Turkistan Islamic Party captures Humvee in Afghanistan
The al Qaeda-affiliated Turkistan Islamic Party has released images showing its fighters capturing an American-made Humvee in Afghanistan.
The al Qaeda-affiliated Turkistan Islamic Party has released images showing its fighters capturing an American-made Humvee in Afghanistan.
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The strike is the third this year in the province of Shabwa, which known haven for AQAP and its leadership cadre. A previous attack in Shabwa killed Harith bin Ghazi al Nadhari, one of the jihadist group’s senior ideologues.
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One of the Islamic State’s so-called “provinces” in Libya has claimed responsibility for two suicide attacks in the Libyan town of Qubba earlier today. The group says the attacks were retaliation for the airstrikes carried out in nearby Derna.
Al Qaeda’s branch in Somalia continues to demonstrate that it can penetrate security at the heavily protected areas in the capital and carry out deadly attacks.
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Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s (AQIM) Uqba bin Nafi Battalion has claimed credit for an attack that killed four members of Tunisia’s National Guard. The group remains loyal to AQIM despite some claims that it had defected to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s Islamic State.
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Fighting began when regime forces launched an offensive to cut off rebel supply routes and break the siege of two Shiite towns.
The Taliban continue to exact a heavy toll on poorly armed and trained policemen, who have been thrust into the front line of Afghanistan’s insurgency.
On Feb. 17, the media wing of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), al Malahem Media Foundation, released the latest installment of its video series documenting the group’s attacks, called “From The Battlefield.” This most recent episode features footage of a double suicide attack on the Yemeni military’s First Military Command base in Hadramout […]
The video shows scenes from as far back as December, while some footage appears to be more recent. The release comes as Iraqi forces have reportedly launched an offensive to take back Baiji.
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