Author Archives: Austin Knuppe

Sanctions on Iran: A range of options

Much has been written about whether the West can effectively sanction the Islamic Republic of Iran. For policymakers, sanctions remain an attractive option for either deterring or slowing the progress of Iran’s nuclear program. While there is disagreement over the effectiveness of sanctions, there are many creative ways the West can put the pinch on […]


Tehran again proposed a simultaneous swap of its uranium for prepared uranium rods to be used at its research reactor. This deal has already been rejected by the West. Iran denounced the assassination of a Hamas leader in Dubai.


Security forces detained Jundallah founder and leader Abdul Malik Rigi. Tehran announced plans to construct 10 new enrichment facilities this year. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak left for the United States to discuss Iranian nuclear proliferation efforts.


Tehran planned construction for two new enrichment facilities. The Saudi foreign minister said sanctions are a last chance to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. The speaker of parliament, Larijani, instructed President Obama to “do something about” Secretary of State Clinton’s style of diplomacy.


A new IAEA report said Iran is working on weaponizing uranium and has not cooperated with the IAEA investigations. The White House said that Iran “is failing to meet its international obligations.”

Iran actively pursuing nuclear weapons capability: IAEA

In the midst of Iranian nuclear enrichment efforts, the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA) has released a new report, written by Director Yukiya Amano, on the progress of Iran’s nuclear program as it pertains to the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and UN Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions 1737, 1747, 1803, and 1835. Some key elements of the […]

IAEA issues update on suspected Syrian nuclear site

Satellite imagery showing a suspected nuclear facility in Syria before and after being destroyed by an Israeli airstrike. Image from Deutsche Welle. In the midnight hours of Sept. 5, 2007, 10 Israeli F-15 fighter jets departed from Ramat David Air Force Base in southeast Haifa with a mission to destroy a mysterious military complex in […]


Ayatollah Khameini delivered a speech in Tabriz stating that Iran “will never back down from its positions and it could by no means be intimidated by threats and oppositions.” President Ahmadinejad said that if the Israelis launch a new war against Hezbollah, the terror group should retaliate strongly enough to “close their case once and […]


The US, Russia, and France issued a joint warning to Iran to stop enrichment. Supreme Leader Aytollah Khameini said Iran won’t let “arrogant powers rule the world.” Russia delayed the shipment of t S-300 air defense missiles due to “technical problems.”

War of words: Ahmadinejad, Netanyahu, Clinton

In another bout of saber rattling, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Israel is planning on starting a war as early as this spring, according to a secret source secured by Tehran. “According to information we have they [Israel] are seeking to start a war next spring or summer, although their decision is not final […]


US Secretary of State Clinton said the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps is supplanting clerical and civilian leadership in Tehran. President Ahmadinejad said that the West will “regret” any decision to move forward with further sanctions. The Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tehran fully supports nuclear disarmament in the Middle East.


During a visit to Doha, US Secretary of State Clinton said Iran was “drifting towards a military dictatorship.” Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu visited Moscow to garner Russia support for isolating Iran.


The Shah’s son urged the West to help Iran’s opposition. US government officials dismissed Iran’s enrichment claims. Speaker Larijani said Tehran will “quicken nuclear work” if West imposes a new round of sanctions.


On the anniversary of Islamic Revolution, President Ahmadinejad announced that Iran is “a nuclear state.” Opposition leaders Karroubi and former President Khatami were attacked when they attended an opposition rally. Tehran cracked down on internet access in the wake of anniversary protests.

February 11, 1979: The day the Shah fell

On the eve of the 31st anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, it’s important to take a step back and get some historical context. The following is a BBC news report from Feb. 11, 1979: Victory for Khomeini as Army Steps Aside Supporters of the Ayatollah Khomeini appear to be in control of the Iranian capital, […]


Tehran arrested protesters in an attempt to thwart protests on tomorrow’s observance of the anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. President Ahmadinejad moved to give the Basij more political power. President Obama sought new sanctions to target the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.


Iran began enriching uranium for use in its medical reactor; the US and its allies pushed for tougher sanctions. Tehran announced plans to construct 10 new nuclear fuel plants.


On the eve of the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolultion, Iran announced plans to enrich uranium to 20 percent; the West vowed more sanctions. Iran opened two production lines for two unmanned aircraft, one of which will have strike capabilities.


The German foreign minister said that the West will not accept a nuclear Iran. Russia said that it sees no problem in selling arms to Iran as long as no UN weapons embargo is in place. Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh said Iran is prepared to swap low-enriched uranium for fuel rods.


China warned that sanctions against Iran will derail diplomatic efforts. Opposition leaders Karoubi and Moussavi urged supporters to rally during celebrations for the anniversary of founding of the Islamic Republic. Tehran accused America and her allies of waging a “psychological war” in the Persian Gulf.


President Ahmadinejad agreed to the IAEA’s nuclear fuel swap proposal; the US and other Western powers are skeptical of Iran’s sincerity. The US said it cannot force Iran to shun building nuclear bomb. Iran successfully test fired the new Kavoshgar 3 rocket. Students accused of protesting on Dec. 27 denied the charges brought against them […]


Tehran criticized the US decision to employ ballistic missile defense systems in the Persian Gulf. The Judiciary vowed to execute nine more “anti-government” protesters. Opposition leader Mousavi said he will continue to fight for reform.


The US will install Patriot missile defense systems in Qatar, the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait. Iran opened the world’s longest urban tunnel to begin the anniversary celebration of the Islamic Revolution. Head jurist Sadeq Larijani rejected pressure from hardliners to order the execution of more anti-government protesters.


Opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi spoke out against the Guardian Council in an interview. Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati urged the judiciary to take action against government protesters. Secretary Clinton and President Sarkozy met to discuss new sanctions on Iran.


Iran executed two men accused of seeking to topple the state. The US seeks to propose a new regimen of sanctions against Tehran targeting the IRGC. Iran skipped the Afghan conference in London; British authorities said their presence was missed.


Ayatollah Khamenei remarked that he is confident in the destruction of Israel, during a meeting with Mauritanian President Aziz. Two German diplomats have been detained in Tehran. Israeli President Peres said that Iran is a “danger to the world.”


Iran sought the extradition of Americans and Israelis over a scientist’s murder. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said world must learn from Holocaust and referenced Iran’s denial.

Iran press roundup

With the coming of a new year, many nonprofits, think tanks, and other policy institutions are releasing their annual reports on the state of our world in 2010. Below is a brief “press roundup” of several of the most relevant findings on the nation of Iran. The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal just […]