Author Archives: Austin Knuppe

Iranian nuclear weapons program advances

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad tours an Iranian centrifuge facility. This morning The Times of London ran a lead story reporting that Iran is engaged in testing a key final component of a nuclear bomb. According to “confidential intelligence documents” obtained by The Times, the Islamic Republic is completing work on a uranium deuteride (UD3) initiator-the […]


British intelligence documents revealed that Iran is at the final stage of testing a key nuclear weapons component. Foreign Minister Mottaki said three American students will stand trial. Western officials decried Iran’s amended offer for a nuclear fuel swap.

Reflections on Iran’s post-election violence: A human rights review

Amnesty International recently released a comprehensive report reviewing the numerous human rights abuses by the Iranian regime during the post-election violence last June. The most prominent case of abuse-the death Neda Aghda Soltan-was captured on a camera phone and broadcast worldwide in a matter of minutes, making it a graphic symbol of resistance for the […]


US Defense Secretary Gates announced from Iraq that he expects more sanctions due to Iran’s rejection of IAEA offer. EU leaders called for a “clear response” from Iran on its nuclear proliferation. Iran warned against foreign nations meddling in Yemen’s internal affairs.


Amnesty International released a study on Iranian human rights abuses. Parliament Speaker Larijani claimed the US abducted a missing nuclear scientist in Saudi Arabia. The Russian firm Rosatom announced that the Bushehr nuclear power plant will be finished by next year.


Iran claimed that a new UN station to detect nuclear explosions built near its border is used for spying by the West. Saudi Arabia denied it kidnapped an Iranian nuclear scientist during the Haj. A judiciary official said Iran will “show no mercy” toward opposition protesters.


Tehrani police fired tear gas at protesters during commemoration of student day. US National Security Advisor James Jones said the “clock is ticking” on Iran and its nuclear program.


Iran rejected the IAEA’s transparency demand on new atomic sites. Russian Premier Putin said he has no evidence that Iran is trying to develop a military nuclear program. President Ahmadinejad reiterated support for strong new ties with Brazil.


An Iranian man pleaded guilty to US arms trafficking charges. Tehran rejected allegations that it persuaded Hamas to to get involved in the Yemen conflict. President Ahmadinejad threatened to withdraw government subsidies on consumer goods.


President Ahmadinejad announced that Iran will now enrich uranium to 20 percent. Tehran freed five British sailors whose yacht entered Iranian waters. Government police will provide security during national student day on Dec. 7.

Iran’s fist still clenched

An IRGC Navy fast attack speed boat (near boat). Image from Fars News. Thanksgiving weekend gave President Obama little to be thankful for in terms of the administration’s nuclear negotiations with Iran. Not only did Tehran turn down the offer of sending its nuclear material to Russia for enrichment, but the Iranians also declared a […]


Tehran warned that it will take strong action against five detained British sailors whose yacht entered Iran’s Persian Gulf waters. China announced that more talk, not tougher sanctions are needed to resolve the Iranian nuclear dispute.


A new US intelligence study revealed that Revolutionary Guards Corps will command Iranian naval forces in the Persian Gulf. Russia’s energy minister pledged a quick completion of Iran’s first nuclear power station contracted out to a Russian firm.

Tehran’s orbit widens

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, listens to Omani Foreign Minister Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, left, during their meeting in Tehran, Iran, on July 11, 2009. An unidentified interpreter sits at center. AP Photo by Vahid Salemi. In geopolitics, as in astronomy, world powers have a certain gravitational pull. Some nations have less force, choosing […]


The IAEA announced a second visit to the nuclear site in Qom. In a meeting in South Korea, President Obama warned Tehran of consequences for rejecting the nuclear fuel deal. In a speech to the public in Tabriz, President Ahmadinejad said Iran embraces “constructive” interaction with the world.


Foreign Minister Mottaki suggested a “simultaneous swap” of nuclear material for nuclear fuel. Iran’s chief of staff warned Saudi Arabia over its military offensive against Shiite Yemeni rebels. Tehran sentenced five post-election protesters to death.


An IAEA report suspected that there are additional nuclear facilities hidden in Iran. President Obama warned Iran that there are “consequences” for their lack of cooperation with the IAEA. Iran extended trade cooperation with Tajikistan.


The US and Russia agreed to push Iran on its nuclear program. The IAEA issued its latest report on the status of Iran’s nuclear program. President Ahmadinejad said that his country’s right to nuclear energy is non-negotiable.

Khamenei sanctions new intelligence agency

According to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a Paris-based group comprised of Iranian exiles (and some insiders in Iran), Tehran’s Grand Ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, has sanctioned the creation of a new intelligence organization charged with shielding the regime from domestic uprisings. Hassan Taeb, previously a lead commander of the Basij militia, is […]


Western diplomats said the Qom nuclear plant is seven years old. The US government moved to seize property with ties to Tehran. An Iranian exile group reported the creation of a new domestic intelligence agency created by Khamenei.


President Ahmadinejad vowed to protect the Islamic Republic’s nuclear assets. Iran called on Russia to fulfill a missile sales deal for an S-300 system. A Pakistani Iranian consulate worker was shot in Peshawar, Pakistan.


At the United Nations, the US condemned Iran and accused the country of violating a UN arms embargo by secretly sending weapons to Syria. Israel has released documents that show Iran is linked to the arms shipment. Hundreds of members of the Basij militia called for the extradition of Arash Hejazi, the alleged witness of […]


Ahmadinejad called for “radical changes” in the global economic order based on Islamic principles. Foreign Minister Mottaki called on regional states to avoid interference in Yemen’s internal affairs. Iran accused three US hikers of espionage.


Tehran charged three Americans who crossed the border from Iraq with spying. Iran ignored several back-channel attempts by the IAEA to salvage the nuclear deal. Iran also warned Russia to follow through with the delivery of the S-300 air defense system.

War by proxy: Tehran caught arming terrorists (again)

Iranian-supplied weapons seized on the Karine A. The recent seizure by Israeli commandos of a large weapons cache on board a container ship bound for Syria reveals yet another instance of Tehran’s rash disregard for international law. According to UN Security Council Resolution 1747, it is illegal for the international community to export or engage […]


The IAEA reported that Iranian scientists may have tested components of the nuclear warhead. Mohamed ElBaradei said IAEA inspectors found “nothing to be worried about” at the Qom nuclear site. Japanese and Canadian journalists have been arrested for reporting on the Nov. 4 riots.


Competing protesters took to the streets to commemorate the US embassy takeover 30 years ago. Iranian security forces arrested an Agence France Presse reporter covering Wednesday’s rally. UN nuclear chief Mohamed El Baradei said the goal of Tehran’s nuclear program is to allow the country to be seen as a regional power.


Protesters clashed with government forces on the anniversary of the US embassy takeover in Tehran. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei rejected US offers for further negotiations and said any attempt to negotiate is “naive and perverted.” Littoral states gathered to discuss legal issues surrounding the Caspian Sea.


US Secretary of State Clinton urged Tehran to stick to the IAEA nuclear deal. The US Congress will publish an extensive study on Iranian military power. Kuwait announced its support for Iran’s “peaceful nuclear program.”


Tehran wants the IAEA to form a panel to review the plan to send nuclear fuel abroad. Two allies of opposition leader Karoubi were freed on bail. Iranian police made plans to confront illegal protests on the 30th anniversary of the US embassy seizure.