Author Archives: Bill Ardolino


Unidentified gunmen killed five nuclear engineers, one of them Iranian, near Damascus, according to SOHR. The Lebanese Army arrested a Free Syrian Army commander attempting to enter the country with false paperwork. The president of the Western-backed Syrian National Coalition said that Western airstrikes are weakening support of non-extremists. At least 21 people were killed […]


A suicide bomber dressed in a school uniform killed at least 48 and wounded 79 at a high school in northern Nigeria. Unknown gunmen abducted the brother of the former Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in Adamawa state, “one of the states worst hit by the Boko Haram insurgency.” Boko Haram took […]


Authorities arrested a leader of the Salafist Front on charges of inciting terrorism; also arrested was a man suspected of posting threats against US and international schools in Egypt to a jihadist web site. An Islamic State leader called on the group’s followers to take jihad to Egypt in the wake of Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, […]


A freelance journalist was seriously injured after a bomb detonated on his car in Mogadishu on Nov. 9. Unknown gunmen killed a government intelligence official in the the southern city of Marka on Nov. 8.


Three car bombs exploded on Nov. 9 in the eastern city of Sharat, where the prime minister was set to meet a UN envoy. Three security officers and two journalists were wounded in the attack; two suspects from the city of Derna were arrested. Jihadists controlling Derna have recently pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. […]


The Algerian Army arrested a senior AQIM operative and killed three other militants in an ambush on a convoy of technical vehicles near the southwestern border with Mali. Weapons and ammunition were seized in the raid.


The French military has updated the number of jihadists killed in a firefight on Oct. 29 in the Kidal region to 24; the operation also resulted in the death of a French soldier, two captured militants, and the seizure of “materials used to make suicide bomber vests.” On Nov. 8, a truck carrying civilians in […]


A UN report stated that the killing of Shabaab leader Ahmed Godane will not end the group or its capabilities, and warned of pending attacks. The UAE has signed a military cooperation agreement to help train and equip the Somali Army.


At least 16 civilians and potentially “dozens of militants” were killed when Boko Haram attacked and eventually took Malam Fatori in northeast Nigeria; the group also killed two people and razed churches in Whitambaya village, also in Borno state. Boko Haram renamed the captured town of Gwoza to Darul Hikma (House of Wisdom). The governor […]


The US is considering sanctions on warring parties in Libya to discourage the conflict. The Libyan parliament has rejected the supreme court’s ruling dissolving it. Pro-government and Islamist forces continue to battle in Banghazi; a pro-government spokesman claims that Islamist militias “are now surrounded in the fish market and the port areas.”


A fifth Tunisian soldier died after the terrorist attack on a bus on Nov. 5. Caretaker president Moncef Marzouki declared a national day of mourning.


The US widened airstrikes to target Ahrar al Sham and the Al Nusrah Front in Syria; highly-sought French bomb maker David Drugeon is reported to have been killed by a drone attack. Jihadists are using cruise lines to get to Syria. Iran is working to organize Shiite militias fighting in Syria. The Islamic State remains […]


Four people were killed, including two policemen, and nine others were injured in a bomb attack by suspected jihadists on a train near Cairo. A bomb blast near the presidential palace wounded one person. Israel granted an Egyptian request to deploy two additional infantry battalions and attack helicopters to combat Islamist militants in the demilitarized […]


Over 2,000 prisoners have escaped jails in the country over the past five years, primarily as a result of jailbreaks conducted by Boko Haram. The jihadist group has renamed the recently captured town of Mubi as Madinatul Islam (City of Islam). Boko Haram raided a cement plant in northeastern Nigeria and stole truckloads of dynamite.


The National Security and Intelligence Agency detained 82 terrorism suspects and seized a cache of weapons in Mogadishu on Nov. 5. Twenty-two of the suspects are believed to be members of Shabaab, according to a government spokesman.


Almost 400 people have been killed in the past three weeks of fighting in Benghazi, in Kikla near Tripoli and in southern Libya. New fighting between Islamists and pro-government forces in Benghazi killed 30 in the past three days. The El Sharara oil field was seized by an armed group. The Libyan supreme court declared […]


Suspected jihadist gunmen attacked a minibus ferrying Tunisian soldiers and their families near the northwest border with Algeria, killing four and wounding 11. Despite successful democratic elections, the country has a “problem with homegrown jihadism.”


Touareg rebel groups formed a joint military command in northern Mali. A spokesman stated that the aim is “to help secure Azawad against the various criminal, smuggling and terrorism gangs which destabilise the region.”


Mortar rounds crashed into a school in the rebel-held town of Qaboun, killing at least 11 children. Some ethnic Kurds are aiding the Islamic State near Kobane, according to Kurdish officials. Islamic State fighters have vowed to continue fighting in Kobane, as the outcome of the battle remains uncertain. US strategy in Syria is in […]


Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, a Sinai-based jihadist group, has sworn allegiance to the Islamic State. Egypt is investigating 600 citizens who traveled to Iraq and Syria for connections to the Islamic State. Egyptian officials are discussing an agreement with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE to combat regional jihadist groups.


The country’s presidential campaign began on Nov. 1 in the wake of the secularists’ victory in parliamentary elections. Tunisia has been labeled the largest source of manpower for jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria.


Dozens of residents have fled, a ship was damaged, and at least 13 people were killed as fighting between Islamist militias and pro-government forces in Benghazi continued near the city’s port. A Libyan National Army airstrike targeting an Islamist convoy heading to Benghazi from Sirte killed an unknown number of militants and destroyed “weapons and […]


A suicide bomber targeting an Ashoura procession of Shiites killed at least 29 people in northeast Yobe state. In central Kogi state, 132 inmates are at large after militants blew their way into the prison with explosives; one inmate died, eight were recaptured, and four surrendered. Boko Haram is suspected in both attacks. Upcoming elections […]


The members of several US-backed rebel groups, including Harakat Hazm and the Syrian Revolutionary Front, surrendered, fled, or defected over the weekend in the face of an offensive by the Al Nusrah Front in Idlib province. Bases and weapons, likely including US-supplied TOW missile systems, were seized by the jihadist group. The Islamic State has […]


Two female school teachers and a Foreign Affairs Ministry official were gunned down in separate drive-by shootings on Sunday. No one has claimed the attacks.


A bomb exploded near Egyptian troops razing houses to create a buffer zone with Gaza, causing no casualties. Egyptian security officials claimed to have evidence of communication between the Sinai-based Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis and the Islamic State. Thirty-four individuals accused of terrorism were referred to a military court on Saturday; 56 judges were suspended on […]


A medical official estimated yesterday that over 210 people have been killed in the past two weeks of fighting between Islamist militias and the forces of General Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi. Pro-government forces “recaptured military positions that the Islamists … had seized in July” over the weekend and now claim to hold all of eastern […]


Two Malian soldiers were killed and four wounded by a bomb in Almoustrate in northern Mali.


Five military commanders were arrested for abandoning Mubi in the face of a Boko Haram assault last Wednesday; 350 children are “feared missing” after the attack. The UK Minister of State pledged “support” for Nigeria, but stressed that “it is for the Nigerian authorities to resolve the matter.”


UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon praised Somalia’s significant gains against Shabaab during a visit on Wednesday. A car bomb killed at least one person and injured another in Mogadishu today.