Author Archives: Bill Ardolino


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights estimated that 553 people have been killed in airstrikes since the start of the US campaign on Sept. 23. The total includes 464 Islamic State fighters, 57 members of the Al Nusrah Front, and 32 civilians. Turkey’s president revealed that a deal has been struck for 200 Iraqi Kurdish […]


A new anti-terrorism bill that “would boost the powers of security officials and police” was submitted to Somalia’s Federal Parliament yesterday and is slated for debate.


The militant group Ajnad Misr, or Soldiers of Egypt, has claimed responsibility for the bombing at Cairo University on Oct. 22. Six police officers and five civilians were wounded in the attack.


Two shootouts with “suspected militants” just prior to Tunisia’s national election left two people dead, including a policeman and a bystander, and one policeman injured.


Libyan Army troops and militia forces under retired Major General Khalifa Haftar moved to retake Benghazi for the first time in two months. A special forces brigade and a tank brigade are meeting resistance from Islamist forces in the western portion of the city. The Libya Herald reported that Mohammed Al-Zahawi, leader of Ansar al-Sharia, […]


Despite a reported ceasefire brokered between the Nigerian government and Boko Haram that would include the release of 219 school girls kidnapped in April by the terrorist group, an explosion killed 5 and wounded 12 near a bus station in northern Nigeria today. On Oct. 22, Boko Haram raided Waga Mongor and kidnapped an additional […]


Shabaab stoned an 18-year-old male to death after convicting him of rape in southern Somalia. On Oct. 21, Somali National Army (SNA) soldiers killed seven Shabaab fighters who ambushed their food convoy in the Beledweyne area. Three SNA soldiers were wounded.


In the wake of recent political freedom in Tunisia, the country has “sent more foreign fighters than any other country to Iraq and Syria to join the extremist group that calls itself the Islamic State.” Elections and security in the western city of Kasserine are imperiled by the growth of jihadist groups in the area. […]


Libyan government forces allied with rebel militia forces under General Khalifa Haftar are mounting an offensive to retake Tripoli from Islamist forces that captured the capital in August. On Oct. 21, Libyan special forces halted an offensive by Islamist militias aiming to take the airport in the city of Benina.


The Algerian Army arrested two terrorists last week, including a Mauritanian member of a terror group affiliated with the Islamic State. On Oct. 20, Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal rejected the idea that the Islamic State has a presence in Algeria.


On Oct. 19, French forces captured three men and seized an arms cache in a raid in the town of Kidal in northern Mali. The suspects are believed to be tied to a rocket attack on a UN base there on Oct. 7. The following day, French counterterrorism forces “issued a firm warning to the […]