Author Archives: Austin Knuppe


President Ahmadinejad said he was proud that his denials of the Holocaust have enraged the West. Russian President Medvedev said Israel is not planning on a preemptive strike against Iran. Russia’s head of the assembly, Mironov, denied any US-Russia deal on Iran.


The IAEA reported that Iran has “sufficient information” to build a nuclear weapon and is likely to “overcome problems” with developing a delivery system. US lawmakers called for tougher sanctions on Iran. Iran’s foreign minister said that there will be no direct talks between US and Iran on October 1.


Presidents Obama and Sarkozy discussed Iran’s nuclear “compliance.” US Secretary of State Clinton stated that Iran must answer world’s concerns over its nuclear program. Tehran agreed to the new framework of agreements with the IAEA.


The US demanded that Iran must be willing to discuss its “illicit nuclear program” during the meeting on Oct. 1. The US and five allies are to present a “united front” against the Iranian nuclear program. Former President Rasfanjani urged an epic turn-out for the al Qods day celebration.


Iran and the international community will meet to discuss Iran’s nuclear program in Europe on Oct. 1. Iran obtained US military technology through Malaysian middlemen. The government expects internal protests on Qods Day.


US intelligence agencies have concluded that Iran has created enough fuel for a nuclear weapon. IAEA chief Mohammed El Baradei urged Iran to accept the US invitation for talks. President Ahmadinejad stated that Iran’s critics are upset that his country is “more powerful than ever.”


US Defense Secretary Gates urged Arab allies to strengthen military ties with the US to help deter Iran. Members of parliament urged President Ahmadinejad to free detainees who played a minor role in the post-election violence. Iranian police warned the opposition against staging any protests in connection with Qods Day.


Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani urged followers to stop infighting and “export the revolution.” India will invest $5 billion to develop a natural gas field in Iran. A member of parliament revealed that Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Majilis to confirm Ahmadinejad’s cabinet nominees.


The Majilis approved all but three of President Ahmadinejad’s cabinet nominees. Ahmadinejad stated that Iran is prepared for more sanctions and will not bow to international pressure on its nuclear program.


The IAEA said concerns over Tehran’s nuclear program are “hyped.” Senior diplomats met in Berlin to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s Shura Majlis will debate the appointments to the key ministerial posts of oil and interior.


President Ahmadinejad will give a speech at the UN meeting on Sept. 23. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei praised the Islamic Republic’s ability to overcome post-election problems. Iran and Pakistan staged a joint anti-drug operation on the AfPak border.


President Ahmadinejad’s new intelligence minister vowed to “confront the enemy’s soft war” against the government. Ayatollah Khamenei vowed to prosecute post-vote “crimes.” Six nations are to meet in Germany to discuss Iran’s nuclear program.


The UN urged Tehran to reveal the “military dimensions” of its nuclear program. The IAEA claimed Iran is slowing production of low-enrichment uranium. President Ahmadinejad claimed that allegations of prisoner abuse were part of a foreign “enemy plot.”


Grand Ayatollah Montazeri criticized the Ahmadinejad government over show trials and warned of a possible “regime fall.” Grand Ayatollah Khamenei claimed the riots were planned before the election. A member of parliament said the rapes of some election protesters who were detained have been proven. Tehran is worried that the Afghan insurgency might spill into […]


Proposed halt in nuclear program by “pragmatists” in Tehran went ignored by Ahmadinejad government. Former President Khatami said the trial confessions of his allies are invalid. Tehran gained support from non-aligned nations for ban on nuclear plant attacks. Anonymous US diplomats revealed that Iran’s uranium enrichment program stagnated as output increased.


The government resumed mass trials of opposition figures; top aides of former President Khatami have been accused of fomenting a “soft coup.” A spokesman said sanctions will not stop Iran from pursuing its “legal rights” to possess nuclear power.


The Majilis supports President Ahmadinejad’s appointee for defense minister; the appointee is wanted by Argentina for his role in the bombing of a Jewish center. The government will put more anti-Ahmadinejad protesters on trial. Foreign Minister spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi told the world to work with, instead of against, Iran’s nuclear power ambitions.


The government will allow for greater IAEA monitoring of the uranium enrichment facility at Natanz. President Ahmadinejad appointed a terror suspect to head the defense ministry. Iran launched its first domestically built container ship in the Persian Gulf.


President Ahmadinejad revealed 11 new cabinet appointees; the Majlis is expected to reject the nominations. The Iranian oil ministry supports the controversial new minister appointee.


President Ahmadinejad is expected to appoint a novice to head the oil ministry. Major GeneralJafari called on the army and Basij to use soft power to oppose threats to the governemnt. Syrian President Bashar Assad visited Tehran. Russia is said to reconsider the sale of anti-aircraft missiles to Iran due to Israeli concerns.


A top nuclear official denied stating that Tehran was ready to hold talks with the West on its atomic program “without preconditions.” President Ahmadinejad planned to reveal cabinet appointees to the public on Wednesday. Iranian Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari announced that the country has discovered a giant oil field with in-place reserves of over […]


A group of anonymous clerics labeled Ayatollah Khamenei a “dictator” and called for his removal. Sadegh Larijani was appointed new chief of the judiciary. The government released a female French lecturer on bail who was accused of espionage. Bahrain’s Minister of Oil and Gas urged further expansion of business ties between Tehran and Manama.


Ayatollah Khatami called for the indictment of Karroubi for libel against the government. Khatami also called for resistance against European-like reform to clerical leadership. Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan said the Iranian army is capable of producing stealth weapons.


Iran’s envoy to the IAEA asked the UN to hold a conference of 150 countries to vote on a proposal which bans attacks on nuclear installations. Foreign Minister Mottaki warned against an expanded U.S. military presence in Latin America. Former presidential candidate Karroubi urged investigation into prison rape allegations.


Government hardliners pressured for President Ahmadinejad to dismiss his top deputy. Iranian security forces disbanded a PJAK cell in Orumieh. The Iraqi trade delegation arrived in Iran for a three-day business tour.


Mousavi continued to call for legal action to resolve the June 12 election dispute. Mousavi’s wife claimed that her brother was arrested in the election crackdown as a means of coercion. President Ahmadinejad’s cabinet quarreled over his pick for vice president. The Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned western sanctions on its civilian aircraft, arguing that the […]


Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qashqavi condemned attacks on Iranian citizens in Iraq. Clerics led by former president Khatami claimed that Iranians are losing confidence in their government. Secretary of State Clinton announced a potential “defense umbrella” over the Persia Gulf states to deter Iran. Former ambassador Crocker said that three Qods Force members detained by the […]


Iran’s police chief General Esmail Ahmadi-Moqaddam said that law enforcement will “act firmly” to prevent the illegal gatherings that foster “sedition and doubt.” Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi called on Muslims to expose the “tyranny, hegemony and the false claims of certain western countries on human rights.”


The Iranian army arrested 36 officers who planned to attend a prayer sermon by former president Rafsanjani. Supreme Leader Khamenei urged caution in discussion of the political situation in Iran. Former president Khatami called for a referendum on the legitimacy of the elected government. Ali-Asghar Soltanieh said Iran’s nuclear facilities are being continuously examined by […]


Several Iranian UK embassy staffers were released on bail. Former President Rasfanjani claimed the authority to interpret the ideals of the Islamic Republic. Judiciary Chief Shahroudi urged Muslim community to adopt legal and judicial measures regarding the murder of el-Sherbini in Germany.