Author Archives: Austin Knuppe


Tehran issued a warning to the IAEA. Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani ignored US warnings and agreed to a deal to import natural gas from Iran. Turkey will continue with a nuclear fuel-swap deal despite a new sanctions regimen on Iran.

US shifts its rhetoric on Iran

Watch the latest news video at Over the Father’s Day weekend, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the course of the interview, Wallace brought up the new UN sanctions regimen on Iran: WALLACE: The U.N. Security Council […]


Two IAEA nuclear inspectors were barred from entering Iran. US Secretary of Defense Gates said Iran is moving toward a military dictatorship.


Secretary Gates testified that Iran could fire “hundreds” of missiles against Europe in an attack. Russian President Medvedev criticized additional US and EU sanctions on Iran. Tehran argued that new sanctions against Iran prove the world powers maintain a double standard.


The European Union followed the US’ lead to press for tighter sanctions on Iranian corporations. Iraq said it will not allow Kurdish terrorist groups to perpetrate attacks against Iran. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said Turkey is not Iran’s ally.


President Ahmadinejad said Iran is willing to talk about its nuclear program if certain preconditions are met. Tehran sent several more aid ships to Gaza. Tehran continued to shell Kurdish militants in the border lands between Iran and Iraq.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps has dismissed new UN sanctions. President Ahmadinejad said that Western powers were “naive” to impose new sanctions on Iran. Iranian police escorted opposition leader Karroubi away from pro-regime rioters.

Reflections on the state of Iran – a lost year?

Here’s a summary of some interesting commentaries on the state of Iran one year after the rigged presidential election last summer: • Foreign Policy‘s Jonathan Schanzer unpacks a story coming out of Rai al Shaab — the unofficial newspaper of Sudan’s opposition — reporting that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force is operating a […]


Iran threatened to reduce cooperation with the IAEA. The US moved to support Iranian political dissidents with web and communication technologies. Iranian opposition leaders canceled a protest to commemorate the June 12, 2009, presidential election.


President Ahmadinejad dismissed newly passed sanctions against Iran as “annoying flies.” Russia froze a contract to deliver S-300 anti-aircraft system to Iran. Tehran threatened to “revise” ties with the IAEA.


The UN Security Council passed new Iran sanctions today. Iran aired conflicting video messages from an Iranian scientist who defected to the United States. Tehran denied chasing Kurdish rebels into Iraqi territory.

Tehran’s maritime shell corporations

The IRSIL Mufateh. The New York Times ran a front page story yesterday about the effectiveness of the Revolutionary Guard’s shell corporations created for the state-owned Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRSIL). The article explains that 73 of the 123 known IRSIL vessels are owned and operated by foreign companies not listed the on […]


The US made its case for new sanctions against Iran just days ahead of the UN Security Council vote. Israeli forces said they will deny access to Iranian ships headed to Gaza. Iran opened the world’s first women-only bank branch.


Tehran offered an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps escort for a Red Crescent flotilla headed to Gaza Strip. The IAEA called Iran a “special case” because of their suspected military nuclear enrichment. Tehran begins construction on a natural gas pipeline to Europe.


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Iranian opposition is “trampling on the Islamic Revolution.” Tehran called on the world to stop Israeli war atrocities. The Iranian Air Force will conduct an air show in coming weeks.


China said new sanctions against Iran will not affect ordinary citizens. Tehran pardoned 81 election protesters from last June’s presidential election.

IAEA releases update on Iran’s nuclear program

Over the Memorial Day weekend, the United Nations’ IAEA Board of Governors released an update on their monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program. David Albright and his colleagues at the Institute for Science and International Security have some great analysis of the report here. Below is an abridged version of the IAEA’s conclusions [emphasis mine]: 37. […]


US experts said President Obama should consider Iran’s proposed fuel-swap deal as a diplomatic opportunity. Iran’s central bank sold 45 billion in euros in favor of gold and US dollars. Tehran denied US accusations that Iran is training and arming Taliban forces to fight in Afghanistan.


Tehran ramped up security on the eve of the June 12 election anniversary. A new IAEA report said Iran is continuing to hide details about its enrichment activities. France urged the rapid adoption of new Iran sanctions. China called for Iran to improve its relations with the IAEA. Khamenei called for Netanyahu to face trial […]


US Secretary of State Clinton criticized Brazil’s diplomacy with Iran. Syrian President Assad said Iran supports informal talks between Syria and Iran. The Iranian navy claimed it detected a US nuclear submarine in the Strait of Hormuz.

National Security Strategy 2010: No clear path on Iran

On the coattails of President Obama’s commencement address at the United States Military Academy, the White House released its 2010 National Security Strategy this afternoon. This 52-page document offers the American people a comprehensive view of the current administration’s approach to national security. What is strange — and frankly, disconcerting — is the lack of […]


Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov dismissed Iran’s criticism of Russian-supported UN sanctions. Istanbul urged the US to accept the terms of the new nuclear fuel-swap deal. President Ahmadinejad said that Western “bullying” will not serve to isolate Iran.


Tehran urged the United States and Russia to accept the nuclear fuel-swap deal with Turkey. The US Congress may delay the passage of new Iran sanctions.

Pentagon ups intel capabilities in the Middle East

The New York Times ran a front page story yesterday with some details of a seven-page directive signed in September 2009 by Central Command’s General David Petraeus sending more clandestine military forces throughout the Middle East. Because the order is classified, only portions were discussed in the Times article. Petraeus’ order expands on similar moves […]


Secretary of State Clinton said Iran’s letter to the IAEA had “deficiencies.” Iranian police warned opposition leaders not to protest in commemoration of last June’s controversial presidential election. Tehran released filmmaker Jafar Panahi from Evin prison.


Opposition leader Mousavi is against the West’s new nuclear sanctions. Iran hanged Jundallah leader Abdulhamid Rigi in Sistan-Baluchistan province. Tehran will release an imprisoned filmmaker from Evin prison.

Wonks gone wild: Obama’s nuclear diplomacy

As the week comes to a close, it’s time to review some of what leading journalists, pundits, and policy wonks — from the left, right, and murky center — are saying about new UN sanctions on Iran and the Turkey fuel-swap deal: Leslie Gelb in the Daily Beast: The United States will not be able […]


A UN sanctions loophole would allow Russia to transfer its S-300 missile defense system to Iran. The China National Petroleum Corporation will move ahead with planned oil and natural gas projects in Iran.

Iran’s ‘chicken’ diplomacy

The Washington Post‘s David Ignatius has decided to inject himself into the recent policy debate over Iran’s new fuel-swap deal with Turkey. Ignatius is noted for having likened Iran’s negotiation style to the way drivers commute in Tehran — it’s aggressive, frantic, and busy. In his recent article titled “A diplomatic game of chicken with […]


The West’s new sanctions package may include measures to press Iran’s central bank. Tehran said it would back out of the fuel-swap deal if the UN passes new sanctions. A Russian nuclear official said Iran’s first nuclear power plant will be online by August.