Author Archives: Austin Knuppe


Police fired tear gas to break up a riot outside a mosque during Friday prayers in Tehran; 15 people were arrested. President Ahmadinejad vowed to “bring down Western foes,” and “strike them in their face.” Ali Akbar Salehi was named as new head of the Atomic Energy Organization. Mohsen Delaviz said the Bushehr nuclear power […]


Mirhossein Moussavi is to appear in public at Friday prayers in Tehran. Gholam-Reza Aqazadeh resigned as head of government’s Atomic Energy Organization. Armenia declared a national day of mourning for the victims of yesterday’s deadly plane crash in Iran.


China alerted its citizens in Algeria after al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb threatened to take revenge for the recent deaths of Muslim Uighurs during protests and riots in Urumqi. A Chinese diplomat in Jakarta stated that unrest in Urumqi is “just a brawl between several groups of people…There is no ethnic violence in the […]


US State Department officials claimed that three Qods Force operatives captured in Irbil, Iraq in 2007 and recently release from custody were being used as leverage against Iran. Libyan President Qadhafi announced support for a “peaceful” Iranian nuclear program. Iran’s State Inspectorate Organization revealed new regulatory plans for media outlets.


President Ahmadinejad is to start his second term in August. The national security commission discussed post-election events with the president and the judiciary chief. The US called on Iran to release an American scholar detained in Tehran’s Evin prison. A Qatari diplomat advocated the expansion of diplomatic ties with Iran.


Police killed two Uighurs in Urumqi. Total fatalities since the riots broke out have reached 184. Riots left 74 seriously injured over the weekend.


Presidential candidate Rezai said the Islamic republic will suffer disintegration if quarreling sides fail to resolve the election dispute. Mousavi planned to launch a political party. Turkmenistan is to increase gas supplies to Iran to 14 billion cubic meters per year. The government will hang 14 members of Jundullah this week.


President Hu Jintao said the government will deal harshly with those responsible for the Uighur unrest. A senior communist party leader claimed that the government is working to “win the tough war of maintaining Xinjiang’s stability.” Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan compared violence in Xinjiang to genocide.


Ayatollah Kashani urged Iranians to remain vigilant against “enemy manipulations” and plots against the Islamic Republic. Protesters returned to the streets despite warning of a government crackdown. French President Sarkozy warned that an Israeli attack on Iran would be disastrous.


The OIC asked China to address the “root cause” of the communal unrest in Xinjiang province. CPC leader Zhou Yongkang vowed that the government will severely punish the outlaws in the Xinjiang riot. Turkey called for a boycott of Chinese goods; a dissident Uighur leader might visit Turkey.


Government authorities said that any additional protests are illegal and will be met with a “crushing response.” Ali Akbar Velayati said that government will not back down, “even one step” from its nuclear ambitions. Five Iranian detainees held by the US were released to Iraq. Jundullah leader Abdulmalik Rigi claimed to have received $100,000 from […]


Government security forces flooded Xinjiang province to instill calm after 156 people were killed during riots. Party officials in Urumqi promised to seek the death penalty for those responsible for the violence. President Hu Jintao returned to China after canceling a planned visit to the G-8 summit in Italy.


US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mullen warned that the “window is closing” for preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. President Ahmadinejad claimed on national TV that June 12 elections were the “healthiest, freest, and the most beautiful worldwide.” The Majlis moved to pass a bill that would redistribute energy subsidies.


Reformist leaders called for the release of opposition detainees. The government said it will hold the US responsible if Israel attacks. Mousavi said he will lead the “legal opposition” to Ahmadinejad’s government. Shabestari said that China is Iran’s chief trading partner in Asia.


Supreme Leader Khamenei warned the West about the “negative impact” of their election “meddling.” The government released another British embassy worker; one more worker remains in custody. The IDRO announced a partial privatization of over 150 native firms.


The country’s leading religious group called the presidential election and new government illegitimate. The government planned to release another British embassy employee. A British-Greek journalist held for more than two weeks for reporting on the protests was freed.


Ahmadinejad’s campaign manager claimed the president won the election fairly. The Guardian Council closed the file on the post-election review. The Justice minister said that Iran’s enemies’ efforts to “distort” the election were fruitless. Iranian security forces arrested seven “anti-revolutionary elements” in northern Iran.


The Interior Ministry called for an end to all election activity. Tehran’s police chief reported that over 1,000 protesters have been arrested since the election. The Basijj called for a probe of Mousavi. The government demanded an apology from the EU for election meddling, before Iran would resume nuclear talks. Secretary Gates stated that Iran […]


The Guardian Council certified Ahmadinejad’s reelection victory. When asked if the Obama administration would recognize Ahmadinejad as Iran’s legitimate president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “We’re going to take this a day at a time.” Gordon Brown said that the post-election violence was “unacceptable, unjustified and without foundation.” Ayatollah Shirazi called for national unity […]


The Guardian Council began a recount of select ballots and extended the election probe by five days. The government released five of the nine arrested employees of the British embassy in Tehran. The chief official with the National Iranian Oil Company stated that unrest in country has not affected the energy sector.


Security forces arrested eight British diplomats for their alleged role in the post-election violence. The Expediency Council is due to release its verdict on the election results. Supreme Leader Khameinei vowed that government will deal with the election review under the law and seek national unity.


The streets of Tehran were calm as protesters decide their next move. The Expediency Council said that Khameinei’s word on the election is final. Ahmadinejad called Obama’s comments on the post election violence “insulting.” Basijj continued to carry out night raids and target private homes.


Authorities claimed that the election was “healthiest” in the last three decades. Khatami announced that protesters should be “dealt with cruelly and without mercy”; he accused foreign journalists of fomenting the demonstrations. Mousavi came under pressure to drop his election complaint. Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem-Shirazi called for national reconciliation in the post-election atmosphere. G-8 countries […]


The government arrested 70 academics in a crackdown. Ahmadinejad told the Obama administration not to interfere with election results. Mousavi issued a web statement maintaining that elections were rigged; he has not been seen in public for days. Karroubi canceled a planned ceremony to mourn the deaths of protesters. Mohsen Rezaie withdrew complaints over election […]


Khamenei vowed that the government will stand firm on election results, stating “Neither the establishment nor the nation will yield to pressure at any cost.” President Obama condemned the government crackdown on protesters. The Obama administration contacted Khamenei before the election.


The Guardian Council refused to nullify the recent election results; its spokesman stated that “in the recent presidential election we found no witness of major fraud or breach in the election.” Ahmadinejad is to be sworn in at the end of July. Neda Agha-Soltan’s martyrdom becomes a symbol for the protest movement. Reza Pahlavi vowed […]


Iran began three days of air force exercises in the Gulf and the Sea of Oman to raise operational and support capability. The Guardian Council announced possible polling irregularities in 50 districts. The Revolutionary Guards warned citizens of “revolutionary confrontation” if they return to the streets to protest. Mousavi received support from Ayatollah Zanjani. Hugo […]


Iranian state media reported that 13 have been killed and 20 wounded in the protests taking place over the weekend. Rafsanjani’s daughter and three other relatives were arrested. Mousavi continued to demand a nullification of the election results. President Obama urged Iran “to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people.”


A suicide bomber detonated near the shrine of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran. The Guardian Council reported that it is ready to recount a tenth of the votes from the election, and is prepared to deploy riot police to quell future protests. Karoubi’s Etemad-e Melli party canceled its scheduled rally on Saturday due to lack of […]


Supreme Leader Khamenei addressed an audience at Tehran University during Friday prayers praising the reelection of President Ahmadinejad as “epic moment that became a historic moment,” and stated that the Islamic Republic “would not betray the vote of the people.” This was the first public appearance by Ahmadinejad since his reelection. Candidates Mousavi and Karrubi […]