival and caretaker president, Moncef Marzouki, has not conceded defeat.


Algeria deployed 4,000 troops along the borders with Libya and Niger in a counterterrorism operation begun on Dec. 21. Authorities arrested 12 suspected jihadists traveling to Syria to fight for the Islamic State.


A new video released by Boko Haram shows its fighters executing civilians, purportedly in the town of Bama. The jihadist group also attacked the towns of Damboa and Damagun in northeastern Yobe state on Dec. 19; at least 35 militants were killed in Damboa, and the group burned some buildings in Damagun before being repulsed […]


A mass grave holding 230 bodies was uncovered in Deir Ezzor province. Those killed, including many civilians, were members of the Shaitat tribe, which had resisted the Islamic State. The US conducted six airstrikes in Syria since Dec. 15; five near Kobane and one near Abu Kamal. Only about three percent of all airstrikes in […]


A ministry of national security spokesman stated that military intelligence arrested at least seven suspected Shabaab fighters in Kahda district and Shabelle province; 228 were arrested during a security operation in Mogadishu. The jihadist group claimed that it has collected $9 million in zakat (alms) in areas under its control.


The army stated that it has killed 17 militants, arrested 11 others and destroyed 64 “militant sites” in north Sinai in the past three days. The Interior Ministry has expelled 40 Cairo police cadets for ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The British Embassy in Cairo has reopened after unspecific security issues were “resolved.”


Pro-government and Islamist forces are fighting over two of the country’s largest oil ports in eastern Libya, shutting both down. The Islamist Libya Dawn carried out its first airstrikes of the conflict, hitting security forces in the port cities of Sidra and Ras Lanuf. Pro-government allied Zintanis claim to have captured “a senior Libya Dawn […]


The Tunisian government has declared security forces “ready to cope” as fighting rages at the Ras Jedir border crossing in Libya and as the country’s presidential run-off election looms. Tunisians go to the polls on Dec. 21.


“Scores” of suspected Boko Haram fighters were arrested near the capital of Borno state after fleeing the town of Bama disguised as refugees. The UN estimates that the number of refugees displaced by the jihadist group in northern Nigeria has reached 1.5 million.


The Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham, and elements of the Free Syrian Army have taken two key regime bases in Idlib province. Al Nusrah has used an American TOW anti-tank missile against regime forces. The US-led coalition has conducted nine airstrikes in Syria since Dec. 13; eight of them “destroyed nine ISIL fighting positions, […]


Suspected Shabaab fighters attacked the military base of the African Union Mission in Somalia in Mogadishu with mortars on Dec. 14; nearly 200 suspected members of the jihadist group were detained throughout the city earlier that day. Shabaab has conducted five beheadings in Somalia over the past week.