Author Archives: Austin Knuppe

Global economic challenges to new Iranian sanctions

As Iran’s Minister of Petroleum, Masoud Mirkazemi faces mounting sanctions from the West, a decline in the price of crude oil, and an aging energy infrastructure that threatens Iran’s production levels. In view of these challenges, Mirkazemi is asking foreign investors to supply $200 billion in capital to renovate Iran’s oil, gas, and refining capacities. […]


Iran sanctions are “at the top of the list” for the G8 meeting. French President Sarkozy visited United States to discuss Afghanistan and Iran with President Obama. Iranian leaders pressed for nuclear disarmament.


The West softened its sanction proposal against Iran to garner support from Russia and China. A Washington think-tank said Israel could use tactical nuclear weapons to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. NATO urged the establishment of a missile defense pact to deter Iran’s missile program.


Russian foreign minister said his country may support additional sanctions against Iran. The Russian oil company Lukoil will stop work in Iran due to US sanctions. Iran urged Western governments to punish Israel over the construction of additional settlements in Jerusalem.


Russia and China pressed Iran to accept a UN nuclear fuel swap deal. Tehran freed former President Rasfanjani’s grandson from imprisonment. Osama bin Laden’s daughter was released from house arrest in Iran and relocated to Syria.

Senior US Army officer: Taliban receiving training on Iranian soil

US Army Lieutenant Colonel Edward Sholtis announced on Monday that elements within Iran are training Taliban fighters on Iranian soil. The news that Tehran is supporting contingents of the Taliban is not new; US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry has said several times before that the Iranians are providing material support to insurgents in the […]


A US Army officer said Iran is training Taliban fighters within its borders. The US Congress will launch final actions to implement new sanctions on Iran. Brazilian President Lula called for Iran to be part of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.


The grandson of former President Rafsanjani was detained for involvement in opposition protests. Secretary of State Clinton told AIPAC that the US will not “compromise on its commitment” to stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. Pakistan will investigate AQ Khan’s ties to Iran’s nuclear program.

Powell and Brzezinski on Iran’s proto-nuclear capabilities

During an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Conversations with Judy Woodruff” due to air this weekend, former Secretary of State Colin Powell shared his thoughts on Iran’s nuclear ambitions, saying: The Iranians are determined to have a nuclear program… Notice I did not say a nuclear weapon. But they are determined to have a nuclear program, […]


Opposition leader Mousavi said the Green Movement will persevere despite a government crackdown. Iran’s opposition is pleased with the US’ decision not to enforce sanctions on Internet sites they use for protest. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said new sanctions will not stop Iran’s nuclear program.


The US State Department announced that it “feels a sense of urgency” about addressing the Iranian nuclear program. President Obama stated that thwarting Iran’s nuclear program is a top priority. Tehran said it is ready for a nuclear fuel swap on its own soil, an offer which has been previously rejected by the West.

Rafsanjani moves to the dark side

Geneive Abdo reports in Foreign Policy that Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani’s fence-sitting days are over; he is officially an ally of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: In exchange for Rafsanjani’s loyalty, the supreme leader appears to have given him power over a new bill that will establish a National Elections Commission to reform the electoral process. Not only […]


US officials said progress in Iran’s nuclear program has slowed, leaving room for continued pressure. Police and the Basij militia cracked down on the celebration of the “fire festival.” Iran asked OPEC to provide a $200 billion investment in its energy industry.


China is concerned about Iran’s nuclear program, but does not believe sanctions will resolve the problem. Iran described Western pressure on China to agree to sanctions as “ineffective.” Tehran plans to reduce “cultural relations” with Great Britain.


China has become Iran’s number one economic trading partner, surpassing the West. France announces that it is considering unilateral sanctions against Iran. Osama bin Laden’s son, Khalid, called for Iran to release bin Laden family members from custody.

Steven Cook: What the neocons got right on Iran

Steven Cook of the Council on Foreign Relations has written an interesting piece in Foreign Policy titled “What the Neocons Got Right.” Toward the end of the article, Cook argues that the neoconservative’s worldview of the Iranian regime has largely proven correct. Cook writes: It’s hard to sign up with the folks who seem all […]


US Secretary of Defense Gates pressed Emirate leaders to support stronger sanctions against Iran. A US State Department report is critical of Iran’s human rights record. Britain said China will risk isolation if it refuses to support sanctions against Iran.


President Ahmedinejad said “even more wars” cannot save Israel from its downfall. US Secretary of Defense Gates said Iran’s support for the Taliban is “pretty limited.” The three US hikers imprisoned in Iran have contacted their families.


An Iranian naval vessel successfully test-fired a new anti-ship missile. The US Secretary of Defense visited Saudi Arabia to discuss Iran. President Ahmadinejad said foreign troops in Afghanistan are not a solution for peace.

Walt on how not to contain Iran

Harvard professor and Foreign Policy blogger Stephen Walt published an interesting piece last Friday raising objections to the containment argument for Iran. Responding to an article in Foreign Affairs by Ray Takeyh and James M. Lindsay titled “After Iran Gets the Bomb” (a shorter version appeared as an op-ed in the Washington Post), Walt offers […]


Iran urged China to resist Western pressure to impose additional sanctions. President Ahmadinejad made plans to visit Afghanistan. Speaker Larijani criticized US General Petraeus for calling Iran a “thugocracy.”


Vitol, Glencore, and Trafigura agreed to stop supplying refined petroleum products to Iran. China signed a deal with Iran that allows it to drill in the Persian Gulf. The US Treasury Department will allow the export of Internet communications services to Iran.


President Ahmadinejad said Iran has no use for nuclear weapons and that Iran’s “bombs” are its youths and “athletic heroes.” Iran criticized the US on new sanctions. Iran’s IAEA Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh said the IAEA’s most recent report has “reopened already closed issues.”


The UN human rights chief criticized Iran for its human rights record after the June 12, 2009, election. Tehran has been accused of exercising influence in Iraq’s federal elections. China, Turkey, and Brazil are urging the US to slow down on the new sanctions regimen.


The UN Security Council is ready to tackle a new sanctions regimen for Iran. Tehran is placing more pressure on opposition media outlets and intellectuals. Italian authorities arrested Iranian arms smugglers.

Iranian Air Force to test new laser-guided bomb

The Qassed 2, Iran’s prototype for a laser-guided bomb. As the defense buildup in the Persian Gulf continues, Iranian Air Force Commander Brigadier General Hassan Shahsafi announced plans for Iran to test a prototype of the Qassed 2 (Farsi for “messenger”) laser-guided bomb. Iran’s experimentation with laser-guided bombs began in September 2006 with a series […]


The West gained momentum from the IAEA for new sanctions on Iran. Russia may back new sanctions. The Iranian Air Force prepared to test-fire the new Qassed 2, a laser-guided bomb.


The IAEA director said Iran is “not cooperating” with their investigation. Japan offered to send Iran 20 percent enriched nuclear fuel. The government released three journalists and three opposition members.


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei dismissed cooperation with opposition groups. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah met with President Ahmadinejad in Syria. Jundallah leader Rigi claimed that US offered him military aid to work with the West.


Tehran said the IAEA’s new report on Iran’s nuclear program is misleading and biased. A senior Russian diplomat warned the West not to enact paralyzing sanctions against Iran’s energy and banking sectors. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak pushed for “severe sanctions” on Iran, during a meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.